Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 253: Flying ants

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Chapter 253 Flying Ants

"Slayer killer?"

Cheng Feng's expression was condensed: "I left the academy for a thousand miles at most. Do they dare to assassinate me as a student within three thousand miles of Qianlong academy!"

"Nothing, it is something that the Temple Killer dare not do. R"

However, Nalan Changsheng said, "As long as someone can afford it, they even dare to assassinate the top ten Qianlong Dragons of Qianlong College, and even the second floor of the College."

"These guys ... are really brave!" Cheng Feng was shocked.

"The killers who kill the temple are not just daring. Each of them has been brutally selected and trained, and their killing skills have reached their peak."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Moreover, they have eight major killers, four major killers, and two major killers. They are extremely powerful. Compared with Qianlong Academy, I am afraid they will not fall in the slightest."

"Of course, if it is not necessary, they will not deliberately offend this behemoth of Qianlong College."

"So you should not be in danger now."

Nalan Changsheng analyzed: "The killer who kills the temple has great patience. They may wait for you to leave Qianlong Academy for three thousand miles before they start to really do anything for you."

"These killers are indeed a big trouble."

Cheng Feng's brows frowned: "However, it is not so easy to want my life."

"In the end who will die first, let's ... wait and see!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng suddenly opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and his vision skyrocketed more than ten times. Immediately, he saw a golden bean ant the size of a soybean, two pairs of transparent wings behind him, and followed closely Yourself.

唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng's eyes locked the golden ant, which directly inspired the third layer of Skyhawk, like a human-shaped arrow, suddenly burst out.

Flying ants, famous for tracking, are fast.

However, it is still a bit worse than Cheng Feng, who used the third level of Skyhawk.

Moreover, Cheng Feng had no sign, suddenly broke out, and caught the flying ant by surprise. The flying ant had no time to respond, and was caught by Cheng Feng.

"This is the so-called flying ant?"

Cheng Feng grasped the flying ants with **** and took a look at them.

It was found that the flying ant had a golden body and a very hard body, especially its wings, which quickly incite, like a pair of blades, which could easily cut human flesh and blood.

"Uncle Nalan, can I use this flying ant to find the killer who controls it?" Cheng Feng asked.

"It's a bit difficult, but it's not without hope."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "The killing of the temple killer is to determine the position of the flying ants through the blood-sucking insects parasitizing in the flying ants, and to track the target."

"The blood polyps are divided into one male and one female, usually dormant in the host's blood, and are not very active."

"But as the two bloodworms approach, they become active, jumping up and down in the host's blood, which makes the host extra irritable."

"Next, you just need to watch the reaction of the flying ants. Once you find that the flying ants have become irritable, it means that the temple killer is approaching you."

"That moment is when you fight back."

After hearing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Because of this method, although the killer who killed the temple can be traced, it is too passive.

It takes Cheng Feng a lot of time to wait for the rabbit.

"Forget it, I'll keep on my way."

Cheng Feng fluttered to Xiao Hei's back, staring at the flying ant in his hand, and said coldly: "As for the killer who kills the temple, as long as he dares to come, I will let him come back."

At this time, Cheng Feng had caught the flying ants.

The killer who kills the temple, as long as he still wants to complete the task, will naturally come to his door.

At that time, Cheng Feng had already known the other party's arrival in advance through the status of the flying ants, and he would definitely give him an unforgettable lesson!

Therefore, Cheng Feng condensed a transparent vitality cover, filled the flying ants into it, urged Xiao Hei, and continued to fly towards the Sword Sword Valley.

In summer days, change is said to change.

Cheng Feng took Xiaohei for about three hours and arrived in a mountainous area more than 4,000 miles away from Qianlong Academy.

The clear sky was suddenly overcast with clouds.

Rumbling ~~~

Within a few moments, Heiyun writhed and pressed down, accompanied by a thunderous thunder, making Xiao Hei momentarily tense, and a sound of eagle cry.

"Xiao Hei, let's take a rest here and wait for the storm to pass before we leave."

Seeing that Xiao Hei didn't like thunderstorms, Cheng Feng let Xiao Hei land on a mountain peak.


At this time, the wind screamed, and the entire mountain peak was blowing sand and rocks.

During the period, there was a thunderbolt across Tianyu, bombarding a large tree embracing dozens of people on the top of the mountain, and instantly blasting it into a black powder.

Looking at the power of this nature, little black eyes were full of fear.

Cheng Feng's heart was also full of shock, but in the shock, his mind flashed: "Thunderbolt? Nine days of thunder ... the Thunder God Stone!"

Suddenly, he remembered the inferior thunderstone he bought at the Tianxuan auction, and spent five million yuan on the top stone.

That **** stone, Cheng Feng, bought the nine-day Thunder to practice the practice of purifying the thunder.

At this moment, the thunderous thunder in the sky is not the time to store the nine-day thunder?

Although on the stage of Tian Xuan's life and death, Cheng Feng has become the first layer of Zi Lei's refining tactics by absorbing Wang Bowen's ‘killing thunder sword’.

However, the second layer of the purple thunder refining method also requires nine days of lightning to practice, and it is still a second-class lightning with a higher level than the empty sun red thunder, Mingyang orange thunder.

And the inferior thunderstone that Cheng Feng bought can not only store the empty sun red thunder, but also the Mingyang orange thunder.

Therefore, Cheng Feng opened the soul ring and took out the inferior thunder stone.

Then he patted Xiao Hei's head, letting it hide in a crack in a mountain body, then performed the Skyhawk aspect, and flew forward to a sky giant tree.

Cheng Feng looked up at the big tree and found that it was very large, and the crown was almost reaching the clouds.

This tree is most vulnerable to lightning strikes.

So without further ado, he placed the inferior thunder stone on top of a huge stone near the towering giant tree.

Huh! Then, Cheng Feng turned and ran, quickly away from the towering giant tree.

Cheng Feng's luck was very good, just after he left the towering tree for a while.

Hack! A thunderbolt smashed the entire sky, and also hit the crown of the towering tree.

Om ~~~

Suddenly, the towering tree, a few hundred meters high, immediately turned into a torch, lighting the entire mountain like a day.

As for the block of thunderstone placed above the huge stone at the foot of the towering tree.

At the moment when the thunder and lightning knife smashed the towering tree, it was like a giant whale without a mouth, and the power of the thunder and lightning hitting the tree was all sucked into his body.

Let slap-sized stones explode like the night pearl, very dazzling! .


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