Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2519: Wan Bingshu

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"Rescued you from the restricted area?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Old gentleman, this is a bit difficult!"

"Every restricted area in Tiancang Holy Prison is guarded by heavy soldiers, and there is a super large array of defenses."

"I can't do anything by my means!"

Although Cheng Feng has said that his strength has soared, it is also difficult to break the defense of the restricted area and rescue the super felons detained in the restricted area.

Cheng Feng is not so kind-hearted, go and take risks for a person who meets Pingshui!

"Xiao Feng, you are too modest."

The old monk said with a smile: "As far as I know, the Yuan Yuan restricted area has been broken by you, Yu Xuanzi who has been locked up in the restricted area has been released.

"If the little friend can help the old one, the old one will be given a gift!"

"Old gentleman, the super formation in the Yuan Yuan restricted area was broken by that real demon."

Cheng Feng still refused: "Now, the real demon has left, and I'm too diligent to help Mr.!"

"Little friend, as long as you help me get out of trouble."

The old monk gritted his teeth and said directly, "First, the old man is willing to wait for his friend to send a hundred years."

"Second, all the savings before the deceased was detained, I would like to pay them all."

"Finally, a tree of soldiers grew in the Ghost Restricted Zone where I was detained."

"Old man has mastered the method of transplanting this tree, which can help young friends move this tree."

"Man Bingshu?"

After listening to the words of the old monk, Cheng Feng had not spoken yet, but the sword demon exclaimed: "However, in the rumor, can you kill the man of trees that created the giant of the land?"

"It's this tree."

The old monk said, "But if this tree wants to kill the existence of creation, it needs to be fully grown."

"Now the tree has grown to half and can only kill the perfect semi-holy."

"What? A tree that can kill the giants of creation?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was a little moved, and asked, "Is this true?"

"Really!" The old monk nodded.

The sword demon nodded as well, and said, "Cheng Feng, Wan Bingshu is amazing."

"When I was outside the territory, I heard a rumor."

"The existence of a small fortune peak, relying on cultivation to dominate, wants to push horizontally an ancient continent."

"Unexpectedly, a tree of soldiers grew in that continent."

"When there is a killer at the top of the mini-creation realm, 10,000 kinds of weapons are evolved, they are killed, and they hate the scene directly!"

"Actually able to kill the crest and power of the small fortune?"

Cheng Feng was surprised and did not expect Wan Bingshu to be so powerful.

"Not only that."

The Sword Demon added: "After the news that Wan Bingshu killed the peak of the small creatures came out, it caused several puppets of the large creatures."

"One after another rushed to that ancient continent and wanted to conquer the tree of soldiers and become his left arm and right arm."

"As a result, they all came back!"

"What? Why can't even the giants who make up the realm have a million soldiers?"

Cheng Feng was dumbfounded and thoughtful at the same time: "So, the master of the Cang Sheng prison is more than just a man to get artificial fruits!"

"I also cultivate some killing weapons with the extracted essence of life!"

"Little friend guessed pretty well."

The old monk said: "Behind the heavenly sacred prison, the main envoy established the heavenly sacred prison, and cultivated treasures such as Wan Bingshu is the primary purpose."

"The planter is in the fruit, but occasionally."

"In fact, 80% of the essence of life in the southern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison has been transferred to the Nether Forbidden Zone, watering Wan Bingshu."

At this point, the old monk groaned a little and then immediately said: "Even in the other five domains, there is a treasure that is not less powerful than Wan Bingshu."

"Especially in the restricted area of ​​Midland, there are even more valuable treasures!"

"However, the Tiancang prison chief is stationed there all the year round."

"It's so difficult to get it!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng nodded sternly: "The five domains of Tiancang Holy Prison, each of them bred a treasure."

"It's amazing behind the scenes of the Cang Sheng prison."

"If I take Wan Bingshu, it will definitely be a terrible disaster, and I will be hunted down crazy."

"However, I let out the real magic, and I have torn my face with the other person."

"So, it's better to take a risk and get that million soldiers!"

Cheng Feng had a decision and was ready to rescue the old monk's body and seize the tree of soldiers.

Anyway, Zhenmao Yan wants to tear Tiancang Holy Prison, and it takes a lot of time to resume cultivation. Cheng Feng doesn't need to worry too much.

"Sir, I can risk helping you."

After making the decision, Cheng Feng looked to the old monk: "But how can I guarantee that what you said is true?"

"In case you deliberately tricked me to get out of trouble, wouldn't I ..."

"Little friend, rest assured."

The old monk interrupted Cheng Feng's words and laughed: "This object is a lamp with a heart. You can see some pictures in the Nether Forbidden Zone by burning my divine thoughts."

"If there is a tree of soldiers in the Nether Forbidden Zone, you can tell at a glance."

After that, an old lamp appeared in the hand of the old monk.

As the old monk evoked divine thoughts, the oil lamp suddenly turned on.

A picture appears in the area illuminated by the oil lamp.

I saw that it was a dark and deep place, and I could not see my five fingers with my hands, which gave people a feeling of extreme depression.

Even thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng's psychology is very uncomfortable.

Cheng Feng looked up and took a closer look. The picture on the oil lamp turned around and came to a vast space.

Here, there is a root system like a pipe.

These dense roots extend from the darkness and all lead to a place.

That is the center of the vast space, a big tree bearing thousands of weapons.

Liquid in the root system is rushing, all of which enter the body of the tree, nourishing the fruit of the weapons on the tree.

Although it hasn't grown up yet, the breath of cold cutting fell on his head, and the cheek of the person who cut it hurt.

"Uncle Nalan, is that a million soldiers?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked Nalan Changsheng.

"Well, it's Wan Bingshu."

Nalan nodded his head: "But the distance has grown completely, but it is still far behind."

"You need a lot of life essence to nourish, your net worth is not enough!"

"Just one tree."

Cheng Feng laughed: "As for the cultivation of Wan Bingshu, I'll think of a way later."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng looked towards the old monk.

"Mr. Old Man, it is true."

Cheng Feng nodded, then went straight to the topic: "We are all pressed for time, so we have omitted the polite words."

"You tell me the location of the Ghost Forbidden Area, the defense situation, and your origin."

"At the same time, a vow of the Cause is promised to guarantee that after the dilemma is resolved, the three conditions promised to me will be strictly observed.

"Let me help you out of trouble without reservation!"

"This is natural."

The old monk said nothing, and first made a vow of the Cause.

The promise of the Cause of the Word has a great binding effect on the existence of creation. Unless you don't want to live anymore, if you exist in the realm, you will generally obey your own vow of the Cause.

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