Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2518: Meet old monk again

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

what! !!

After Yu Xuanzi tore open the siege of the five monks, he immediately flew out.

Rushed towards the hundreds of monks in the ancient temple and flew over them.

Immediately, a scream came out.

The Buddhist monks who came with the five monks died one by one!

"Damn demon!"

Seeing this scene, the five monks angered and rushed to the crown.

Hurry to join hands and besieged Yu Xuanzi again.

However, Yu Xuanzi did not give the five monks the opportunity to surround themselves again, and shot directly from a position far from the five monks.

At the same time, they also harvested the army of warriors and continued to restore their cultivation.

Following this trend, Yu Xuanzi will become stronger and stronger.

The five monks and kings joined forces to help Yu Xuanzi.

"Let's go, the five monks have Yu Xuanzi dragged on, we should be safe."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was slightly relieved.

Packing up the blood ruby ​​plate, he flew towards the thousands of wide forests.

After the soldiers saw each other, their faces changed, and they dared not intercept.

Soon, Cheng Feng got rid of the military force.

"Go north."

Cheng Feng identified the location and greeted, "We return to the Northwest Territories and pick up some old friends."

"Then, if I had a chance, I went to the restricted area in the Northwest to get some artificial fruits."

"When Zhenmao Yan tears up the Heavenly Prison, we can leave by chaos."

"Cheng Feng, the Blood Prison should be full of energy, right?"

The Sword Demon frowned: "So, why should we wait for the true magic to tear the Heavenly Prison?"

"Isn't it better to leave immediately after receiving your friend?"

"You know, Chi is changing!"

The sword devil is not without reason.

With the release of true magic, the chaos in Tiancang Holy Prison is a foregone conclusion.

If the super felons confined in various restricted areas are also out of trouble, the whole Tiancang Holy Prison will be chaotic.

This is bound to arouse the wrath of those who are in charge of the Heavenly Sacred Prison, sending strong men to suppress them.

At that time, it will be a fairy fight.

Cheng Feng continues to stay in Tiancang Holy Prison, but will only be affected.

Leaving early is his best choice.

"I understand why Chi is changing."

Cheng Feng said, "But I can't leave right away, because outside Tiancang Holy Prison, there are more troubles waiting for me."

"If I immediately start the Blood Prison to escape, in all likelihood I will run into those troubles directly."

"The consequences could be disastrous!"

Nowadays, Cheng Chengfeng's extraterritorial power, I am afraid that everyone knows that he has entered Tiancang Holy Prison.

Cheng Feng's departure from Blood Prison will definitely alarm those powers.

By those people's means, Cheng Feng could not escape.

The safest way is to use the real magic to tear up the Heavenly Prison, and countless prisoners have the opportunity to escape from Heavenly Prison, which is the best insurance.

At that time, people had many eyes and were confused.

Only then did Cheng Feng have the chance to escape from the eyes of the mighty outside the region.

"What? Outside Tiancang Holy Prison, is there more trouble?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, the sword demon had an eggache for a while: "What trouble is that? Is it even more terrifying than the hunting by the Tiancang law enforcement team?"

"More terrible than that."

Cheng Feng replied, and said immediately: "Okay, don't talk about these first, wait until you leave Qiankuolin!"

Cheng Feng did not elaborate on how much trouble he was waiting outside of the domain.

But even so, the sword demon felt great pressure.

"But don't besiege it with great power."

The sword devil whispered: "The good fortune outside the heavenly holy prison is much stronger than the good fortune that has been held for thousands of thousands of years."

"Once you meet, there is no death!"

When Cheng Feng heard the whisper of the sword demon, his body could not help but stiffen.

Because the sword demon's worry came true, and it was more troublesome than he thought!


Cheng Feng's wild kill just now shocked the entire army.

Therefore, Cheng Feng flew away from the Qiankuo Forest, but none of them dare to hunt.

However, outside the thousands of forests, there are many new warriors.

These people did not see the pictures of Cheng Feng's killings. When they found the trace of Cheng Feng, they immediately rushed to kill him.

It's a pity that it's not enough at all.

Before reaching Feng Feng, he was killed on the spot.

In this way, Cheng Feng flew all the way and killed all the way.

When he came to the edge of Qiankuo Lin, at least tens of thousands of soldiers died in his hands.

"Cheng Feng, we are about to leave Qiankuo Lin."

Looking at the gradually sparse woods, the sword devil sighed with relief: "After waiting for a thousand broad forests, we will go all the way north and cross the Qiantu Strait to enter the northwestern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison."

"But before, it seems to have to solve a trouble first!"

As he spoke, the sword demon looked towards a towering mountain ahead.

The alpine trees are lush and look normal.

But if you are proficient in pupillary surgery, you will find that the mountain resembles a person.

A giant sitting cross-legged!

In all likelihood, it is the master who intercepted Cheng Feng.

"Don't worry, it seems like an acquaintance."

The sword devil swayed and was ready to shoot.

At this moment, Cheng Feng suddenly stopped.


The sword devil frowned: "You mean that, turning the body into a warrior of Dayue?"

"Well, it's him." Cheng Feng nodded.

Talking, wow ~~~

The towering mountain suddenly rose, and then quickly became smaller.

The blink of an eye became a burly man.

Under his feet, there were several warriors who were pressed into meatloaf.

Although people are dead, they still exude this powerful breath, obviously all masters!

"Cheng Feng, is this acquaintance?"

Seeing the burly man, the sword devil frowned, "Why haven't I seen this person? Is it your old friend?"

"No, you have seen it."

Cheng Feng said: "That's the old monk who exposed the truth of the heavenly prison."

"Is he? Not like it!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

A burst of laughter came: "I'll change my appearance and you'll know."

With laughter, the burly man strode forward.

During walking, body shape changes dramatically.

The blink of an eye turned into an old monk with a thin face.

It is truly an accomplice of Mozun Gu Yuntian.

"It's a martial art that changes shape, even my eyes have been hidden."

This old monk is well versed in a martial art that changes shape.

He escaped from the restricted area with a hint of divine thought, and took away a talented warrior. After successful cultivation.

In an attempt to escape, he abdicated the abbot of an ancient temple.

Then he changed his form and dressed up as the abbot of the ancient temple. No one saw the clue.

The subtlety of the means is simply amazing!

"Sir, don't come here without any fuss."

Seeing the old monk, Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "I don't know why I stopped here."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, you should already know that what you said before you die is true?" The old monk said: "I am here to ask my friend to do me a favor and rescue him from the restricted area!"

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