Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2494: The demon is alive

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Fu Mo Zhen is not large, built on the top of the Blood Flame Mountain.

A stream of blood poured from the Blood Flame Mountain into the Fu Mo array.

Cooperating with the Buddha's power in the Fu Mo array, suppress the demon monster coffin.

However, there were more cracks in the coffin of the demon demon, and a puff of magic gas leaked out of the coffin.

The coffin of the demon monster was so powerful that the glowing chains that bound the coffin kept making squeaking noises.

Makes the chain unable to keep smaller, and the binding force becomes weaker and weaker.

After being **** by a light-emitting chain, the god-monster coffin could only be suspended in midair and could not move at all.

But now, the glowing chain can no longer control the demon monster coffin.

The coffin swayed violently, constantly hitting Fu Mo Zhen with one corner of the coffin.

Let the defensive light wall around Fu Mo Zhen shake violently and make a loud noise.

The impact sound that Cheng Feng heard just now is the sound made by the demon monster coffin striking the defensive light wall of Fu Mo Zhen!

"It looks like Fu Mo Zhen has weakened a lot!"

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng's expression was dignified: "But the coffin of the gods and monsters has become a lot stronger."

"Following this trend, Fu Mo Zhen will still be trapped for three days!"

Three days, it was too short.

Even if Cheng Feng opens the killing ring and kills frantically, I am afraid that he will not be able to fill the blood prison secret place with full energy.

This forced Cheng Feng to verify the authenticity of the words of the old monk.

If the old monk's statement is true, then Cheng Feng could release the real demon in the coffin of the demon demon.

Although the birth of the true demon would cause huge killings, at least some of the warriors in the heavenly holy prison could survive.

Much better than being slaughtered as a piglet.

If the old monk's words were nonsense, Cheng Fengda could go to any of the top ten ancient temples in Nanyu alone.

Ask the monk to jump on the horse and directly surpass the true demon in the coffin of the demon demon!

Of course, Cheng Feng has another option.

That is to throw the demon monster coffin into the bleeding prison secret place, and then go to another realm to kill the ring to save energy for the blood prison secret place.

Just before the true devil gets out of the trap, leave it full of energy.

However, this kind of thing that kills millions of people for their own sake cannot be done by Cheng Feng!

"let me out!"

At the time when Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated.

Suddenly, the coffin that hit the defensive light wall of Fu Mo Zhen stopped.

A low voice, faint from the coffin, gave a feeling of undeniable!

"there's noise?"

Cheng Feng's body shook suddenly: "It seems that the existence buried in this coffin is really alive!"

Originally Cheng Feng was lucky, the demon in the coffin of the demon demon may have died.

The reason for trying to break the coffin was a stubborn obsession.

But now, Cheng Feng's hope has failed.

The existence of the demon demon coffin is really alive, and Cheng Feng has to let him out.

"let me out!"

When Cheng Feng was shocked, another voice came from the coffin of the demon demon: "Otherwise, die!"

Seeing Cheng Feng not moving for a long time, the existence of the demon monster coffin began to threaten.

If Cheng Feng does not let him go out, he will kill Cheng Feng after he is out of sleep.

"It really is a magic!"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's face sank: "Every time, it takes human life."

"So you stay in the coffin honestly!"

Cheng Feng doesn't like being threatened.

Moreover, even if the existence of the demon monster coffin does not threaten Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng does not intend to release the other party.

"You're dead!"

A murderous voice came from the coffin of the demon demon.

Cheng Feng was far away, and his scalp was a little numb.

But soon, Cheng Feng left this feeling behind.

No matter how strong the existence of the demon monster coffin is, it is now sealed in the coffin. Cheng Feng need not fear him.

"I will first release the sword demon from the map of the dark wind disaster!"

Cheng Feng shook his head and stopped paying attention to the coffin of the demon and demon.

Instead, he took the map of the dark wind in his hand and walked towards the array of eyes of Fu Mo Zhen.

The array of eyes of Fu Mo Zhen is the head of the Buddha formed by the scabbard of the Buddha.

This Buddha's head is not simple. It contains horrible energy.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng failed to surrender it and was unable to use this energy.

However, there is really nothing wrong with urging the Buddha head to do some small things.

Cheng Feng reached the head of the Buddha, reached out and pressed it out of the back of the head.

Om ~~~

Infused with a divine power, the divine power actually mutated and turned into a Buddha power.

Cheng Feng picked up the map of the dark sun disaster and poured that buddha power into it.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng seemed to have entered a new world.

The black sky hangs in the world, and the black wind ravages the entire world.

In the center of the Black Wind, an indifferent middle-aged man sat with a sword.

A sharp sharp body swayed, shaking all the black winds blowing on him.

It is exactly the sword demon!

Huh! The sword demon's response is very sharp.

When Cheng Feng ‘watched’ him, the closed eyes of the sword demon suddenly opened.

Looking at Cheng Feng violently, it was like hundreds of millions of sword-light storms.

It makes Cheng Feng's eyes hurt, almost blinding!

Fortunately, Cheng Feng has the God of Fortune, which resolves most of the attack of Kendo will.

Otherwise, Cheng Feng's eyes will really have problems.

"The swordman's kendo will seem to have strengthened a lot."

Cheng Feng was startled, and a smile appeared on his face: "This is a good thing. I was worried before."

Cheng Feng was still thinking about it before, fearing that the sword demon would be killed by the dark wind disaster.

Now it seems that I still underestimate the sword demon.

"Sword Demon, I'm Cheng Feng!"

"I'm out of sleep, and I'll save you out now!"

After calming his thoughts, Cheng Feng made a sound.

Then, in that dark world, a thunder exploded.

When the sword demon heard it, the killing on his face slowly spread.

The next moment, the dark sky suddenly extended a large hand.

After seeing the sword demon, flying body stood on the tip of one finger of the big hand.

As the big hand did not enter the cloud, the sword demon left the map of the dark wind and appeared next to Fu Mo Zhen.

"Cheng Feng, you actually got rid of the dark storm first."

After getting out of trouble, the sword demon looked to Cheng Feng: "Might you borrow the power of Blood Prison?"

In the view of the sword demon, Cheng Feng's ability to escape from the dark storm must have borrowed the power of Blood Prison.

Because even himself was almost consumed by the dark wind disaster.

Fortunately, his supreme Kendo will break through on the spot, from about 40% of Kendo will, rushed to Bacheng in one breath.

Under these circumstances, it was only after a round of dark storms.

Cheng Feng's strength is much weaker than him. If he did not borrow the power of Blood Prison, he would have died a long time ago.

"Sword demon, you are wrong."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "This time I got out of trouble and did not borrow the power of Blood Prison."

I heard that the sword demon's face was unbelieving.

But when he hit the range peak for a moment, a wave of stormy waves set in his mind.

"Your physical body ..." The sword demon performed a pupil technique and found that Cheng Feng's physical body density was amazing.

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