Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 254: Vampire Maniac

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Chapter 254 The Vampire Madness


Standing at a distance of 1,000 kilometers, Cheng Feng saw the dazzling light of the Thunder God Stone burst, and couldn't help showing joy in his eyes.

"Look at it." After about ten minutes passed.

When the power of thunder and lightning was completely dissipated, Cheng Feng turned back.

When he returned to the towering giant tree, his eyes could not help shrinking, and his scalp began to tingle.

Because after being bombarded by lightning, it was a bit horrible there. Not only was the entire ground opened with a huge opening, but even the huge granite containing thunderstones was also torn apart by lightning.

However, this kind of horrible thunder and lightning did not cause any damage to the minestone.

When Cheng Feng found the inferior thunder stone from a pile of rubble.

I saw that the Thunder God Stone was completely different from the previous one. The entire God Stone, a transparent orange-red thunderbolt shuttled through it, giving people an unspeakable oppression.

"Successful, this low-level Thunder God Stone has been filled with second-class lightning, Mingyang Orange Thunder."

Looking at the orange-red stone in his hand, Cheng Feng's eyes were full of joy: "Next, I started to practice the second layer of Zi Lei's refining formula. When I practice Zi Lei's refining to a small level, I can practice Thunder Cannon Boxing. . "

Thunder cannon boxing is a god-level top boxing martial art.

This martial art is most suitable for the practice of the Lei Wu soul owner, and he will soon be able to cultivate to the Dacheng realm.

The average person, although they can practice, is as slow as a snail.

Just like Zhang Kai, the previous owner of Thunder Cannon Boxing, he practiced for two or three years before he reached the third level.

If this is to be a Lei Wu soul owner, I'm afraid that it will be done a long time ago.

The reason why Cheng Feng spends so much effort to practice the practice of purifying the thunder is that once the practice of purifying the thunder has reached the third level, it is equivalent to owning the first-class Lei Wu soul, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of practicing thunder cannon boxing. .

At the same time, Cheng Feng can also have a purple thunder body, and any attack will bring its own thunder and lightning, just like the possession of a thunder god!

"Get out of here first. There are so many trees here that it's easy to call a lightning strike and it's very dangerous."

Cheng Feng suppressed the joy in his heart, quickly left, and came to the huge mountain crack where Xiao Hei was hiding.

However, at this time, the wind was gradually reduced, and the pouring rain poured down.

After a while, the rain gathered and formed a torrent, which fell down from the crack in the mountain where Xiao He was hiding, forcing Xiao Hei and Cheng Feng, and had to leave, exposed to the storm.

"Mad, what the **** is this!"

Cheng Feng held up the vitality shield to block the storm.

But Xiao Hei's body was so huge that he couldn't avoid the rain at all, and he was soaked into a soup chicken in no time. Where is there any majesty once? Become pathetic.

"Let's go, I remember not far away, there is a small town, let's go there to avoid the rain."

Cheng Feng couldn't bear to see Xiao Hei so miserable, so he took Xiao Hei down to the mountain.

After about half a column of incense, Cheng Feng, one person and one eagle, came to a small town. When he knocked on the door of a hunter's house and gave him dozens of silver, the hunter's owner welcomed Cheng Feng warmly into the house.

As for Xiao Hei, he was taken to a pavilion to avoid the rain.

Because it is too large to enter the Orion family.

In a simple rough room, after Cheng Feng settled in Xiaohei, he took out the minestone filled with Mingyang orange thunder, and began to practice the second layer of purple thunder.

The so-called purple thunder refining is to use the nine-day thunder as a special method to practice into the body of a warrior, so as to achieve the purpose of changing physical fitness.

Nine days of Thunder, divided into seven classes.

First-class lightning is the weakest, and seventh-class lightning is the strongest.

What Cheng Feng has to do at this time is to slowly put the second-class Thunder 'Mingyang Orange Thunder' into his body.

Beep beep ~~~

With the absorption of the thunder and lightning in the Thunder God Stone, Cheng Feng was drowned by the orange-red light.

The powerful thunder and lightning force shuttled his body up and down, making his face convulsable, even a strong-willed person like Cheng Feng could not help but make a sigh.

"Master, are you okay?" Outside the house, the Orion master heard the movement inside the house and thought that something had happened to Cheng Feng, and eagerly asked.

"I ... it's okay." Cheng Feng opened his mouth to answer, but thunder and lightning squirted directly from his mouth.

"Really okay?" The Orion master was not assured.

"It's okay, you can go."

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the Orion master shook his head and walked away.

As for Cheng Feng, his cultivation has just begun, and he continues to endure the damage of Mingyang Orange Thunder.

In this way, after more than an hour has passed.


The piece of thunderstone in Cheng Feng's hand cracked openly and turned into a ball of powder.

It turned out to be the Mingyang Orange Thunder in Yunlei God Stone, which had been completely absorbed by Cheng Feng and practiced into the body.

"Hoo ~~~"

"Cultivation of Purple Thunder Refining Techniques has finally come to an end."

Cheng Feng rubbed a bit of a stiff face: "After this practice, although I couldn't practice the second layer of Zilei Refining Technique in one fell swoop, but I have already laid a solid foundation. Next time, I only need to If you practice, you can become the second layer. "

At this time, Cheng Feng's whole body was still shining with orange light.

As for the clothes on his entire body, it has long been transformed into flying ash, revealing Cheng Feng's flowing body, like iron casting silver, full of restrained power.

No process peak does not like naked body.

Immediately after the practice, I changed into a suit.

And just then, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The door of the bamboo row house was banged vigorously, and at the same time a terrifying roar came from the Orion master: "My son, the vampire is here, hurry up and escape, it is too late.

After the Orion master shouted this sentence, he took his two children and fled outside the yard.

"Vampire Frenzy? What vampire Frenzy!" Cheng Feng hurriedly stepped out of the room and asked.

But the Orion master had long since fled.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned, leaped up onto the roof, raised his eyes, and saw the heavy rain outside, but there were countless men, women, children, young and old, fleeing in the heavy rain, and fled, as if there was something cruel behind them The beast is chasing.

"Xiao Hei!" Due to the blockage of the house, Cheng Feng could not see the specific situation.

So he whistled and called Xiao Hei.

Huh! When Xiao Hei took Cheng Feng to a height of 100 meters, and then looked down, he immediately saw a cruel and **** picture.

I saw the whole town, shrouded in blood by the three groups.

Cheng Feng took a closer look and found that the three groups of blood are actually three blood pools, which are located at the exit, the center, and the entrance of the town.

When anyone is within ten meters of the blood pool, the whole body's blood will be detached from its own blood vessels and flow toward the blood pool.

Within a minute, the person near the blood pool would be dry with blood, and the skin of the whole body would cling to his bones, turning into a skinny skeleton frame, cruelly dying.

Above these three blood pools, a young man in a blood gown was suspended.

These three people in blood robes are covered with slender blood vessels, which are connected to the blood pool under them, and the blood essence in the blood pool is drawn out and sucked into the body.

Let the **** smell on them continue to grow and be so intense!


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