Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2499: Reach a consensus

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

It was so shocking and unexpected.

The sword demon had originally prepared to rescue Cheng Feng, but this scene appeared.

If it weren't for the sword demon's heart being strong enough, it would probably have exploded!

At this moment I was outside Fu Mo Zhen, and I couldn't return to my heart for a long time.

As for true magic, it's also a bit of Mombi.

He thought he would be able to hit Cheng Feng in one hit.

After absorbing the essence of Cheng Feng's flesh and blood, he broke out of the magic circle and emerged from the trap.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng gave him a great shot!

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

"How can a five-tier magic soldier draw the magic of this seat?"

"Isn't this knife in the hands of a human kid more simple than a copy of the killing knife?"

The spirit of Zhenmayan turned sharply, and the waves in his heart were violently stirred.

The look towards the Devil Sword became weird.

However, the Devil Sword did not respond.

The huge dragon's beak bit the end of the coffin of the demon demon, and it rang out ~~~

Suddenly, a lot of magic gas rushed out along the cracks of the coffin of the demon demon and poured into the dragon's mouth.

Let the demon dragon nourish, it seems more and more terrifying.

As for true magic inflammation, it is the body as if cut by a knife.

His magic power was already low, and his skin was clinging to his bones, and he was thinner than the dead body.

The reason why he can live to this day is only relying on a magic flame inside him.

At this time, the only magic power absorbed by the Devil Dragon was simply killing him.

Once the only magic power in his body is absorbed, the flame will also extinguish.

He lived this demons who did not know how many years existed, and then will be wiped out.

"The magic fetal breath!"

At a critical juncture, Real Demon Yan exhibited a demon power.

Sealing her body's pores, like a fetus in a mother's womb, is isolated from the outside world.

Stop that dragon and absorb your magic.

However, true magic is too weak.

It is the breathing method of war demon fetus, which can't stop the absorption of that dragon.

There was always a fascination of magic that was pulled out of him.

This caused true magic to panic, and the feeling of death was approaching like never before.

Some even regretted it and opened the coffin of the demon demon monster.

If the coffin of the demon demon is intact, the absorption power of the demon dragon will be increased by 10,000 times, and he will never want to **** his half strand of magic!

"Yan, can you trust me now that you can never get out of the coffin of the star core?"

As the true demon trembled, Cheng Feng's voice came: "If you believe it, then we can talk about it."

"What do you want ... how to talk?"

The sudden outbreak of Cheng Feng made Zhenmao Yan realize that the other party could indeed kill himself.

The share in my heart was high and finally fell apart.

Asked about Cheng Feng as a parity existence.

"It's simple."

Cheng Feng said: "I can not kill you, and I can release you."

"But you must agree to the three conditions I mentioned earlier."

"If you agree, we'll be friendly and cooperative."

"If you don't agree, then I can only send you back to Devil's Hometown!"

"Hum, how do I disagree?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, Zhen Mo Yan asked a dull question.

Because Cheng Feng gave him options, although there were two.

But in reality, there is only one option, and that is cooperation.

Otherwise, die!

Zhenyan doesn't want to die, so he can only choose to cooperate.

"It seems you have made your choice."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction and waved a move.

Wow ~~~

The demon dragon entangled on the coffin of the gods and demons soared into the air, turned into the shape of a demon sword, and flew into Cheng Feng's hands.

Cheng Feng took a look and found that after cutting a large number of true magic flames, the Devil Sword seemed to have become stronger.

I feel that with this knife, I can sweep a lot of the true Saints!

"Slayer, very good!"

Cheng Feng nodded with satisfaction, and secretly said: "When you are promoted to the supreme sacred weapon level, the saints in the petty realm can be killed!

When the Devil Slayer reaches the level of the Supreme Holy Artifact, the power will definitely increase sharply.

The possibility of defeating the mini-environment is very high.

However, it is very difficult to cut the magic sword.

Its promotion requires the essence of weapons to be swallowed up, which is estimated to easily crush Cheng Feng!

"Slayer Devil has just entered the top level of the Holy Artifact, and it is too early to be promoted to the Supreme Holy Artifact."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "It is not too late to collect the top weapons."

"As for now, let's get it done!"

Although Zhen Mo Yan agreed to Cheng Feng's conditions, this was just a verbal rhetoric.

Cheng Feng must guarantee the true magic, such as restrictive measures such as issuing a vow of the Cause.

Otherwise, Zhen Mo Yan repented after getting out of trouble, and Cheng Feng was miserable!

"Uncle Naland, what restraint do the demons have?"

Cheng Feng asked in his heart: "Can they be restrained by the oath of the Cause?"


Nalan's longevity shook his head: "The demons have very advanced life forms, and the Holy Word's vows are not binding on them."

"Sacred Word vows have no effect, then things are troublesome."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Without the means to check true magic, then it promised me nothing but a piece of paper."

"Cheng Feng, you can check and balance him by the means of the Demons."

Nalan's eternal life suddenly said: "I vaguely remember that the demons respect the demons."

"Any demons will never break their promise once they take an oath to Mozu!"

"You can make Zhenmayan swear to the demon ancestor and keep his promise after getting out of trouble, which should restrain him!"

"Is the ancestor of the Demon Race?"

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened and he smiled: "Very good, finally I can get rid of the real trouble!"

"True magic, swear."

Cheng Feng looked to Zhen Mo Yan and said with a smile: "Swear to the demon ancestor, and keep the promise after getting out of trouble!"

"Human boy, I remember you."

Zhen Mo Yan originally thought that Cheng Feng didn't know the habits of the demons and was ready to get through.

But as soon as Cheng Feng said this, he immediately knew that he could not escape.

An angry glance swept over Cheng Feng, and he simply made an oath.

"Well, not bad."

Cheng Feng nodded with satisfaction: "I will release you from the Fu Mo array now, but you must not devour the essence of life in this small world."

"Human kid, when did you release me from the coffin of the star core?"

The real magic asked.

He is most concerned about getting rid of the coffin of the star core.

Once he leaves the Coffin of the Star Core, his flesh and blood can be revived.

In a short time, you can return to the top and become a world-famous demon!

"Near future."

Cheng Feng waved to dissolve the amulet and took the head of the Buddha: "I will let you out when I have done some things!"

"Hum, I hope you'll be nice."

The real devil hummed, "I've had enough in this coffin!"

To stop, 咻 ~~~ The true demon urges the coffin of the demon demon to sink into the clouds.

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