Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Wow ~~~

Zhenyanyan's words came to an end, his mouth opened sharply, and he took a hard breath to the five legionaries.

A stream of life rushed out of those defenders.

Twisted together, rushing to Zhen Mo Yan's mouth.

When I was able to pour into the mouth of Zhen Mo Yan, the dry skin of Zhen Mo Yan was suddenly full.

The four palms that he struck out grew even faster.

The next moment, turning to look at Yu Fangtian in the Iron Fortress.

The soles of the feet were stomped hard, 咻 ~~~

Rushing towards the Iron Fortress again.

"No, that devil is here!"

"Group seat, what shall we do? What shall we do !?"

Seeing the real magic that rushed, there was a cry of crying father and mother.

In the face of death, true saint-level martial arts are just like ordinary people, even more vulnerable than ordinary people.

"What are you panicking about, quickly perform your duties and urge the Abyss Matrix to defend the enemy!"

Yu Fangtian's heart was chaotic.

But as a coach, he must not show it.

Otherwise, the entire Yuanyuan restricted area will collapse.

He shouted loudly and let everyone perform their duties, and he clasped his hands together tensely, and then pushed toward the real magic that rushed.

咻咻 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Then, a large black arrow fused.

It was like a torrential rain and blasted away towards true magic.

"Well, you want to use the same method twice?"

However, the true magic flame turned a blind eye.

When the arrow was about to hit himself, he opened his mouth and took a sip.

The **** arrow was swallowed by the true magic.

As soon as the flames in the body were burned, they all turned into spring's clean power, integrated into the body of true magic inflammation, but instead nourishing the true magic inflammation.

Let Zhen Mo Yan's dried flesh plump again!

"Mad, you can't stop it, you can't stop it!"

Seeing this, Yu Fangtian also broke down and shouted: "Quickly inform the Tiancang Dianchang, there is a real demon in Tiancang holy prison. Please come and suppress it!"

Facing the fierce real magic, Yu Fangtian can only count on the prison director of Tiancang.

However, it does not mean that the messenger of the heavens transmits the information.

Bang ~~~

True Magic has once again hit the shield above the Iron Fortress.

Shattered the shroud and made a broken sound.

Especially in the center of the impact, Zhenmao Yan's four hands pierced the shield like blades.

Grasp the sides of the shroud with your palm and tear it hard.

Stabbing ~~~

The indestructible defensive shield was torn open directly.

The next moment, Real Magic entered the Iron Fortress.

"Not good, the demon rips open the defense of the Abyss Matrix."

"He came in, came in !!!"

Seeing the true magic of tearing the shield into the Yuanyuan restricted area, everyone shivered with despair.

Even Yu Fangtian knew that he was dead.

No longer thinking about saving his life, he took out a piece of jade pendant marked by the Heiyuan and crushed it.

"Snack, come here for me!"

As for true magic inflammation, it was a flash of blood in his eyes.

Once on the soles of the feet, 咻 ~~~

Lightning fast, flashing fast around the castle.

The next moment, the watchers were dull, and the broken powder disappeared.

Suddenly the essence of cold life was sucked up by true magic inflammation and turned into a dead bone!

"Human, it's your turn!"

The other defenders in the Iron Fortress were solved, and the true magic flame looked towards Yu Fangtian.

As soon as a dry tongue in his mouth licked, he rushed towards Fangtian.

"Devil, let's die together!"

Yu Fangtian is also a ruthless character. When the real magic rushed in, he actually exploded the 36 sacred lines in his body.

Intent to die with true magic!

"Hum, want to pull me to death?"

However, Real Magic snorted.

Quickly rushed to Yu Fangtian's mouth, his mouth opened, and a black flame spewed from his mouth.

Wow! Only one roll.

Yu Fangtian, who is a grand and semi-sacred grand class, was burned by the flames to make powder!

"Grass, this devil is too cruel."

Outside the iron fortress, the sword demon merged with Cheng Feng, his face could not help but twitched: "The black-faced man, to say the least, is a perfect semi-sacred man, and was actually killed by that devil's head."

"It's cruel."

Cheng Feng was also worried: "Also, this is the weakest moment of the other side."

"Once the swallow of the essence of life is swallowed, it will be repaired and restored. I am afraid that the army of the Heavenly Kingdom of God will not be able to cope with the pressure!"

"Cheng Feng, do you say we did something wrong?"

The Sword Demon regrets: "If this devil is in trouble, then we are afraid to become sinners of the entire human race!"

Although the sword demon is called 'the demon', it is not heartbroken.

He couldn't do anything to destroy the human race.


Cheng Feng frowned: "But we have no choice."

"Furthermore, I have done the backhand and let the true magic swear."

"When he leaves Tiancang Holy Prison, let him return to the demon world immediately!"

"I hope everything goes well!"

The strength of Zhen Mo Yan in the heart of the two Cheng Feng, pressed a boulder.

Stabbing ~~~

At the moment when Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated.

In the iron fortress, true magic has refined the essence of flesh and blood of Yu Fangtian and others, making his dried flesh full again.

Then he flew into the eyes of the Yuanyuan restricted area and uprooted the entire super array.

Let the defensive shield covering the Iron Fortress dissipate!

"The super array defending the Iron Fortress was broken."

Cheng Feng looked at the sword demon and greeted, "Go, and quickly enter the Iron Fortress."

"You must not let the real magic fire, and take away the artificial fruits in the restricted area!"


Cheng Feng flew to the Iron Fortress.

Led by the Emerald Gourd, head straight for the main entrance of the Iron Fortress.

Seeing this scene, the real magic snorted and followed.

"True magic, I have said before that everything here belongs to me, you must not take it indiscriminately."

Seeing that Zhen Mo Yan followed, Cheng Feng immediately vaccinated.

Don't wait to find artificial fruits, Real Magic will rob yourself.

However, Real Magic Yan turned a blind eye, as if she hadn't heard it.

"Cheng Feng, Zhen Mo Yan should have closed his hearing."

The sword demon saw the clue and said, "He knows that he must obey your orders, but if he doesn't 'hear' the order, he naturally doesn't have to obey."

"Grass, this devious thing!"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's face was dark.

I did not expect that Zhenmaoyan was so cunning, and ‘abandoned’ a condition that he had reached with the other party!

"Huh, it's no use closing your hearing."

Cheng Feng secretly murmured: "When the critical moment comes, I will let you obey and obey freely."

In my mind, Cheng Feng and his team had entered the iron fortress.

I saw a thick iron pillar forged inside the iron fortress.

Each of these iron pillars extends deep into the iron fortress, and there is a huge iron ball. Each iron pillar is linked to the iron ball, like an iron hand holding the iron ball, leaving the iron ball in a state of nothing!

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