Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2236: Yuan Chengzhang

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and thirty-six Yuan Chengzhang

Li Zixiong's attack caused a huge shock to the entire Yuan family.

In fact, Li Zixiong's cultivation is too high, reaching the ninth top of Dengtian.

The entire Yuan family, Dengtian's ninth top master, seems to have only two.

However, the masters of Yuan's home city were not completely shaken.

Hundreds of warriors who had soared into the sky slowly retreated.

The remaining twelve, led by an old man with triangular eyes, flew towards Cheng Feng in their direction.

The martial arts blasted into the sky, like thirteen pillars of skylight.

The breath of perseverance spreads out, letting all the souls within a few hundred miles scream for it.

Feeling the horror inside of the Yuan family.

Because of the thirteen people, all of them are the ninth masters.

The old man with a triangular eye is the ninth top powerhouse in the world!

"That seems to be Yuan Erye, one of the strongest members of the Yuan family."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense. People are now the owner of the Yuan family. Power is in their hands, but no one can talk about it."

"Someone said before that he framed his former homeowner, but he was sent away by him and hanged to the wall alive, very wicked."

"Let's be careful, don't repeat the mistake!"

When I saw the old man with triangular eyes, everyone whispered, but in his eyes he disdain and disdain.

Because everyone knows that the power of the Triangle Eyed man is unknown.

Although the old man with triangular eyes has banned the whole city, everyone knows the truth.

"I don't know where my friends are? Why bother with my Yuan family?"

Yuan Erye strode forward, pretending to be kind: "My Yuan family is a relative of the Wang family, and my husband's granddaughter Xiu Qing, married Wang Xuewen's son two years ago."

"At the same time, the other granddaughter of the old husband also married the young master of the Yang family."

"I also hope that my friends will consider one or two. Don't make any misunderstanding!"

Yuan Erye's words seemed very polite, but in fact they meant to knock and shock.

The words clearly pointed out the background of the Yuan family, warning Cheng Feng that they had better be smart.

If they continue to offend the Yuan family, they will offend the Wang family and the Yang family in disguise.

By then, I can't take it for a walk!

"Old thing, if you want to fart, put it out."

However, will Cheng Feng be scared by him?

Glancing at Li Zixiong a little, Li Zixiong knew what to do.

He opened his throat on the spot and shouted, "I still have my head hidden, and I'm disgusted with people like you!"

"Dash things, how dare you be rude to the owner?"

Li Zixiong's words directly made Yuan Erye's face dark.

The twelve masters of Yuan family behind him met, and one of them immediately jumped out and shouted.


Seeing this, Li Zixiong's face sank: "When I speak, how can you intervene?"

"Go as far as Lao Tzu!"

When the words came to an end, Li Zixiong punched out and went straight to the jumping guy.

"Friend, you are too presumptuous!"

Seeing Li Zixiong so disrespectful, Yuan Erye no longer pretended to be good.

With a flash of cold in his eyes, he was ready to stop Li Zixiong's attack and give Li Zixiong some color to see.

It ’s just that he does n’t wait for him to do it.

A soft whip like a poisonous snake came through the clouds.

That cold energy made Yuan Erya's face change greatly after a long distance.

Quickly drop Li Zixiong to defend against soft whip attacks.

So, oh!

The former Yuanjia master who jumped before was immediately boxed by Li Zixiong.

Blood spurted from his mouth, flying backwards.

One of the Yuan family masters intended to catch the man.

As a result, the strength of the boxing power ran down the man's body and poured into his body.

It was the two of them that flew together.

The Yuan city's main city walls were smashed into a gap, before they collapsed to the ground and couldn't even climb!

With a punch, he actually disabled two Yuan masters!

"My God, there are two top powerhouses in the group."

"One person entangled Yuan Er, and the other was sweeping away at other Yuan masters!"

"Indeed, the ninth-ranked top powerhouse in Dengtian has stood at the peak of Dengtianjing."

"Although there are two such existences in the Yuan family, the other is a cousin of the old homeowner. He is not a bird.

"This time, Yuan Erye is in big trouble!"

Seeing this scene, the people in the city exclaimed, feeling that the Yuan family was in dire straits.

However, some people think that the Yuan family leaned on the Wang family and the Yang family, two major backers, and Cheng Feng and others may not dare to completely offend.

Eventually, the two sides will stop at peace.

At the same time, Yuan Ye was furious.

I did not want to hit Cheng Feng, there were two top-ranked ninth strongest men.

One accidentally suffered a big loss immediately.

"Do you guys know what you are doing?"

After blocking the attack of Yu Hongfei, Yuan Erye shouted loudly: "My two granddaughters are the young talents of the Wang family and the Yang family."

"If you dare to deal with your husband, you are fighting against the Wang family and the Yang family."

"You better think about it, don't make mistakes!"

"Missing Nima!"

However, Li Zixiong yelled on the spot: "Lao Tzu now treats your old thing as a pig."

"I'll take a look. How about your two granddaughters?"

As a result, Li Zixiong directly flew.

Raising the iron fist, he launched a tyrannical model on the masters of the Yuan family.

In a short period of time, the ten masters standing in the air of the Yuan family were beaten into scarecrows.

All fell to the ground, smashing big pits.

Later, Li Zixiong and Yu Hongfei joined forces to launch a siege on Yuan Erye.

After a while, the second elder Yuan defeated him and was beaten up.

I know that if I go on like this, I'm afraid I will be beaten into a pig by Li Zixiong.

So he shouted in the direction of the main city of the Yuan family: "Yuan Chengzhang, when are you watching?"

"Do you really want to watch me, the Yuan family owner, being insulted by an outsider to the ground?"

Yuan Chengyi is another ninth-ranked top player in the Yuan family.

Xiu Wei was trained by himself and was the first master of the Yuan family!

But since Yuan Erye used the method of planting scams to abolish the former homeowner, and after becoming the homeowner himself, he has been unable to retreat, regardless of world affairs.

Previously, Er Ye Yuan was so anxious.

Without Yuan Chenghuan's hard bones against him, he could just hold the entire Yuan family in his hands.

But now he has to ask Yuan Chengzhang for help.

Because at this moment, perhaps only Yuan Chengzhang can turn the tide.

Save him from the siege of Li Zixiong, so as to preserve his face!

"Friends, please raise your hand."

Yuan Erye failed every day, and even Li Zixiong took a slap on the spot and became extremely angry.

At this moment, in the main city of the Yuan family, there was a domineering breath.

Ten out of ten is Yuan Chengyi, the first master of the Yuan family!

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