Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2263: Juggernaut

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and sixty three Sword Master


Although there are only two words, it is as heavy as the sky.

Cheng Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath, only feeling the pressure on his shoulders.

Because the saint is too powerful for Cheng Feng now.

Once you start, there is no death!

"Cheng Feng, this sword mark has been around for tens of thousands of years."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Even if there is a swordsman in Jichuan Bingyuan, it is estimated that he has already left, so don't worry too much!"

"Sword mark? Swordmaster?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng said calmly: "Uncle Nalan, do you say that this big crack is a swordsman, caused by a sword?"

"Well, eight or nine are inseparable from ten."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "If you sense carefully, you should still feel the unique edge of the sword!"

Cheng Feng drew his senses, and noticed that the sharp edge from the crack had the smell of a sword.

"This crack is really formed by the swordsman slash!"

There was a wave in Cheng Feng's mind: "It seems that in the Jichuan Ice Abyss, he has something extraordinary."

"Otherwise, it would not be possible to attract Juggernaut."

"I just hope that Juggernaut has already left, otherwise, it will be a big trouble!"

Juggernaut is the ultimate power of sword enlightenment.

They captured the heavens and the earth, and turned into the will of the Supreme Kendo.

A sword can break the ground, can crack the sea, can break the sky!

There is also a very strong existence among the saints of reincarnation.

Head-to-head confrontation, even killing Saints, is a character that cannot be provoked!

Of course, the sword can also be sanctified.

However, these two saints are very difficult to break through. It is surprising that a sword master can appear in the heavenly prison.

It is estimated that a certain violent character violated the high level of Tiancang God Kingdom and was rounded up by many powers of Tiancang God Kingdom before being captured and put into Tiancang Holy Prison.

Just the heavenly holy prison, I am afraid that there is no birth of the sword priest!

"Cheng Feng, the sword master came here, I guess it is related to Jiutian holy water."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Because of the problem of the holy water of the nine days, the eternal nucleus of the destiny was shattered by a certain extreme existence and scattered to all heavens.

"This Jichuan Bingyuan should happen to have the ninth holy water's destiny eukaryotic fall."

"The swordsman got the news and came here to try his luck."

"But it was estimated that there was no gain, and I returned with disappointment."

Nalan's longevity speculates: "Otherwise, the sword master really starts to attack and the world will be broken."

"A small iceberg is impossible to survive until now!"

"Well, that's true."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Before leaving, Yuan Fengmei mentioned that when she came to Jichuan Bingyuan more than a decade ago, she felt a domineering breath recovering."

"It's probably the eukaryote of some nine days of holy water."

"If I want to find each other, the place where Yuan Fengmei has been will be the key."

"Because she left in Jichuan Bingyuan for a while, Wang Qingrou gave birth to a ray of holy water for nine days."

"This shows that there must be nine days of holy water eukaryote in the place she took."

"Good analysis."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "After you return, you can talk to Yuan Fengmei."

"If you can really find a nine-day holy water's eukaryote, cultivate it to its peak."

"In the future, you will be one of your right and left arms, and the saints will be discouraged!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's heart was also hot.

Then it flew up into the air, overlooking the vast expanse of Jichuan Bingyuan.

I saw Jichuan Bingyuan being so big that I couldn't see the end. Even if Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, he could only see things hundreds of miles away.

No matter how far away, it is disturbed by an invisible force and cannot be seen clearly.

As for divine mind detection, the same is true.

According to normal circumstances, Cheng Feng's thoughts can spread to more than 8,000 miles.

But at this moment, Cheng Feng ’s thoughts spread to seven or eight hundred miles, as if he was trapped in a quagmire.

"There is a certain rule in this polar river ice deep."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Especially over Jichuan Bingyuan, there seems to be a terrifying howling wind blowing, and those who reach the extreme limit of the sky will not dare to break in."

"No wonder the icebergs surrounding the Jichuan Bingyuan are only tens of thousands of meters high, but no one has crossed them."

"Because it passed over, it just happened to be hit by terror."

"Nine out of ten, torn to pieces!"

After a little observation of the situation in Jichuan Bingyuan, Cheng Feng looked into the sky.

Found that the sun had deflected, he did not explore further.

Instead, he walked towards the crack pierced by that swordsman, and bathed in the sharp edge that has not been scattered for thousands of years.

Along the way, a ray of sharpness penetrated Cheng Feng's numerous pores and penetrated into his body.

Cut Cheng Feng's flesh and fascia, blood veins, meridians, internal organs, limbs ...

Let Cheng Feng's body become sharp, sharp and rigid!

Like a knife, the frame is sharpened on the sharpening stone, and a sharp edge is quickly produced!


Knife sounded.

Then a sharp momentum rushed out of Cheng Feng's body.

Velocity changes visible to the naked eye, from the previous third order to the fourth order.

Soon, the momentum reached the fourth stage, but the rally did not stop and continued to grow.

With the sharp edge left by the sword master, it has the taste of breaking through the sky!

"Huh, I didn't expect the sharp edge left by the sword master, can I sharpen the sword?"

Perceived this scene, Cheng Feng's face was full of smiles: "This is an opportunity, maybe I can directly impact the sword to the top of Tier 9!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng actually walked along the crack and walked towards the source of the sword mark.

The source of the sword marks is more intense.

Cheng Feng only walked to the place where he lifted 800 meters, and he couldn't carry it.

The whole body is cut by a knife, creating a feeling of powder and bones!

Cheng Feng frowned and stopped for a while.

All the blades in the body were evoked, accepting the sharp crushing and hammer forging of the sword gas.

In this case, it didn't take long.

Cheng Feng's stance advanced from fourth to fifth.

Then, Cheng Feng stepped back to the source of the sword mark.

As a result, Cheng Feng's sword power was more forged and sharpened by the sword's sharp edge, and continued to become stronger, heading toward the sixth-order sword power.

time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed.

When the sun on the day touched Xishan, Cheng Feng finally walked to the 100-meter mark of the sword.

I saw Cheng Feng at this time, his body was broken, his body was scarred, and his blood was soaked in his skin.

Footsteps on the iceberg, leaving a series of scarlet footprints.

However, Cheng Feng's face was full of smiles.

Because of the sword, under the sharp edge of the sword, sharply reached the seventh level.

If this is to let Cheng Feng do it slowly, it won't be possible without 10 or 8 years.

This means that in less than half a day, Cheng Feng's gain is comparable to the hard work of others for nearly a decade.

Bleed for this, and suffer some pain, worth it!

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