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Chapter two thousand two hundred and thirty-five Sweep

Cheng Feng did not stop Li Zixiong's move.

Because some people are really lacking, you and Yan Yuese talk to him, you will only call indifference and cold words.

Li Zixiong's approach will undoubtedly make things a lot easier.

"I'll say it again, I'm sending you the granddaughter of the Yuan family's owner home."

Cheng Feng glanced at Yuan Xing and said faintly: "This girl is the gentle gentleman of the Wang family in Manzhou, mainland China."

"Her mother was married to the land of concubine more than two decades ago."

"You ... now understand?"

"It turned out that you were the 'homeowner'!"

Yuan Xing lay on the ground, panting, "He is out of date, and has been locked into the innermost layer of the star prison by the current owner."

"By the way, there is a crazy woman who has been in prison for more than ten days."

"Gather the rebel in the cellar!"

"Huh? The owner of the Yuan family has changed?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "What the **** is going on? Is the woman who has been here for more than ten days called Yuan Fengmei, why do you call her crazy?

The words of Yuan Xing gave Cheng Feng a bad feeling.

"Hehehe ~~~"

Yuan Xing sneered: "The owner of our Yuan family changed as early as a year ago."

"The former owner was disrespectful, and he wanted to be wrong with his daughter-in-law."

"As a result, the current owner was arrested on the spot, not only abolished the position of the owner, but also locked in the star prison, and never dreamed of returning for life."

"As for the crazy woman ten days ago, she ran into my Yuan family with a dead body."

"Also claiming to be the daughter of an old thing, after hearing about the old thing, she suddenly went crazy and intended to murder the current owner."

"My legs were broken on the spot and he was locked in the star cell."

At this point, Yuan Xing glared at Cheng Feng with a grievous glance: "You daring things are also indispensable. When my master of the Yuan family arrives, all my limbs will be interrupted, thrown into the star prison and died!"

"What? My grandfather ..."

Hearing this news, Wang Qingrou's complexion changed dramatically, and he shook his head again and again: "Impossible, this will never be possible."

"My grandfather is very upright and will never do this kind of thing. They must have framed my grandfather."

"Framed? Hehe ~~~"

Yuan Xing sneered: "The current owner is arrested in bed, can this still be fake?"

"The scene at the time was very fragrant!"

"Yuan Xing, right? You have a lot of nonsense."

Seeing Wang Gen's complexion pale and suffering a huge blow, Cheng Feng's complexion sank.

"This kind of junk stuff is really unsightly."

Li Zixiong was very simple. Seeing Cheng Feng was a little unhappy, he went directly to the next step.

Huh! Stepping on Yuan Xing's head, he stepped his head into the soil on the spot.

There was a close contact between the mouth and the ground, and a large mass of dirt was directly inserted into Yuan Xing's mouth, and he was almost not choked.

"You said just now that you are about to interrupt the limbs of several of us."

Li Zixiong's big feet rubbed on Yuan Xing's head: "That's right, I will help you achieve this wish first!"

After speaking, Li Zixiong shot four feet in a row.

Click ~~ Click ~

Yuan Xing's limbs suffered comminuted fractures.

And Li Zixiong also used a little trick, even if Yuan Xing is proficient in the technique of rebirth of severed limbs.

The disused limbs can't heal, and they are destined to be a disused person!

"Mr. Cheng, my grandpa is not like that."

When Li Zixiong taught Yuan Xing, Wang Qingrou looked sadly at Cheng Feng with a sad face: "Those people must be for the sake of being the head of the family, intentionally framing and slandering."

"And my mother, actually broke her legs and even became a lunatic!"

"Cheng Gongzi, I beg you to save them."

"Only you can save them. If it succeeds, you will be gentle and willing to repay you!"

"Girl Wang, don't be too sad."

Cheng Fengsu said: "Since I have encountered this, I will definitely manage it."

"Give your grandpa and mother a fair deal!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng instructed the blood girl to take care of Wang Genu.

A party of six walked towards the city.

After seeing passersby around, all of them flickered back.

But Cheng Feng was sentenced to death in their hearts!

Because the main city of the Yuan family, but gathered the top forces of the entire Yuan family.

There are more than a dozen people who have reached the ninth strongest level alone.

Among them, there are as many as two of the ninth-ranked top players in the sky.

Cheng Feng they broke into Yuan's main city, and there was no difference between finding death!

咻咻 咻 ~~~

The Yuan family responded very quickly.

As soon as Cheng Feng entered the deputy city, dozens of martial arts breathes in each of the 13 deputy cities.

Like dragons, they rushed towards the direction where Cheng Feng was.

At the same time, in the main urban area, there were more than a hundred strong breaths, allowing the clouds in the sky to disappear.

Exposing the clear sky for thousands of miles, showing the rich heritage of the Yuan family.

"Who is it? How dare you come to my Yuan family to play wild?"

Cheng Feng They are located in the No. 1 Vice City, so the Yuan Jia masters stationed in the No. 1 Vice City came fastest.

In a blink of an eye, they reached Cheng Feng over them.

In the burst of drinking, they must take Cheng Feng down!

However, before they acted, Li Zixiong punched out.

Bang ~~~

The billowing force gushes from the boxer.

Even if only 10 or 20% of the power was used, it was the dozens of masters who killed the powerful one, and they flew away.

That speed and momentum are three points better than when they came.

When he landed on the ground and smashed into a large loft house, no one could get up for a long time.

"What, the intruder is so strong?"

"With just one punch, have all the masters in Vice City No. 1 reached the ground?"

"Who is it sacred?"

Seeing this scary scene, the people and warriors all around were shocked.

Especially in the other twelve waves, the decisive master of the decisive killing, the breath on that body suddenly extinguished.

The next moment, inadvertently stopped.

One by one, looking at Cheng Feng with an unbelievable look, it was like seeing a ghost!

"Hahaha ~~~"

To the horror of everyone, Li Zixiong turned a blind eye.

He laughed and laughed, "You dregs come just right."

"I lamented my stomach in Wanlingmen and had nowhere to vent, just so you guys have to shed fire!"

While talking, Li Zixiong rose up.

The divine power in the body is poured into both fists.

Boom boom ~~~

A dozen punches were thrown at the twelve waves of Yuan masters.

The twelve waves of masters were suddenly struck by lightning.

One after another turned into the rotten wood that was hit by the huge waves, and shot backwards all the way back.


Smashed into a large building and fell to the ground.

The masters of the thirteen deputy cities of the Yuan family were swept away by Li Zixiong overnight!

Stunning eyes!

"Grasp the grass, what do I see?"

"One of the masters of the 13 deputy cities of the Yuan family was swept away by one person?"

"Oh my god, the Yuan family is afraid of a big disaster!"

Seeing this scene, the scene was dead.

Immediately afterwards, the boiling rumbling sounded, almost deafening the ears.

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