Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2473: Power of Blood Prison

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"Well, that makes sense."

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

Put away the emerald gourd and prepare to study it after the war.

"Blood beast, kill me that giant wolf!"

After collecting the emerald gourd, Cheng Feng glanced at the battlefield.

It was found that the giant wolf that was facing the wind had fled, so Cheng Feng asked the blood **** beast to chase.

Although the fighting power of the giant wolf is comparable to a true Saint of the Fourteen Patterns.

However, he was besieged by the Dragon Lice Corps just now and has been seriously injured.

With the current ability of the blood **** beast, it should be able to kill it.

Swallow the essence of the opponent's flesh and blood, can also improve your level, the combat power can reach at least ten lines.

嘭 ~~~

While being distracted by Cheng Feng, the body of the monk before the wind suddenly shattered.

Turned into a token and flew to the depths of Qiankuo Lin.

"Not dead?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

Initiate Supreme Will, attach it to the little black knife.

call out! Like a black lightning.

The black sword struck thousands of miles and stabbed the token.

Let the heavy light wrapped around the token dissipate, and the speeding token dropped to the ground.

The black knife issued a suction, attracting the token.

Alas, turn back to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng raised his hand to catch it, glanced slightly, but his face changed greatly.

Because of that token, the word "town" was written.

After the town word, there is a number ‘twenty one’!

"Grass, shouldn't this token be a thing for the keepers of the restricted area?"

Holding the token in hand, Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated.

Because this thing is really important, it involves the defenders.

And the defender, that is the entire Tiancang holy prison, the least group of people.

If you can walk around, you must walk around.

But unfortunately, Cheng Feng seems to have provoked each other.

"This defender token flew out of the monk Linfeng."

Cheng Feng clutched the token and analyzed, "Looking at it like this, Lin Feng is actually a defender?"

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid this person is really a defender."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Look at the vast area of ​​this jungle and the sparse population, it is a good place to suppress the super felons."

"And this person appears abruptly and can control the monsters here."

"Nine out of ten, is a guardian in the restricted area deep in the jungle."

"Grass, shit!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng could not help but explode.

He had thought that killing Linfeng had only offended Lancang Temple.

Unexpectedly, it also provoked a guard in a restricted area.

However, Cheng Feng hasn't been upset for too long.

The Rinkuo three fired at full strength, finally tearing the sword demon's defense.

Let Lin Jun and Lin Yao leave the battlefield and kill Cheng Feng.

"Why, now that people are dead, they don't have to waste time thinking about it!"

Cheng Feng shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Not to mention, Linfeng wants my life."

"Even if he is a defender, the code is correct!"

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng no longer worry.

Looking down at the corpse of the wind, picked up a bone flute, and collected it with the token.

A flash, fled directly into the distance.

Because Lin Jun and Lin Yao are both very strong.

If you fight alone, you can defeat Linfeng.

Before Cheng Feng killed Lin Feng, there was also a lot of luck.

At this time, facing the joint force of the two Lin Jun, it is not an opponent, it is the right way to flash talents early!

"Little thing, where do you run away?"

But Lin Jun did not want to let the process peak.

The two attacked Cheng Feng from left to right, and they were about to kill Cheng Feng here.

Cheng Feng used his stars to catch the moon, but he couldn't get rid of them.

Once caught by the other party, nine out of ten will be killed!

"Hoo ~~~"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng stopped, a flash of killing flashed in his eyes: "I didn't want to do this, but you repeatedly persecuted."

"That being the case, let's die!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng no longer kept his hand.

Take the bleeding ruby ​​plate and infuse a divine power into it.

Hum! The blood red jade plate sent a summoning vibration and entered the void.

Not long after, a section of blood-red mountains suddenly pierced through the void and stopped at Cheng Feng's feet.

Cheng Feng stepped on both feet, his impetuous emotion calmed down.

A strong self-confidence sprang up, looking forward to the two Lin Lin who were following.

"what is that?"

During the pursuit, the two soldiers of the Lin Jun were surprised when they saw the blood-red mountains that appeared out of thin air.

The involuntary feeling in his heart gave rise to a sense of danger.

"That should be a means of life-saving for Cheng Feng."

Lin Yao shook his head and said coldly, "This boy has run out of water and wants to use his hole cards to save his life!"

"Brother Linjun, this is a good time to kill this little thing."

"Let's go together and send this kid to hell!"

The words stopped, Lin Yao took the lead.

A slender ring knife was picked up by it, chopping off a dazzling knife light.

The power is slightly better than Cheng Feng's fifth style of Emperor Cangshu.

The Lin Jun was a little uneasy, but when it came to the end, he was also very courageous, grabbing the black gold iron rod in his hand.

Boom ~~~

In order to sweep thousands of troops, Cheng Feng's head crit.

The attack by these two men was a bit horrible.

With the cooperation of each other, the true sage with fifteen patterns will be killed.

However, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

When the two men's attack was about to approach, they stomped slightly.

Hum! A ray of blood rushed up from the **** mountains, covering Cheng Feng's whole body.

Like a copper wall and an iron wall, they blocked all the attacks of the two soldiers.

Not even half of Cheng Feng's hair was hurt!

"What? How about Cheng Feng, this little animal ..."

Seeing this scene, the two of Lin Jun were stunned.

It never occurred to him that Cheng Feng had resolved this joint attack by using this method.

"Did I dazzle?"

Lin Jun couldn't believe his eyes: "Even Brother Linkong, it's impossible to resolve our joint attack with one lame!"

"How can Cheng Feng Ho De do it?"

Thinking of this, Lin Jun's unbelief once again hit, and the power is three points stronger than just now.

As for Lin Yao, the same is true.

The ring knife radiated a brilliant light in his hand!

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng still didn't take his eyes off.

"In the Tiancang Holy Prison, the secret place of blood prison was really suppressed!"

"The hit just now consumed a lot of energy."

"So, let's make a quick decision!"

After finishing his speech, Cheng Feng raised his hand and opened the Wujin iron rod to Lin Jun.


A heavy blood rushed out of the **** mountains and condensed into a large hand, also grasping the Wujin iron rod.

Not only did the horrible attack power of the Ujin iron rod be resolved, but the Ujin iron rod was also held in his hand.

After pulling hard, Lin Jun flew to Cheng Feng together with Wujin Iron Bar.

"rest in peace!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng stretched out his other hand and nodded on the head of the flying Lin Jun.

Huh! !! A blood hole appeared in Lin Jun's head, and the spiritual knowledge was scattered on the spot!

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