Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2511: Calculate the true magic

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"That iron ball isn't quite right. It's like a prison."

Cheng Feng frowned: "In that iron ball, I'm afraid a imprisoned being imprisoned!"

"It's a super felon."

The sword devil said: "Only by capturing the super felons of good fortune will they be imprisoned by such means."

"Ordinary cells, can't get stuck at all!"

"Sword Demon, I don't think that big iron ball is too strong for the existence of the creation!"

Cheng Feng is a little puzzled.

He could feel it clearly, the iron pillars and iron **** in front of him were not very strong, and he could completely bombard into slag.

It's almost meaningless to the existence of good fortune!

"Cheng Feng, the role of this iron ball is not here."

The sword demon explained: "If I read correctly, these iron **** are forged from the **** of iron."

"Tian magnetic **** iron can hold the force of the formation method, condensing 10,000 times, or even 10 million times the gravity!"

"Super felons are trapped in it. Tens of millions of times of gravity excite it. The stronger the force inside, the more gravity it will bear!

"A small iron cage is enough to trap the creatures and make it difficult to get out!"

"Tianci God Iron? That's it."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly: "However, now that the formation in the Yuan Yuan penalty zone has been destroyed by true magic, can the super felons trapped in the iron ball be released?

"But he still stays in the iron ball?"

As he was talking, Cheng Feng had a clever move and turned to look at the true magic follower behind him.

I saw a greedy look on Zhen Mo Yan's face, staring fiercely at the iron ball.

You don't need to know, Real Magic is staring at the super felon confined in the iron ball.

The existence of the iron ball, also realized the power of true magic, knowing that running can not run away.

It ’s better to stay in the iron ball and wait for the true magic to come while restoring strength!

"A lot of magic!"

A hoarse voice came from the iron ball: "Are you a master of magic? Aren't you ..."

"Even if you practice the magic of the highest classics, the magic of heaven, to the highest level, it is impossible to have such a strong magic."

"You are a ... the real devil !!"

The owner of this hoarse voice is a super felon confined in the Yuanyuan restricted area.

He sensed the magical energy released by Zhenmaoyan and calculated his true identity.

His face became very ugly!

"Hehe ~~~"

As for true magic, he didn't take the hoarse voice master in his eyes at all.

"Well, a good meal, although it's thinner, can at least ease my hunger a lot!"

The reason why true magic inflammation became what it is today is because of the exhaustion of energy in the body.

For human beings, it can also be regarded as caused by hunger.

Although he has absorbed a lot of the essence of life, it is a fortune to him.

The master who swallows his husky voice can reduce his hunger.

"Well, what about a true demon?"

Among the iron balls, the hoarse voice sounded again: "This seat has captured the heavens and the earth and created the Supreme Body."

"A wicked head may not get to this seat!"

When talking, click ~~~

The iron iron ball imprisoned by him shattered, revealing a small old man measuring one meter and four meters tall.

The limbs of this little old man were covered with a kind of spiked vine. The spikes pierced the little old man's body, and a strand of life essence was flowing among the vines.

At a glance, these vines are things that extract the essence of the little old man's life.

However, at this moment, the essence of life in the vine was flowing into the little old man.

Obviously, they are absorbing the essence of life and supplementing their own consumption.

Let the breath of the little old man grow stronger!

"Super felon!"

Cheng Feng glanced at the little old man and felt that the other party looked like a man of great strength.

Just hit yourself and you have to be hit hard.

"Retreat, let's retreat quickly."

Cheng Feng stepped back quickly, and at the same time greeted the sword demons to retreat at the same time: "The cultivation of this super felon has reached at least a small fortune, which is far from what we can counter."

"Let Zhenmao Yan fight with each other, we can't get in at all."

The sword demon knows this truth and backs up with Cheng Feng.

But at this moment, 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng ran into an invisible wall, making him retreat.

"what happened?"

Cheng Feng was startled, turned his head, and suddenly saw the cold smile of Zhen Mo Yan.

"True magic? What do you want to do?"

This invisible wall is obviously from the hands of true magic.

He stopped Cheng Feng from backing up, and was absolutely uneasy.

"Hey, I don't do anything."

Zhen Mo Yan laughed: "I just help you meet your" friend "and see what he will do for you!"

The friend that Zhen Mo Yan said is a little old man.

Cheng Feng and Zhen Mo Yan entered the forbidden area of ​​Yuanyuan. The little old man must have regarded Cheng Feng as a real party.

If at this moment Cheng Feng comes to the little old man, it's hard not to die!

"Really magic, you asshole!"

Cheng Feng was furious: "You want to kill someone with a knife and murder me?"

Cheng Feng saw that Zhen Mo Yan's purpose for doing this was obviously to use the knife of the little old man to kill Cheng Feng.

Because according to the conditions set by Cheng Feng, Zhen Mo Yan must obey Cheng Feng's order for ten years.

This is really a shame and disgrace to Zhenmao Yan, and it is absolutely unacceptable.

If Cheng Feng is killed by the little old man, then this trouble on Zhenmao Yan's head will be self-defeating!

"Hey ~~~"

True magic is ignored.

Instead, he pushed the invisible wall and pushed Cheng Feng towards the position of the little old man.

"True magic, you're actually breaking your word!"

Cheng Feng was furious and yelled, "You are so shameless, you don't deserve to be a demon!"

True magic closed the hearing, but could see.

Seeing Cheng Feng's mouth shape, he said lightly: "Human boy, I have no words to say."

"You gave orders that I must not take anything from this fort."

"Second, don't kill the three of you."

"I didn't take anything, and I didn't kill you. How can I say that?"

"Just‘ help ’you, reunite with your own family!”

"Really magic, look at me!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng suddenly said, "Open me a closed hearing, right away!"

Cheng Feng's words were sudden, and Zhen Mo Yan didn't care about it at first.

But after looking at Cheng Feng's "mouth shape", his face turned dark.

He was fooled and saw Cheng Feng's mouth shape, which is equivalent to receiving Cheng Feng's order.

At this point I want to turn my head again, it's too late not to look at Cheng Feng's mouth shape!

She was so angry that she was trembling all over her body, her thin fingers clenched tightly together, and a rattling noise of the joints was made.

"Small thing, dare to count on this seat." "You wait, this seat will sooner or later break your body and frustrate you!"

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