Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2465: Golden Tiger

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With Cheng Feng wanted by Lancang Temple.

In silence, many people have been informed.

Moreover, this situation will continue to intensify over time.

Once those outside the realm of good fortune, it was learned that Cheng Feng had moved from the northwestern region of Tiancang Sheng prison to the southern region.

The forces that are affected by them will flock.

Cooperate with Lancang Temple to slay Cheng Feng together.

By then, it could be said that there was no death!

For this scene, Cheng Feng did not know.

At this time, he, together with the sword demon, was preparing to escape through the Qiankuo Forest to escape from the southern region.

However, during the oblique crossing of the thousand broad forest, Cheng Feng and the two were attacked several times.

These attacks came from the great demon of Qiankuo Lin.

They are well-informed and understand what the engraved letters floating above the heads of Cheng Feng are.

Therefore, many self-proclaimed powerful monsters, in order to make good Lancang Temple, they actively jumped out to intercept Cheng Feng them.

It is a pity that although the two of Cheng Feng suffered some injuries during the self-explosion just now.

But the combat power has not been reduced much!

Those big demon attacked, without exception, were killed by Cheng Feng and the two by thunder.

The other big monsters were discouraged, and only dared to follow behind the two.

"Huh, the influence of this Lancang Temple is really great!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help sighing: "Even the demons obey the orders and give us a stumbling block."

"Lancang Temple is one of the ten strongest forces in the Southern Region."

The sword demon wasn't surprised: "It's not surprising that it has such a large appeal."

"However, the real demon should still not see the reward offered by Lancang Temple, and it will not be difficult for us."

"Our biggest trouble at the moment is that these monsters will report air."

"Guide the monks of Lancang Temple to hunt us down!"

The sword demon's worry quickly became a reality.

The masters of the war monk church in Lancang Temple, Lingkong, Lingyun and Lingfeng, came straight to Chengfeng under the guidance of the Qiankuolin Demon.

The distance between the two sides is shrinking at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Cheng Feng's face was gloomy, and the pressure was unprecedentedly high.

Not only that, Cheng Feng and the others went into the thousands of forests with great fanfare, but also disturbed the tyrannical existence in the dormant thousands of forests.

In particular, the keepers guarding the Qiankuo Forest Closed Area also noticed the situation.

"Two guys wanted by Lancang Temple are coming to the restricted area."

Thousands of forest, outside the restricted area.

A warrior proficient in pupil technique, Yaoyao saw the two shining characters above Cheng Feng's heads.

"The two are not weak and have a very strong purpose. They must be deterred."

"In case of misconduct, it will be very troublesome to rescue the demon who suppresses in the restricted area!"

Thinking of it, the martial artist took out a emerald flute.

Put it on your mouth and gently blow, a gentle tune spread to the four sides.

The tune of this tune is not high, but it spreads far.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, several giant demon sleeping in the nest heard it.


Make a violent roar.

The next moment, the billowing spirits burst into the air.

Several explosive beasts rushed out of the lair and rushed towards the direction where the two of Cheng Feng were.

"No, there is a big demon rushing at us."

On the way, Cheng Feng felt a strong evil thought coming towards him.

When he looked up, he found that there were four fierce explosive beasts in the depths of Qiankuo Forest, approaching himself quickly.

These four-headed monsters are not simple, they are very fierce in appearance.

It can be seen from the enchantment emanating from the opponent that the weakest combat force can also bear more than a dozen lines of true Saints.

"At this time, there are four pseudo-level monsters, and the weakest one can compete with the fifteen-stroke true saint."

The sword demon's brow frowned: "Cheng Feng, you will continue to fly later, I will solve these four beasts."

"If they are dragged by them and caught up by the monks of Lancang Temple, it will be quite troublesome!"

These four monsters are not much threat to the sword demon.

The main reason was to be entangled and let monks from Lancang Temple catch up.

"Okay, be careful!"

Cheng Feng also knows the seriousness of the problem.

And each of these four monsters is stronger than him.

He stayed not only did not help the sword demon, but also became a burden.

So he greeted the sword demon and turned the moon catcher to the extreme.

Turned into a humanoid arrow and blasted forward.

As for the sword demon, it was the flight direction that rushed to the four explosive beasts.

"Huh, the strength is not enough!"

In the ear came the sound of fighting between the sword demon and the monster, and Cheng Feng shook his head secretly: "Especially the enemies I face are more and more and stronger."

"If Xiuwei doesn't keep up, I'm afraid I might lose my life at any time!"

In fact, Cheng Feng's strength is already very strong.

Ten thousand miles better than people of the same age.

But his birth was destined for a long life, and such strength was far from enough.

However, Cheng Feng now has a hard time trying to improve his strength.

Because his potential has been developed to the extreme, if he wants to take cultivation to a new height, he must first cultivate the undead body.

Let the physical body transform, generate new potential, and reach the realm of three flowers.

By then, a breakthrough will surely skip the semi-sacred realm, and rush into the realm of small fortune, even fortune!

"Three flowers gather the top, this is the extreme state of the heaven!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "Only when I reach the extremes, can I rush into the realm of good fortune, and may even hit Gao Budo!"

"Of course, if the situation is too crisisy, it can only be forcibly broken!"

"After all, there is only one life. If even life is gone, even the vast future is useless!"

Cheng Feng was not stunned, and kept awake at all times.

My heart has already decided that if I am forced into despair, I will no longer pursue the extremes of reaching heaven.

Swallow the fruits of heaven and earth + Qianlongdan directly, and impact the good fortune!

Just thinking about it, roar! !!

A loud roar rushed forward.

The next moment, a golden tiger with a whole body patted Cheng Feng with one claw.

This golden tiger is very strong and its combat power is not inferior to the four monsters before.

I'm afraid it's a group. The soldiers are divided into two ways, and the four monsters attack first.

As for this golden tiger, he hid here to intercept, and just hit Cheng Feng.

"Mysterious shield, stop me!"

As the crisis struck, Cheng Feng remained absolutely calm.

Take the mysterious shield from the soul ring, infused with a divine power, and blocked himself.

boom! The golden tiger's giant claw hit the mystic shield.

Most of the power was absorbed by the mysterious shield, but the remaining power also drove Cheng Fengzhen back a dozen miles.

The impact caused the old injury, which made Cheng Feng's face twisted.

"This beast has a lot of energy!"

Cheng Feng took a deep breath, and massive amounts of heaven and earth vitality poured into the body along his mouth. Water the injured body and stabilize the injury: "It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable!"

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