Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2196: Fenglong

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Chapter 2196 Feng Long

"Mr. Cheng Feng, what's going on?"

At this point, Wang Genrou, who was caught in front of Cheng Feng, just awoke from the state of Mongolian circles.

Staring at Cheng Feng with big eyes, full of horrified questions.

"Girl Wang, one of my mistakes may have killed both of us."

Cheng Feng apologized: "I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to save you, but it hurt you."

"Harm me?" Wang Qingrou hadn't figured out the situation yet.

But a strong sense of crisis let her know that she was in danger now.

Maybe I'm going to die here.

However, at this critical moment.

There was a flash of light in Cheng Feng's mind, and he suddenly thought of a way.

Huh! One hand grew rapidly and reached the golden giant Yue Heng Chen on the holy paper.

When the palm touched the golden giant Yue, that giant Yue quickly rippled.

"Huh? It worked!"

Cheng Feng's eyes were bright, and the other one became longer, heading towards the golden giant.

"Cheng Feng, are you performing the technique of Seven Kills and Five Elements?"

Nalan's eternal life was well-informed, and he quickly saw Cheng Feng's intention: "Want to metalize the golden giant Yue and integrate with himself?"

"So, take control of that deities?"


Cheng Feng nodded: "Golden Giant Yue is metal, and can be metalized by the Five Elements Kill."

"Once my body turns into the same source as the golden giant Yue, the half-holy paper is the thing in my hand and can be used at will."

As he said, Cheng Feng's brow suddenly frowned.

"No, this golden giant is not metal, but blood, water!"

"I want to assimilate it, I must use the five elements to kill the water."

Golden Giant Yue is a drop of blood of the half-holy, the essence is water.

In this way, it is a big problem for Cheng Feng.

Because of the five elements, Cheng Feng only mastered three types of metalization, soilization and flame.

As for lignification and water quality, they have not learned.

At this time, if you want to make the golden giant Yue water quality, you must learn the means of water quality.

But at one and a half minutes, how could Cheng Feng practice the five elements to kill water quality?

"Can't control that much."

At the critical moment, Cheng Feng's teeth bite: "I am now practicing the five elements to kill water quality, and I hope that I can practice the water quality method before being killed by Long Sheng's head."

After the words fell, Cheng Feng fell into cultivation.

And the outside world, on the brow of the head of the Dragon Saint, a purple figure grimace.

He stared at Cheng Feng, with a vicious look in his eyes.

The next moment, he urged the dragon head and swallowed it to Cheng Feng.

The dragon's head is large, like a hill.

The mouth opened as if to be able to swallow the whole sky.

Cheng Feng had no resistance at all under the swallow of Dragon's mouth, and his body floated up.

Then he fell into the dragon's mouth and was cut into pieces by the sharp dragon teeth in that dragon's mouth.

But at this moment.

The king suddenly stepped forward gently.

Grasp the black gauze wrapped around your body and tear it apart.

Immediately, a slender girl in black stood Tingting beside Cheng Feng.

At the same time, wow ~~~

An icy cold current, centered on Wang Qingrou, spread out to the four sides.

In an instant, the world was cold.

The water vapour condensed into frost and fell down.

As for the point of the cold shock, Long Sheng's mouth was suddenly frozen.

Especially the purple figure in the heart of the dragon's eyebrow was stiffer and unable to move.

Without the purple figure as a cricket, the engulfing of the dragon head stopped immediately.

Cheng Feng's body floating towards the dragon's mouth stopped in the air.

At the same time, Cheng Feng was also attacked by the cold current.

The whole body frosted instantly, and the eyebrows turned white.

This is still Wang Qingrou deliberately avoiding Cheng Feng, otherwise, the consequences will be more serious.

However, Cheng Feng was invaded by the cold current, but his eyes suddenly brightened.

Because the cold current emanating from Wang Qingrou's body is actually the No. 1 real water in the real water list, the holy water for nine days!

This water hits Cheng Feng, letting Cheng Feng move.

Suddenly, the whole person slowly became soft and soft, like a stream of water.

It was at this critical moment that Wutong realized the means of water quality improvement.

"Did you succeed?"

Cheng Feng's eyes were bright, and he reached out to touch the golden giant Yue in the middle of the paper.

Immediately, Cheng Feng's hands melted into it.

This time, directly let Cheng Feng ecstatic.

"Ha ha ha, it is, it is finally!"

When Cheng Feng was happy, he clicked ~~~

The sound of a hard object breaking into my ear suddenly.

Cheng Feng's body froze, turning his head to look at where the sound came from.

Suddenly saw the frozen head of the dragon's brows, the purple figure has recovered.

Flames of hatred and anger erupted in his eyes, and then he controlled Dragon's Skull, breaking the surrounding ice instantly.

The breaking of the ice immediately caused Wang Genou to be back bitten.

The beautiful face turned pale, and Zhu lips kissed, exhaling blood.

"No, the dragon's head is about to break free from the cold."

Cheng Feng held Wang Genrou and sent her a few hundred miles away.

The next moment, the method of hydration of the body was activated.

Wow! Let the whole person directly integrate into the golden giant in the sky.

"A big sea of ​​blood!"

After Cheng Feng merged into the golden giant Yue, he saw the essence of Giant Yue.

It was clearly a golden ocean, and the waves were spectacular!

And he, at this time, has become a part of Wang Yang.

If he wanted to borrow the power of semi-holy paper, he had to assimilate the whole golden ocean.

All "will" were transformed into his thoughts of Cheng Feng.

This may be difficult for others, but it is much simpler for Cheng Feng.

I saw Cheng Feng's divine thought erupted, and that divine thought immediately turned into an invisible tide, spreading to the four sides.

The golden ocean is very large, about a thousand miles wide.

But Cheng Feng's thoughts spread for more than 8,100 miles.

Occupies a large part of the golden ocean directly.

Let Cheng Feng have a clear understanding of the semi-holy paper, as if it were part of his body.

However, the situation was urgent at this time, and there was no time for Cheng Feng to learn more about Semi-Holy Paper.

I saw Cheng Feng's thoughts turning, wow ~~~

Hengchen's half-holy paper in the sky immediately moved.

Rolled down from the sky, rolled up on the head of Dragon Saint.

Roll the dragon's head into a bitch!

"Hoo ~~~"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng exhaled a breath: "Finally sealed the head of Long Sheng!"

"If it's a few seconds later, I'm afraid I'm dead!"

Cheng Feng's words were not exaggerated.

With the power of Longsheng's head, swallowing Cheng Feng is the same as playing.

Moreover, at this moment, the paper of half-holy entanglement covered the head of the dragon god, and it could not make the head of the dragon **** completely quiet.

It's madly pinning and deforming the paper.

Gives a feeling that it will break at any time!

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