Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2264: Eukaryotic origin

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Chapter Two Two Sixty-Fourth Source Eukaryotic

"Seventh-order swordsmanship, this is still far from the ninth-level peak."

In the crack, Cheng Feng was still thinking: "But now it's too late, I'll go back first, and continue to practice tomorrow."

As soon as it gets dark, a terrible hurricane will blow up in Jichuan Bingyuan, and the temperature will drop tens of times.

The master who climbed to the limit of heaven did not dare to spend the night in Jichuan Bingyuan.

Although Cheng Feng has outstanding strength, he still has to retreat when it is time to retreat.

Besides, Wang Qingrou and the two girls are still waiting outside.

Cheng Feng will be very worried if he does not go out.

"Go back and come back tomorrow."

Seeing that the sun has fallen into a small part of the Xishan Mountain, Cheng Feng no longer delays, retreating from the Sword Mark Rift.

Then he got into the crack and returned all the way.

During the rush, Cheng Feng operated the eight-star **** body, and his injuries soon stopped bleeding and healed, and he recovered as before.

Except for a bit exhausted, his condition is better than ever.

Bang ~~~

At this moment, the sun completely fell into Xishan.

Then, a loud noise rang from inside the Jichuan Bingyuan.

Even if there was a horrible cold wave, it poured into the crack at an alarming rate.

At this point, Cheng Feng had entered the crack for dozens of miles, and his face was slightly changed.

Don't dare to neglect, hurry to show the body's water quality, and run at high speed in the cracks.

But the impact of the cold wave was very fast, and it was behind Cheng Feng.

Click! Click!

The ice skates were smashed into dregs by the cold wave.

Then tumbled by the cold wave, rushed towards Cheng Feng madly.

That unparalleled power made Cheng Feng a little moved.

"Looks, it's time to catch the stars and take the moon step."

The cold tide came fiercely, Cheng Feng simply played catching stars and taking steps.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng became as light as a bird and his speed soared several times.

Although the impact of the cold wave behind it was fast, it could not catch up with Cheng Feng.

Especially as the stamina of the cold wave became smaller, he was gradually left behind by Cheng Feng.

Wait until Cheng Feng breaks out of the crack and arrives outside Jichuan Bingyuan.

Bang ~~~

That cold tide rushed out from the end of the crack, and frosted all around instantly.

The sky suddenly turned into ice blue, and the picture was very magnificent.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of Wang Qingrou's two daughters, but it formed a fright.

The two of them originally stayed at the entrance of the crack, but after dark, when a loud noise came, they felt a strong crisis coming.

So they left the crack entrance and waited for Cheng Feng to appear.

So when he saw, Cheng Feng almost wiped the cold wave and rushed out of the crack entrance.

Wang Qingrou's heartbeat, let alone how strong it is.

In particular, Wang Genrou almost cried.

When Cheng Feng approached, he couldn't help but rush into his arms, which made Cheng Feng a little embarrassed.

Yuan Fengmei saw this scene, gave Wang a gentle look, and turned her head and pretended not to see it.

Leave the space for Cheng Feng and Wang Genrou.

"Mr. Cheng, I was really worried about me."

Wang Qingrou's eyes were filled with tears: "When the sky is getting dark, I am looking forward to you every minute and a second."

"In the end, you couldn't stand up. If it weren't for the mother's obstruction, I would have gone into the crack to find you."

"Sorry to worry you."

Cheng Feng patted Wang Gen's soft back, apologizing: "I found a good place in Jichuan Bingyuan to sharpen my sword."

"Stuck in cultivation, so it's a bit late to return, and it won't happen again next time."

"Did you find it in Jichuan Bingyuan? What did you find?"

Wang Qing's mood calmed down and asked.

"That was a sword mark left by a swordsman."

Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath and said: "The crack in front of our eyes that directly reaches the interior of Jichuan Bingyuan is actually the swordsman who stabbed it with a sword!"

"What? A swordmaster?"

Regarding the sword master, Wang Qingrou's heart did not have too deep a concept.

But since it can be called a "swordmaster", it must be the same level as the saint, and it is beyond imagination.

"That's right, it's Juggernaut."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But the sword sage should have left this place long ago."

"But even so, the sword qi produced by that sword is not trivial and can sharpen my sword."

"I'll go there again tomorrow, maybe I can raise my sword to Tier Nine in one fell swoop."

Sword is the evolution of sword intention.

People who can practice the sword generally have talent in the knife path.

If he can practice the ninth-level blade, then Cheng Fengguang will be able to play against the ninth strongest in the sky.

At this point, Cheng Feng looked towards Yuan Fengmei.

"By the way, Aunt Yuan, where you have been in Jichuan Bingyuan, do you still have an impression now?"

"If you can, please draw a map for me, and I plan to go again."

"Mr. Cheng, are you looking for something?"

Yuan Fengmei groaned slightly, then asked: "Such things should be related to the coldness in the gentle body."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Cheng Feng did not conceal: "As far as I know, the cold air in Girl Wang's body is a high level of real water."

"The origin of this true water should be located in Jichuan Bingyuan."

"When you were pregnant with King Wang more than ten years ago, you probably happened to encounter the source of true water, and a trace of the source of true water penetrated into your body."

"But was absorbed by Girl Wang, and a real water was born inside."

"It turned out to be this way?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's remarks, Yuan Fengmei and Wang gently realized that.

It was all cleared why Wang Qingrou was born cold.

"Cheng Gongzi, can this gentle illness be cured?"

In order to cure Wang Qingrou's body cold, Yuan Fengmei visited countless famous doctors, but all were helpless.

Since Cheng Feng saw the crux of Wang Qingrou's problem, he said that there may not be a cure.

However, Cheng Feng shook his head.

"Aunt Yuan, the true water level in Girl Wang's body is extremely high."

"If I didn't guess wrong, it may be the first water in the real water list for nine days of holy water."

"These true waters are so powerful that they dormant in Wang Wang's body, using it as a hotbed for nurturing herself.

"Unless it is fully grown, leave Wang's body by herself."

"Ordinary people, they can't be expelled at all!"

"What? Nine days of holy water?"

After hearing that, Yuan Fengmei was desperate: "It's over, there is no hope at all!"

For the nine days of holy water, Yuan Fengmei did not know very well.

But since it can be ranked first on the True Water List, it must be very scary.

By their means, I'm afraid there is no hope to rescue Wang Gen.

"Aunt Yuan, in fact, is not completely hopeless."

While Yuan Fengmei was desperate, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "If you can find the true nucleus of the nine-day holy water, you might be able to attract the newborn nine-day holy water in Wang's body."

"After all, when children see their parents, they always want to be reunited."

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