Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2463: Self-explosion

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Cheng Feng and the sword demons joined forces to attack, and the monk in distress was unable to carry it immediately.

Within a few strokes, the sword demon struck the distressed monk's chest.

Jian Feng stabbed in directly, forcibly breaking the martial arts of the monk in distress.

Then Jian Guang burst into the air, and then he was going to open his belly!

"Buddha's fingerprints!"

At the critical moment, the monk in distress made a Buddhist scripture.

A big hand suddenly appeared, and actually caught the sword light coming from the thorn.

The sword devil's fatal blow barely stopped.

However, he blocked the sword demon's attack, but had no time to resist Cheng Feng's attack.

With Cheng Feng splitting across the knife, stabbing ~~~

The light actually entered the body of the monk in distress along the sword hole pierced by the sword demon.

The monk in distress was severely hit in an instant, the internal organs were broken, and the heart burst!

Fortunately, the monk in distress reached a very high level.

The five internal organs were destroyed without harming them at all.

At the same time as being attacked, backhand blasted towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng flew out with a palm of his hand, and the Devil Sword almost came out.

But at the same time, the sword demon's attack came again.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the monk to attack Cheng Feng, Jianguang turned into a flexible beam, and came straight to the wound of the patient.

If the sword light penetrates into the body, the monk in distress will also have to peel off the skin!

"Buddha's bell jar!"

The crisis struck, and the monk in distress hit hard.

Take out a golden ancient bell, and infuse the frenzy into it.

The ancient bell rose in the wind, and Jin Guangcancan covered him in the golden bell.

铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

The sword light stabbed by the sword demon hit Admiralty, but he couldn't break it.

Showed Admiralty, almost perverted defense!

"What is this?"

Cheng Feng flew back from a distance, and saw a bit of a golden bell upside down in the sky.

The sword demon evoked the sword gas attack, but he couldn't help but frowned.

"Cheng Feng, this is probably a Buddhist ritual."

Sword Demon: "This kind of instrument absorbs a lot of Buddhist monks' Buddhist power, and the defense is amazing."

"This monk is hiding in the golden bell, but it is quite troublesome!"

"Sword demon, try to break the golden bell."

Cheng Feng said: "I feel that the master of Lancang Temple is coming quickly."

"We'd better catch this person before the other party arrives."

"There will also be a bargaining chip, one more escape route!"

Lancang Temple has a lot of experts, it is best not to fight with it.

The best option is to capture the distressed monk alive, as a bridge for communication between the two parties, and resolve misunderstandings.

"Okay, then I'll take some time!"

The sword devil nodded.

Immediately evoked his Supreme Kendo will and incorporated it into the sword.

Let Long Jianyu shoot a sharp edge that people dare not look straight at, and then stabbed at Admiralty severely.

"Not good, this guy has developed a half-dominate Kendo will!"

In Admiralty, the face of the monk in distress changed.

Dare not to neglect at all, and urge the Buddha's bell jar defense to the extreme to withstand the stab of the sword demon.

However, after the sword demon fully evoked the will of Kendo, his attack power was too strong.

Hit the Buddha's Admiralty Cover, click ~~~

A sigh appeared in the hit area.

The dense cracks spread out to the four sides, and then exploded.

The monk in distress reacted quickly, and at the moment when Admiralty exploded, he blew away behind him.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng was waiting there.

The long-awaited smashing out of the sword suddenly changed the face of the monk in distress.

Change your mind and run away, but it's too late.

More importantly, the sword stabbed by the sword demon stabbed him after breaking the Buddha's bell jar.

If it is stabbed, at least you can't afford serious injuries.

After weighing the pros and cons, the monk in distress, while simply defending, continued to blast backwards.

Prepare to hit Cheng Feng with a knife, but also to resolve the sword demon's attack.

Because compared to the sword demon's attack is undoubtedly much more dangerous!

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng brewed a knife for a long time, severely chopped on the back of the monk in distress.

A narrow blade was cut out from the back of the monk in distress.

The golden blood splattered, and all saw the broken bones!

However, a smile appeared on the face of the monk in distress.

Because although he was severely hit, he successfully resolved the fierce sword of the sword demon.

Compared to the damage caused by that sword, Cheng Feng's knife is much lighter.

However, Cheng Feng's attack was more than that.

At the time of his sword, he had already urged the spiritual body to use his skill to kill the soul.

The tyrannical spiritual power is like a heavy hammer, and it is fiercely bombarded by the spiritual knowledge of the monk in distress.

Fainted the head of the monk in distress and turned dizzy.

Want to defend, but can't organize.

On the other hand, Cheng Feng, however, was a hundred miles away from the soul, and the spiritual knowledge of the distressed monk was almost scattered.

His eyes were white, and he passed out!

"Hoo ~~~"

Seeing this, Cheng Fengchang breathed out: "Finally defeated this guy!"

The monk in distress deserves to be the third war monk in Lancang Temple.

Under the joint attack of Cheng Feng and the sword demon, he was defeated.

If you change to Cheng Feng, don't mention defeat, I'm afraid I can't even save my life.

"Cheng Feng, time is short."

The sword demon nodded admirably and immediately said: "Hurry up with this monk, we must leave this place as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Cheng Feng nodded.

Then he was going to catch the distressed monk.

In his ear, Nalan's long-lived voice suddenly sounded.

"Cheng Feng, get out of here!"

"This person is extreme and seems to blew himself up with you!"

"What? Explosion?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng was surprised.

Without even thinking about it, he exhibited Rulai Jinshenju.

At the same time, Jiuxing Divine Body was evoked, and a thick divine shield was condensed.

However, these defenses are meaningless to the self-detonation of the last Twenty Saints.

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply and he took out a black shield.

Infused with a divine power, blocking it in front of him.

Then cast a star catcher and step on the moon, and fled away from the distressed monk.

However, Cheng Feng only escaped a dozen miles.

Bang ~~~

Suddenly, the monk ’s body suddenly became golden, and then it burst open.

The force of terror, like a raging wave, surged towards the Quartet.

Suddenly, Qian Kuan Lin appeared a ring of light, sweeping directly over the area of ​​thousands of miles.

Everything that was hit by the ring light, without exception, turned into powder.

In a blink of an eye, a blank area appeared for thousands of miles, so that the entire Qiankuo Forest, as well as the warriors, monsters, etc., all fell into awe.

Outsiders are still like that, Cheng Feng and Sword Demon at the center of the explosion can be imagined.

The two were taken off by thousands of miles directly by the force of terror. I crashed all the way and I don't know how many mountains before I crashed into a mountain range.

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