Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2472: Jedi Counterattack

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"What? This little beast could cut a stronger attack?"

Seeing the big stars flashing in the sky, the three in the air were throbbing.

Looking back at the sword demon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then took the opportunity to launch a raid on the three people in Rinku!

On the other hand, Lin Feng is also a bit scalp.

Although he blocked Cheng Feng's slash just now, the Buddha's hand turned into a Buddha's hand has already been hit hard.

If Cheng Feng comes again, I'm afraid it's fierce!

"No, you can't make this kid a second knife!"

Thoughts turned sharply in his mind, and Lin Feng stood up arrogantly.

The raised hands slammed one by one, banging ~~~

It seems that the sky is falling, and the palm of the Buddha that glows in the sky, one of them rushed over to Cheng Feng!

Once he was hit by the palm of his hand, even if Cheng Feng took out the defense of the mysterious shield, he would be severely hit.

Therefore, Cheng Feng made an immediate decision and waited for more than 3,000 stars to be fully incorporated into the sword of the devil, then chopped off the palm of the hand.

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng's knife only blended about two thousand stars.

The power is a lot weaker than the knife just now, but he still cut the penetrating edge of the big hand that slapped him.

But after the bergamot was cut off, it did not disappear.

Instead, continue to shoot towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng quickly took out the shield of the mysterious shield, and then barely blocked the slapping of the remaining strength of the bergamot.

However, without waiting for Cheng Fengsong to breathe, the second bergamot was already in sight.

Bang ~~~

Hit the Mystic Shield.

Cheng Feng and the mysterious shield entered the mountains together.

Smashed a deep hole and set off a huge mushroom cloud!

"Haha ~~~"

"Master Linfeng killed that kid in black."

"I knew that with the strength of Master Linfeng, I would not lose!"

The situation changed suddenly, and the three of Linkong smiled.

The sword devil's face sank, and he couldn't help speaking.

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

"If it doesn't work, you can use the power of Blood Prison, the goddess!"

The sword demon was scared, afraid that Cheng Feng would be killed.

Because Cheng Feng holds the Blood Prison in his hand, it is his only hope to leave Tiancang Holy Prison.

If Cheng Feng is killed, then his or her only hope will be extinguished.

Or it doesn't make any sense anymore!

"Khekeke ~~~"

Cheng Feng's voice came from the deep pit: "Don't worry, I can't die!"

"As for the monk, I can kill him without the power of Blood Prison!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the sword demon Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately converge and focus on the siege of the three volleys.

On the other side, after Feng Feng knocked down Cheng Feng, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Little thing, fight with me, you're still tender!"

"Next, I'll show you to the Buddha!"

The words stopped, and Lin Feng's body glowed again.

Condensing two big hands of Buddha light, banging ~~~

Violently bombarded the position where Cheng Feng fell.

There were two giant palm prints stacked on that place.

Under such a terrible bombardment, let alone Cheng Feng was hit hard.

Even if it is at its peak, I am afraid it is too fierce!

"Cheng Feng !!"

Seeing this, the sword devil could not help shouting.

As for the dragon lice legion, the giant wolf legion had already been surrounded.

As long as Tianlong Liao Xiaojin breaks through the giant wolf's defense line, the giant wolf can be carried to the dregs.

But when seeing Feng Feng being bombarded by Linfeng, one after another detached from the wolves and killed Linfeng, they must avenge Cheng Feng!

"Hum, good job."

However, Lin Feng did not panic: "I am short of a capable general and surrendering this dragonflies legion will increase my strength by several steps!"

Quiet, Lin Feng took out an emerald gourd.

Wait until the gourd lid is opened, a suction suddenly emerges.

The force was very strong, tearing the broken clouds in the sky and dragging them into the emerald gourd.

The dragon lice legion led by Xiaojin was culling to Linfeng, just at the tip of the wind.

The suction from the Emerald Gourd was, without exception, dragged into the Emerald Gourd.

"Hahahaha ~~~"

After conquering the Dragon Lice Corps, Lin Feng couldn't help falling into ecstasy.

Holding the gourd in both hands, looking closely, it seems as if you are admiring an artwork.

Because with this dragon lice legion, plus his resources.

It will surely make your strength soar. In the future, your position among the defenders will soar and the path ahead will be bright.

However, just before the wind fell into ecstasy.

A black knife suddenly flew from the canopy under his feet, chopped on him with a thunderbolt.

Click ~~~

This knife is very real.

Lin Feng did not take any precautions in advance, and the whole person was cut into two sections on the spot.

"No, that kid in black is not dead!"

"Master Linfeng, defend now!"

At the same time, the second war monk, Lin Kong, noticed that something was wrong, and repelled the sword demon in a single blow, reminding Lin Feng aloud.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng has been cut into two sections by Cheng Feng.

The upper body still held the Emerald Gourd in both hands, and the smile on his face had not disappeared.

But Cheng Feng was not idle, but immediately made up the knife.

Because he knows deeply that after reaching the level of Linfeng, Xiu is very difficult to die.

Even if the body is cut into dozens of pieces, they can be stitched together again and restored as before!

laugh! Cheng Feng stabbed Lin Feng's brows with a stab.

The rudiment of the will of the Supreme Daodao, followed the edge of the knife into the eyebrows of Linfeng.

Twice the spiritual knowledge of Linfeng into a fan powder!

"Asshole, no !!"

Seeing this scene, the three volleys were staring apart.

To exhibit their strongest means, they want to drive back the sword demon, and then kill Cheng Feng to take revenge.

But would the sword demon agree? Directly used Yi Jianshu.

Enrage the three angry Rinkus, and keep them from leaving half a step!

"Huh, I killed Linfeng?"

Standing in front of Lin Feng's body, Cheng Feng was also a bit surprised.

You should know that if Shan Lun is doing it alone, Cheng Feng is far behind Lin Feng.

I was almost killed by Lin Feng just now.

"Cheng Feng, this time you killed Linfeng, mainly because this person is too proud."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "I knocked you down to the ground and added a piece of Buddha's light, I thought it was done."

"I don't know, you performed the technique of seven kills and five elements to kill the body, leaving the pit early."

"Then he couldn't bear it anymore, and when the other side took away the dragon lice army to relax their vigilance, it was hard to hit.

Nalan's words are the key to Cheng Feng's victory.

In order to kill Linfeng, he just resisted the impulse and let Linfeng take away the dragon lice army.

I won at this moment, and rushed to grab the emerald gourd from Linfeng.

Study the emerald gourds carefully, and want to release the dragon lice.

But the emerald gourd was very mysterious. Cheng Feng couldn't find a way to control the emerald gourd.

"Cheng Feng, don't be restless!"

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The Linfeng should see the potential of the dragon lice army, and it is expected to be used for its own use in the emerald gourd." "So the dragon lice stayed in the emerald gourd There will be no danger for the time being. "

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