Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2528: Horror

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However, it takes a lot of time.

If the emerald gourd can give the sword demon some essence of life, then he will be able to quickly condense more than thirty sacred patterns and repair it for further improvement.

When you are in danger, you can get an extra guarantee!

"give him?"

The emerald gourd was reluctant.

But looking at Cheng Feng's face, he still gave the sword demon a life essence.

"What a pure essence of life!"

When the sword demon received it, he immediately refined it.

Immediately, a sacred pattern of cold killing fell quickly in his body!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Commanded the Emerald Gourd: "Little guy, you can walk around, but try not to get too far away."


The Emerald Gourd replied and flew out of the old warehouse and disappeared.

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, then immediately converged his thoughts, and he sensed a ray of divine thought attached to him.

This divine thought is hidden.

At the same time, Zhen Mo Yan was extremely confident in himself, thinking that no one could escape his magical investigation.

So let Cheng Feng's divine thoughts be hidden on the surface of true magic.

At this moment, Cheng Feng had a sense of instinct, and suddenly saw that the true magic had entered tens of millions of miles, in a forbidden area in the south.

The super array of tearing the restricted area is madly devouring a special plant in the restricted area.

That plant, almost the same as Destiny Vine, can bear fruit of life.

The essence of life in the body is absorbed by the true magic inflammation, so that the dried-up body of the true magic inflammation is filled with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Wait until the plant has dried up and all nutrients have dissipated.

True magic is no longer skinny, and the flesh swells up, making true magic look a few vicious.

The sharp nails on the four arms shone, making people shudder!

"Finally some strength has been restored."

True Magic made a low voice: "However, this is not enough to tear the cage!"

"Just here is a warrior in a small fortune, who eats him up and makes me recover more!"

The words fell, Zhen Mo Yan rushed into the depths.

There, a woman bound by an iron chain growled.

Kakaka ~~~

Shattered the iron chain on his body, and flew away.

However, it cannot escape at all.

At this moment, the true magic inflammation has been restored a lot, and the masters of the small fortune in the peak period saw the killings.

This female warrior, though, also exists as a petite creature.

However, he was detained for many years, and the essence of life in the body was extracted in large quantities, and he was no longer at its peak.

Overtaken by true magic, stabbed ~~~

The magic claw slammed a claw, and seized the feminine realm existence in his hand.

He was then put in his mouth in a frightening cry.

Suddenly sucking, the gas of creation in the female warrior's physical martial arts body was drawn out of the body like smoke and dust, and poured into the mouth of true magic.

Let the dark magic scales of Zhenmaoyan light up instantly.

The originally thin body was full again, and it was almost the same as a normal person.

"It's still a lot worse."

Throwing away the female formidable martial artist who has only one skeleton left, Zhenyan whispers: "Perhaps I will devour another so-called restricted area before I can tear this day apart."

"Go to other vast worlds and have a grand feast!"

Thinking about it, Zhenyanyan spread his magic and searched for a new restricted area.

Just then, the sky suddenly fluctuated.

The next moment, a group of men and horses emerged from the sky.

The body is transcendent, the martial arts spirit illuminates the sky, and all are masters.

The weakest ones have reached the level of perfection.

All the good fortunes twisted together, making the world a little bit discolored.

Amazingly the most powerful force in Tiancang Holy Prison, Tiancang Law Enforcement Team!

Suddenly appeared here, I do n’t even need to ask, it ’s for true magic.

"Twelve half-step martial artists?"

Zhenyan looked up, but her eyes showed the look of a beautiful meal: "It's not bad, the half-dead little creature of fortune you swallowed just now is much stronger!"

"Sinister, quickly surrender!"

In the sky, the twelve members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team who suddenly appeared appeared transcendent.

After seeing the real magic flame, he burst out drinking in unison: "Otherwise, I will put you in position!"


The true devil snorted, "As food, there must be food awareness!"

"I will eat you now!"

As the words fell, the true magic flames flew up into the air, as fast as lightning.

"So arrogant."

The members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team were furious and killed Ling Ran: "Dear everyone, let's get rid of this evil!"

When speaking, twelve members of the Tiancang law enforcement team shot together.

The spirit of creation in the body burst out, turned into an invisible blade, and then slashed away from the real magic flame.

The spirit of creation is the power that only the existence of the creation can possess.

It is more than one grade more powerful than divine power, which is very scary.

The ordinary martial artist was struck by the air of good fortune and immediately died on the spot.

At this time, the twelve perfect semi-sacred creatures of fortune twisted together and cut a knife.

Even if a petit environment exists, it must be discouraged.

However, the true magic is outrageous.

Faced with the cutting edge of the blades of fortune, not only did not give in, but instead greeted them at a faster rate.

Bang ~~

Real magic slammed into the blade of the air of fortune with a physical body, and actually made a booming sound.

Not only was the body not cut off, even the blade marks were not left on the black scale armor.

Exhibited the true magic, almost perverted physical strength!

"What? How is this possible?"

Seeing this, the eyes of the twelve Tiancang law enforcement team members almost did not fall out.

Because the twelve of them have cut their swords with the same spirit, enough to create a small creation.

However, it did not cause so much damage to true magic.

It simply goes against the normal truth!

"Is it just an illusion?"

"In Tiancang holy prison, how could there be such an overbearing existence?"

The strongest warrior who was held in the heavenly holy prison was just the pinnacle of the small fortune.

But even at the pinnacle of petty fortune, isn't it so powerful?

Let those 12 members of Tiancang Law Enforcement Team have self-doubt.

Just don't wait for them to react.

Click ~~~

The blade of their forged air was caught by the four magic claws of the true magic.

It was like slicing rotten wood and smashing it directly.

Then he shattered the fragments of the Forsaken Blade into the mouth.


It was like eating jelly beans, and it was eaten with relish.

"Grass, this is a pervert, demon!"

"Hurry up, let's kill the baby with the treasure from the warden!"

Seeing this, those members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team became frightened.

Look at each other, and dare not have any slight contempt for true magic. Ready to take out the treasure given by the governor of Tiancang, and launch a deadly attack on true magic!

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