Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2462: Immortal golden body

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Cheng Feng, pay attention."

Sword devil said: "This thousand broad forests are not ordinary, and the monsters are getting stronger and stronger."

"An accident can be life-threatening!"

"Oh, I see."

Cheng Feng nodded.

The blasting beast just reached the intermediate level of the pseudo-grade one.

The combat power is enough to stand on par with the Twelve True Saints in humans.

Because it is a mammal, it lives in thousands of forests all year round and is familiar with the geographical environment.

Assassination is invincible!

After collecting the life essence of the explosive beast, the two Cheng Feng continued on the road.

With alert, I never encountered any danger along the way.

Although several pseudo-level first-class monsters were attacked and killed, they were both killed by Cheng Feng and turned into the energy of the blood prison.

However, the sense of crisis in Cheng Feng's heart has never dissipated.

Instead, it is getting stronger over time.

"Sword demon, something is wrong."

Cheng Feng stopped. "It seems there is something wrong with our path."

"Huh? Any questions?" The sword devil was puzzled.

"Don't you feel it?"

Cheng Feng asked: "It seems we are constantly approaching danger."

"The further you go, the more dangerous it is."

"That's normal."

Sword Demon: "The monsters in the depths of the thousands of forests must be much stronger than the monsters in the outer area."

"Not monsters, but from humans."

However, Cheng Feng shook his head and vetoed: "Be prepared for defense, I feel something is about to happen."

Cheng Feng's voice has just fallen, boom ~~~

A fierce boxing fist appeared out of nowhere, pierced through the void, and headed straight for the sword demon.


Due to Cheng Feng's warning in advance, the sword demon had a wary mind.

Although that fist was so abrupt, the sword demon reacted in time.

Pull the hand on the hilt, 噌 ~~~

A sword light burst out, welcoming the fist.


The boxing force fought with Jianguang, making a harsh roar.

The force of terror exploded, tearing open the lush jungle.

Flowers, trees, insects, birds, and beasts were all smashed into pieces.

Cheng Feng evoked a divine power to protect himself in advance, but was also shaken hundreds of miles by the violent impact.

After stabilizing his body, he hurriedly looked at the position where the fist was coming.

I saw a middle-aged monk staring at the sword demon with a pair of killing eyes.

You don't need to know, this person is the one who punches out the sword demon.

"Are you from Lancang Temple?"

After a fight, the two sword demons did not rush to fight.

They looked at each other with jealous eyes, trying to figure out their odds.

"The third war monk at the Lancang Temple war monk hall, in distress!"

The middle-aged monk didn't hide anything, and spoke frankly about his origin.

"In distress?"

The sword devil's brow raised, "I remember leaving you behind, but now you are in front of me."

"Presumably somehow?"


The monk in distress said: "You have a speeding baby, and I will go through the void."

"Now that you have met, please go with me to Lancang Temple."

"I'm afraid this will disappoint you."

At this time, Cheng Feng interjected: "We were going to Lancang Temple, but we were framed and wanted by your temple.

"If you go to your temple, I'm afraid I'll go back!"


The monk in distress frowned: "Listen to what you mean, did you not kill my disciples in Lancang Temple?"


Cheng Feng whispered: "The 18 monks in Lancang Temple, my friend just subdued them and did not kill them."

"Soon after the two of them left, they heard the news that the 18 people were killed, and my friend was wanted."

"Hehe ~~~"

When he was in trouble, he smiled, and then immediately said, "Except the eighteen disciples? Has anyone else killed?"

"During the hunt, monks intercepted."

Cheng Feng said: "I and I had to kill some people!"

"Since confessing to killing, follow me to Lancang Temple and listen to it."

When he was in trouble, Shen said: "Otherwise, the monk will catch you back!"

"I have already said that we have been framed and it is impossible to follow you to Lancang Temple."

Cheng Feng's voice also became low: "If you insist on forcing, then there is only one battle."

"You better think clearly."

Just ask: "I Lancang Temple is one of the top ten ancient temples in the Southern Region.

"If you capture it, you will save your life."

"Be obsessed with obsession, there is only one way to die!"

"Cheng Feng, stop talking nonsense with this bald donkey."

The voice of the sword demon sounded: "He may be delaying time, waiting for other monks from Lancang Temple to come."

"If he succeeds, we will be very troublesome!"

After all, the sword demon shot flatly.

The sword in his hand stabbed violently, and Xun shot tens of thousands of sword lights, stabbing to the monk in distress.

Cheng Feng was not idle, he took out the Devil Sword, and directly used the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao.

To attract the power of the stars, to fight the monks in distress.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Seeing this, the Buddhist monk in distress slumped.

Both arms were violently violent, producing terrifying power.

Gushing to the fist, Jian Guang and Dao Man stabbed and exploded!

The strength of the monk in distress is very strong, and when converted into martial arts practice, it has definitely reached the level of the Twenty-line True Saints, and even stronger.

The punch he punched was full of explosive power.

They actually blocked the sword light from the sword demon!

However, more than the sword demon attacked him at this moment.

Difficult to block the sword light Jian Jian, has run out of power.

So when the knife light cut by Cheng Feng arrived, he could only watch the knife light and went straight to his face.

Fortunately, the body of the monk in distress suddenly glowed at this moment, just like gold forging.

Hardness has reached a scary level.

Was stabbed by Emperor Cangshu Wanxing Tonghui, and was unharmed.

It was actually a white mark on his bald head!

"Grass holding, this guy's body is so hard?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was taken aback.

Thought the monk in distress, practiced the third floor of Rulai Jinshenju, Rulai Jinshen!

"Cheng Feng, it ’s not Ryulai Jinshou who practiced in distress."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It is a Buddhist martial arts practice. It is estimated that it has reached the Dacheng realm, so it can block the fifth type of slashing of Emperor Cangdao."

"However, although he blocked your attack, it also caused him a lot of expense."

"If he comes a few more times, his practice of martial arts will definitely be broken!"

"That being the case, I'll greet him more than one or two."

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's analysis, Cheng Feng's confidence rose sharply.

Raising a sword to draw down the power of the stars, another record of Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui cut to the distressed monk.

And at the same time, the sword demon also issued a sword.

A high-level sword technique was exhibited, and Jian Guang's piercing was no longer the same direction. Instead, he was assassinated from countless directions, making him invincible.

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