Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2492: Dilemma

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"The defender of the Tiancheng mainland, the competition you want to participate in is an interview with the defender army to select new people."

The old monk said: "What he called you to leave Tiancang Holy Prison is just to make you a pre-selected guardian!"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was silent.

Because after this period of turbulence, he has realized deeply.

How difficult it is to leave from Tiancang Holy Prison.

With the power of the guardians of the Tianchi mainland, it is impossible to send people out of the heavenly prison.

"Old man, even if what you said is true, how can it mean anything?"

After a moment of groaning, Cheng Feng calmed down.

"It's very simple. Tiancang Holy Prison is not a so-called prison."

The old monk uttered an astonishment: "It is a cold-blooded machine that slaughters the warriors and refines the essence of life under the guise of a prison in a plane!"

"What? Tiancang Holy Prison is not a prison for planes?"

Cheng Feng was taken aback, and a stormy sea set off in his heart: "This is impossible!"

"Tian Cang Holy Prison belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven Cang God. As a super power that controls countless worlds and planes, how can it falsify?"

"Hehe ~~~"

The old monk sneered, "What's impossible?"

"Now the Kingdom of Heaven Cang is long rotten, and it often happens for the sake of selfishness."

"Transforming Tiancang Holy Prison into a 'breeding farm' and providing resources for those 'senior officials' is absolutely normal!"

"Also, they can arrange crimes at will and put their respective hatreds in the heavenly prison."

"No one likes this happy event!"

"Old Lao and Gu Yuntian are the two unlucky people who are locked in here."

"But we are not reconciled, and we don't want to die like this.

"So I tried my best to dig up a coffin in which the devil was buried, took the opportunity to break the seal of the restricted area, and escaped from Tiancang Holy Prison."

"I hope you can join in so that you can leave the heavenly holy prison."

"Otherwise, sooner or later, it will become a dry corpse in the Heavenly Prison, and the essence of blood will be drawn away, and it will become a snack on other people's dining tables!"

The words of the old monk made Cheng Feng's heart cold.

He didn't even think about it, Tiancang Holy Prison is not a prison of planes.

It is the senior officials of the Kingdom of God Cang that suppress the aliens.

Although Cheng Feng was very reluctant to believe, a voice in his heart told him that what the old monk said was the fact.

"Mr. Old, your impact on me is a little big."

Cheng Feng exhaled a long time, his emotions could not be calm for a long time.


The old monk nodded: "No one can accept this matter immediately."

"Also, if you have anything you want to know, just ask me."

"As long as I know, I will answer in detail."

"Mr. Old, you said Tiancang Holy Prison is a farm."

Cheng Feng asked: "We are all" pigs "that are being farmed, and they will harvest after they are fattened!"

"Excuse me, how did Tiancang Holy Prison reap us?"

"It's simple."

The old monk said: "natural disaster + man-made disaster!"

"Natural and human calamities?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"You can use Tiancang Holy Prison as a huge container."

The old monk said: "We are all things in the container, the other party just needs to kill us and draw the essence of life."

"And if you want to kill us, just create a few natural disasters."

"Such as a tsunami, a landslide, a ground subsidence ... and so on."

"At the same time, prisoners will be mobilized to kill each other. Ten thousands of years ago, a war broke out in the five areas of Tiancang Holy Prison.

"Hundreds of millions of people were killed and injured in that war, and more than 90% of the people in Tiancang Holy Prison died."

"Until today, I just managed to calm down."

"The warrior who died at that time, the essence of flesh and blood was sucked away by the heavenly holy prison, and condensed into the purest energy between heaven and earth."

"It can be used both for cultivation and for selling things in the heavens and the world, but it is a hard currency!"

"Scourge, man-made disaster ..."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's heart couldn't help but tighten together: "Old gentleman, Tiancang Holy Prison for breeding, you should wait until the" pigs "are fattened."

"The warriors in Tiancang Holy Prison are almost on par with tens of thousands of years ago."

"Does this mean that a new harvest is coming?"


The old monk said: "A new harvest is already in the pipeline and may start at any time."

"And once it starts, we so-called 'big devil' will bear the brunt."

"So we are in a hurry and hope that Xiaofeng Chengfeng can help us."

"Release the existence of the demon monster coffin!"

"This matter ... I need to think again."

Cheng Feng's heart was not calm, but he did not fully believe the old monk.

He didn't want to act recklessly just to listen to what the family said.

Be prepared to perform some verification before implementing the corresponding countermeasures.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, I don't have much time for you and me to wait."

The old monk said eagerly: "Once the senior officials from outside the region have given instructions, the warden of the Heaven Cang Dynasty will start harvesting us."

"It will be too late to plan the layout, and we will all be slaughtered like pigs and dogs!"

"I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But I still need some time to sort out my thoughts."

"After all, releasing the existence of the demon monster coffin is of great importance, and I can't say that letting go.

It is not a trivial matter to release a true demon.

In the event of a problem, the entire heavenly holy prison, and even the entire kingdom of heavenly gods, will be affected.

There are more than a billion people who have died.

It's tens of millions of 'billions', Cheng Feng can't afford it!

"Cheng Feng, you can see that you are a kind person."

The old monk breathed out a long breath: "I don't want to let other people suffer because of myself!"

"But when everyone knew that they were just" pigs "that were raised by humans, they would rather be eaten by the devil than reap by those senior officials."

At this point, the old monk glanced into the depths of Qiankuo Lin: "Cheng Feng, the guardian army in the Yuanyuan restricted area has already dispatched."

"Consider it yourself, we really don't have much time!"

After the words stopped, the old monk turned and left.

In the breath, there was no trace.

Only Cheng Feng was left standing, his eyes couldn't keep blinking.

"Huh, what should I do?"

At this time, Cheng Feng had some suffering.

He wanted to listen to the words of the old monk, let out the real demon in the coffin of the demon demon, and destroy the dirty land.

But on the other side, he was afraid that the old monk would deceive himself.

Letting go of the real demon himself is just to help the other party get out of trouble and brew a disaster that affects the heavens and the world.

He was in a dilemma and didn't know how to choose.

"Cheng Feng, you think too much."

At this moment, Nalan's voice sounded: "There is only one key point in this matter, is the old monk's statement true." "As long as you figure this out, your choice is in your heart!"

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