Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2500: Miraculous

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"Cheng Feng, you are ..."

Not far away, the sword demon saw this scene in his eyes, his eyes widened.

It never occurred to him that Cheng Feng had seen a few words and subdued a true demon!

"A little trick."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "It mainly relied on my knife. If I rely on my own strength, it is impossible to subdue this old devil!"

"Your knife?"

On hearing that, the sword demon nodded thoughtfully.

The image of the demon sword just turned into a demon dragon, and the picture of enchanting the enchantment in the coffin of the demon and demon is vivid.

In my heart, I took the sword more seriously.

At the same time could not help but unseal a seal inside the body.

bass! A long white sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the sword demon.

The sword demon grabbed the long sword and pointed at the direction where the sword was cut.

Jian Guang shot, as the rising sun rose.

However, with this demeanor for a while, the lifelike faucet lifted slightly and glanced at Xuebai Long Sword.

If the snow-white sword was suddenly struck by lightning, not only did Guanghua lose it, but it shuddered violently.

As if the little white rabbit encountered the big wolf, the sword demon trembled, showing a disappointed wry smile!

Obviously, the snow-white long sword that the sword demon just took out is the one that was enclosed in his body.

He took it out and wanted to compete with the Devil Slayer.

Never thought that the slayer sword only glanced at the snow-white sword, and the snow-white sword shivered.

High and low between the two, at a glance!

"Cheng Feng, are you sure that this magic knife is only fifth-order?"

With a bitter smile, the sword demon asked with some resentment.

"very sure."

Cheng Feng smiled lightly: "But it should be slightly stronger than the weapons of the same rank!"

"..." Upon hearing this, the sword demon was speechless for a while.

"Well, the trouble of the coffin of gods and monsters is temporarily resolved."

A few jokes, Cheng Feng said with a stern look: "Next, it's time for us to solve another trouble."

"What trouble?" Asked the sword demon.

"Energize the Blood Prison."

Cheng Feng said: "Although I decided to release the real magic flame, let him tear open the heavenly holy prison."

"But in order to avoid accidents, the energy of the blood prison is still full."

"In case something goes wrong, we can use Blood Prison to leave directly!"

"Well, agree."

Preventing problems before they occur is the best choice for life.

The sword demon is an old churros, and immediately nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Cheng Feng, what are you going to do?"

"Will you go to Tiancang Holy Prison to kill the war, or ..."

"I can't do anything that harms one's self."

Cheng Feng shook his head and turned his tone: "I have a plan. If I can make a trip, I will soon be able to recharge the blood prison secret place."

"Oh? What plan?"

"Go to the restricted area."

Cheng Fengdao: "If there is a detention in the restricted area, it is the 'cow' that the prisoner of heaven burial draws the essence of life.

"Then if we dive into the restricted area, we can take this essence of life."

"Easy, you can fill the Blood Prison!"

"Go to the restricted area with the spear of life in the sky funeral prison?"

On hearing that, the sword demon horrified: "Cheng Feng, your kid is crazy?"

"Once discovered by the burial warden, we will die in minutes!"

"Then let's not let the warden's warden find out."

Cheng Feng laughed: "We sneak into the restricted area and get enough life essence to come out."

"Is your restricted area your back garden?"

The sword demon's cheek twitched: "You can come in if you want, come out when you think?"

"Sword demon, be calm and restless."

Cheng Feng calmly said: "You first cultivate your sword and promote your cultivation."

"After I've made some preparations, I'll take you to take the Yuanyuan restricted area!"

"You kid ..."

The sword devil cannot calm down.

But Cheng Feng has already stepped aside, sitting cross-legged and devouring energy.

So I can only suppress the thoughts in my heart, and begin to stabilize the practice just broken.

"This time we have solved the trouble of the coffin of the demon monster, and let the sword cut to the top of the sacred weapon. The strength has been soared."

On the top of the Blood Flame Mountain, Cheng Feng pondered: "However, we have to go to the restricted area and the strength is still weak."

"It happened that I became the first of the nine undead bodies, and the potential of martial arts has been greatly developed. I can once again consolidate the flowers of martial arts and improve it.

"I'll go and see the King of Cereal Medicine, if I practiced Yumeng Longmendan."

"Just swallowing one is enough to condense two flowers of martial arts, allowing me to reach the state of three flowers."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng entered the Wanjian diagram.

Upon entering Wanjian, a seductive fragrance passed into Cheng Feng's nostrils.

"Huh? Is it Yuyue Longmen Pill?"

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened, and he hurried to the place where Cereal King Alchemy.

Upon arrival, it was found that the king of grain medicine was spinning around the heaven and earth oven.

From time to time, a divine power is triggered to control the nine different fires in the heaven and earth oven and change different temperatures.

The scent that Cheng Feng asked before came out of the heaven and earth oven.

"Li Yun, Yumen Longmen Dan is about to be refined?"

Cereal King is concentrating on refining alchemy. Cheng Feng didn't bother to ask Li Yun who assisted Cereal King.

"My son."

Seeing Cheng Feng, Li Yun bowed his salute: "Yuyue Longmen Dan is very difficult to make, and the master's refining has failed several times.

"But this time, it is very close to Dan Cheng, and there is great hope for success!"

"Oh? When is it expected to be a panacea?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lighted and asked.

"It shouldn't be too late."

Li Yun groaned and said, "At most one or two disappears, you can see the difference!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for him here."

Cheng Feng decided to wait for Cereal King to refining Dan.

Because his martial arts potential has been greatly developed, but if he wants to condense the flower of martial arts and promote martial arts cultivation, he needs elixir to assist.

If you can absorb the vitality of the world by yourself, every year and a half will not work.

In this case, Cheng Feng needs most of the gods!

"Li Yun, help the alchemical king alchemy well."

After making the decision, Cheng Feng told Li Yun to fly away from the King of Medicine, so as not to disturb the other party.

With a few breaths, Cheng Feng flew a thousand miles away.

Just choose an open space, sit down cross-legged, and take out the emerald gourd to watch.

This emerald gourd is not simple, it contains the essence of near-horror life.

Cheng Feng had thought that if he could get the essence of life out of the gourd, maybe he could fill the blood prison secrets directly.

Unfortunately, the emerald gourd is special.

It seems to be a living creature, which can only be controlled by the method of controlling the beast.

Cheng Feng opened it before, and blasted out a flame, which almost burned Qiankuo Forest.

At this time, while waiting for Cereal King Alchemy's free time, study it carefully.

If you can take the emerald gourd for your own use and control, it will be a treasure in Cheng Feng's hand!

"Uncle Nalan, have you ever seen this emerald gourd." After observing for a long time, I didn't see why, so Cheng Feng asked Nalan Changsheng.

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