Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2464: Wanted again

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

The sword demon's response was very rapid. Before the distressed monk blew himself up, he directly combined the sword and shot into the distance.

So it was just a minor injury and it didn't hurt at all.

Fly out of the broken mountain peak, and fly to the direction where Cheng Feng is.

Wow ~~~

A sword stabbed, digging Cheng Feng out of the rubble.


Cheng Feng coughed violently, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, although he was reminded by Nalan Longevity, he made a timely defense.

But the monk in distress is so powerful that he has no resistance at all.

If he hadn't blocked the mystic shield in front of him before the power of the explosion struck, he would be killed alive.

However, despite this, he was also pushed by the explosive force of the mysterious shield, and the impact of the divine shield was broken.

The small half of the shoulder was deformed sharply and the bones were broken.

The five internal organs and the six internal organs were impacted and almost shattered into powder!

Although Xiu reached his realm, physical wounds can be recovered.

But I want to return to the top, there is no adjustment for ten days and a half months, I am afraid it is a bit difficult!

"Just be dead!"

Seeing Cheng Feng still alive, the sword demon was relieved.

After all, his hope of leaving Tiancang Holy Prison lies in Cheng Feng.

If Cheng Feng dies, his only hope will be destroyed!

"Cough, I'm not dead, but it's almost there."

Cheng Feng smiled bitterly: "I really don't understand. How could a monk in distress be so extreme?"

"After being defeated, you blew yourself up?"

The suicide of a monk in distress was indeed unexpected.

What the other person said is also a top character. It is very difficult to cultivate to this step.

However, it seemed that he was not at all concerned when he was in distress, saying that he blew himself up.

It's almost like a child's play!

"Yeah, this person is crazy than me!"

The sword demon also smiled bitterly: "This desperate posture makes me scared."

At this point, the sword demon had some doubts: "No, didn't you get stunned by the monk before the disaster?"

"In a coma, how did that explode?"

When a person is in a coma, all his ability to think and act is in a standstill.

But the monk in distress stimulated Buddha power and detonated himself, which is somewhat unreasonable.

"Perhaps the suicide of the monk in distress was caused by his coma."

Thoughts turned sharply, Cheng Feng suddenly thought of a possibility: "This monk in distress, it is estimated that he has set himself a self-explosion pattern."

"Once you fall into syncope, Dali will detonate by itself."

"The other side blew themselves up, for fear of being hit by accident!"

Cheng Feng's speculation is true.

A monk in distress has always been harsh and will never tolerate his mistakes, causing trouble to Lancang Temple.

So in his own body, he arranged a matrix.

Once you faint and judge that you are in danger, the formation will explode, and end up with the enemy.

"Don't think too much, this person is dead."

Sword of the Devil: "At most, it's just to absorb less of the essence of life!"

"Sword demon, you think too simple."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "The death of the monk in distress has pushed the misunderstanding between us and Lancang Temple to a deeper level."

"In the future, Lancang Temple will chase us, I am afraid it will last forever."

Talking, wow ~~~

A large Buddha light suddenly lighted up above Cheng Feng's head.

The next moment, it turned into a bright sun-emitted letter.

A huge virtual image of Cheng Feng was condensed so that people from thousands of miles can clearly see it.

This is really a wanted order. Lancang Temple issued a wanted order to Cheng Feng through the death of a monk in distress!

The warrant is several times brighter than the sword demon's warrant.

It gives people a feeling of being in the sky and being invisible!


Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face went blank: "Lao Tzu is also wanted, and the reward is scary."

"Once the news spreads, I am afraid that all the soldiers in the southern region will come to kill me!"

"Wipe, this is really lively."

The sword devil's face also became extremely difficult to look at: "You and I are in Nanyu now, I'm afraid I have become a mouse crossing the street."

"Don't mention asking someone for help, it's a problem to be able to leave alive!"

"Perhaps, we should give up the purpose of coming to the Southern Region, and fleeing the Southern Region directly is the best option."

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng took a long breath and felt the same: "Sword Demon, what you said is reasonable."

"Continue to stay in Nanyu, I am afraid there is no death!"

Then, Cheng Feng looked at the sword demon.

Then prepare to cross the Qiankuo forest obliquely and rush out of the southern region from the other side!

Just when Cheng Feng and the two were so calculating.

At the edge of Qiankuo Forest, three middle-aged monks looked into the depths of Qiankuo Forest with red eyes.

"Brother, you're dead!"

A middle-aged monk with a long, narrow scar on his face rebuked: "If I hadn't let him chase down that kendo master, the brother in distress would not have been killed!"

"Brother Rinkong, this matter has nothing to do with you."

A monk on the side of Scarface said: "It was the fault of the Kendo culprit that the slain master was killed."

"Let's catch up and kill that **** so that the brother in distress can walk with peace of mind!"

"Well, the murderer who killed the deceased brother must be severely punished."

In the eyes of the monk Linkong, a cold killing was revealed: "Let's go, the breath of Master Lin's brother is ahead."

"Even if I chase into the restricted area, I will pay the killer!"

After all, one step forward in the air, and disappeared in no time.

The other two met and quickly followed.


"Hey hey ~~~"

At the same time, somewhere in the thousands of forests.

A man who was wrapped in a wide black coat made a cold voice: "This evil plan is a wonderful thing!"

"Now Cheng Feng and the sword demon are both wanted by Lancang Temple, and they are definitely dead."

"I just need to follow them and wait for Cheng Feng to pick up his body after his death.

"It will be very easy to leave Tiancang Holy Prison in the future and win a small fortune!"

Obviously, this man in black is behind the calculation of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng and the Sword Demon were wanted by Lancang Temple because of this person's plan.

And also intends to follow Cheng Feng, pick up Cheng Feng's body.


"Cheng Feng, actually wanted by Lancang Temple?"

Thousands of miles away, in a large temple.

An old monk looked at a letter in his hand and couldn't help wrinkling his brow: "It seems that people outside the region are already in action, and want to kill Cheng Feng!"

"However, Cheng Feng must not die until he completes his mission!"

"Maybe I should go out and walk around, help Cheng Feng clean up the misunderstanding with Lancang Temple." "Otherwise, Cheng Feng will be more fierce!"

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