Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2493: Heibu Town Guard Corps

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Nalan's life was straightforward, and he explained the solution.

As long as the authenticity of the old monk's words is confirmed, the dilemma is no longer difficult.

But the question is, how to confirm the authenticity of the old monk's words?

"The easiest way to do this is to go to the restricted area."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If the Kingdom of God Cang captures the" big demon "and enters the heavenly holy prison, it is really just to extract the essence of life of these" devil heads. "

"In the restricted area, there must be a device that draws the essence of life."

"You walk into the restricted area and the answer is there."

"Walk around the restricted area?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's cheeks could not help but twitched: "Uncle Nalan, you are serious!"

Everyone in the forbidden zone in the heavenly holy prison is detained for at least a small fortune.

In each restricted area, there are super arrays, and there are more defenders in the town, which is solid.

Cheng Feng walked into it, and it was no different from finding death.

"Cheng Feng, this is the fastest way to verify the authenticity of the old monk's words."

Nalan said, "And don't underestimate yourself."

"You, now, are not what they used to be."

"Holding in a **** mystery, the dark wind disaster map has become the most important of the nine undead bodies."

"The combat power is strong, and the perfect semi-sacred can also fight one or two."

"In addition, your martial arts potential has been greatly developed, and it is already possible to swallow elixir again to condense the flower of martial arts."

"Once you reach the state of Sanhua Juding, your strength will be even higher!"

"Walking into the restricted area may not be able to retreat!"

"Uncle Naland, I'm afraid it's more likely that I can't get out."

Cheng Feng groaned for a moment, and suddenly said, "Moreover, I don't seem to need to verify the authenticity of the old monk's words."

"As long as I fill the energy of Blood Prison, I can leave the Heavenly Prison!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

The secret place of blood prison can break the space barrier of Tiancang Holy Prison. Cheng Feng need not worry about staying in Tiancang Holy Prison, it will be harvested by the prison governor of Tiancang.

"Well, this is also true."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "However, the distance of Blood Prison is full of energy, which is almost 20%."

"You want to fill it up, I'm afraid it's not easy."

"What's more, you have been delaying for many days. The gods and monsters coffin trapped in the **** mystery Fu Mo array, I am afraid that they will soon be out of sleep."

"Once the coffin of the monsters and demons breaks out of the trap of the demon magic array, it will be difficult to trap them again.

"Forget it, first find a way to get the approval of the dark sun disaster map and release the sword demon."

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't come up with a sound solution.

Cheng Feng intends to set aside this matter first and rescue the sword demon first.

Although the map of the dark wind disaster has stopped operation at this time, the sword demon is temporarily safe.

But being trapped in it is probably very uncomfortable.

"According to the old monk, the control of the map of the dark winds requires only the power of the Buddha."

Cheng Feng took out the map of the dark wind and murmured, "I have not practiced Buddhism, but I can simulate it."

"With the help of that Buddha's head, it should be enough to collect the map of the dark wind for your own use."

The head of the Buddha mentioned by Cheng Feng was formed by the scabbard of the Buddha wood.

Its body is a Buddhist relic, carved from the trunk of the Kusang Buddha tree, and is a natural treasure.

Since the map of the dark sun disaster can be motivated by the Buddha's power, it must be used by Cheng Feng through the head of the Buddha.

However, the head of the Buddha was placed in the secret place of the blood prison by Cheng Feng, as the front line of Fu Mo Zhen, suppressing the demon monster coffin.

"I haven't observed the situation of the gods and monsters coffin for several days."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "This time I just entered the secret place of blood prison, look at the situation of the coffin of the demon demon."

"But before that, leave here."

"Lest it attract the attention of the watchmen's legion in the Yuanyuan restricted area and cause unnecessary trouble!"

After making up my mind, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng cast his stars to catch the moon, and disappeared in no time.

"Eh? Both sides of the battle are gone."

Not long after Cheng Feng left, several martial artists arrived.

These warriors were strong, but their breath was not leaked.

When he came, there was no sound, just like a transparent person.

It was in the Yuanyuan restricted area that the scouts sent by the watchmen's legion investigated the situation of Cheng Feng's battle with Linnur.

"The two sides of the battle should have nothing to do with the existence in the Yuanyuan restricted area."

Several scouts searched one side of the battlefield and merged together: "One of them is a Lancang Temple monk, and the other is their enemy."

"In this case, this battle should be only a matter of Lancang Temple."

"I'll check with Lancang Temple later. If the situation is true, we don't have to follow the young man in black."

Soon, the Legionnaire's Legion made contact with Lancang Temple.

After learning the specific situation, the scout captain's face sank.

"The kid named Cheng Feng actually killed three guards in our guardian army."

"I didn't look at my Army of Heibuchi Keepers at all!"

The scout captain was a thin, middle-aged man. He swept the remaining four scouts and Shen said, "After receiving the news, the group seat was extremely angry, and ordered five of us to stare at Cheng Feng."

"Soon, the two adults, Black Sword and Blue Sword, will be close and cut off Cheng Feng's head!"

"Titans mighty!"

The four scouts looked fierce.

He shouted a slogan neatly, divided into four, and flew towards the direction where Cheng Feng left.

The scout captain swept the battlefield again and flew towards Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng is fast.

When the scout team analyzed the situation, Cheng Feng was already tens of thousands of miles away.

Cheng Feng originally planned to leave Qiankuo Lin, but he had a glowing slogan on his head.

Leaving Qiankuo Lin, it is more conspicuous.

So after flying about 100,000 miles, he stopped in a mountain.

"After the previous battles, no one should come to me for a while."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I'll stop here first, enter the secret place of blood prison, and release the sword demon from the map of the dark storm.

After making a decision, Cheng Feng took out the blood red jade plate and called the secret place of bleeding prison.

Then he grabbed the map of the dark wind disaster and fell into the blood prison secret.

Blood Prison has a strong ability to heal itself. Before the whole secret, it almost collapsed by Cheng Feng.

But now it is already good, and the flower bird language has been restored.

But Cheng Feng was not in the mood to see the scenery. After entering the secret place of blood prison, he went straight to the Blood Flame Mountain.

Soon, Blood Flame Mountain came into view.

At the same time, a violent impact sound passed into Cheng Feng's ear.

Cheng Feng looked up at the direction from which the sound came, and the lights of the Buddha flickered with the impact.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng knew immediately.

The impact sound must come from Fu Mo Zhen! Sure enough, Cheng Feng flew to the top of the Blood Flame Mountain, and saw the Fu Mo array that sealed the coffin of the demon and demon.

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