Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2529: Furious True Demon

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

However, Real Magic's response was faster.

I saw him blinking, eating the blade of good fortune.

The next moment, it appeared directly on the side of twelve Tiancang law enforcement teams.

噗嗤 ~~~

Four demon claws stretched out, piercing the body of the law enforcement team member directly.

Caught himself near, opened his mouth and sucked at the other's Qiqiao.

Wow! The member of the law enforcement team of the perfect semi-sacred realm was sucked into a dead body by true magic.

Then, true magic did not stop.

Dodging to avoid the attack of other law enforcement team members, came to the second law enforcement team member.

If it is done in the same way, it will be sucked into a dead body.

Then the third, fourth, fifth ...

When the real magic rushed to the eighth law enforcement team member, the captain of this team of law enforcement team members finally took out the treasure given by the governor of Tiancang.

It was a rusty chain, infused by the captain of the law enforcement team.


Suddenly the chain came alive and shot at True Magic.


Seeing this, Zhen Mo Yan stopped eating the eighth law enforcement team member.

Raise your hand and catch the chain that came.

However, the chain bypassed the real magic catch.

Like a flexible python, entangling true magic along its body.

Then fiercely launched, trying to tie the real magic to death!

"The chain made of Star Kobelco is strong.

True magic is tied, but calmly: "Unfortunately, your strength is too weak to trap me at all!"

As the words fell, Zhen Mo Yan grabbed the chain and yanked.

噔 噔 噔 ~~~

The captain of the law enforcement team involuntarily rushed to Zhen Mo Yan.

He was caught in the hand by Zhenyan, and opened his mouth and took a slam.

Another perfect semi-sacred master was sucked into a dead body by true magic.

"No, this demon is too strong, we are not opponents at all."

"Hurry up and send a message to the warden, and ask him to drop the demon himself!"

At this moment, all members of the law enforcement team are aware of the horror of true magic.

Deeply know that you and others are not real enemies.

While sending a message to the prison chief of Tiancang, he divided into several directions and fled.

It's a pity that true magic is too strong.

The body is **** by the chain of Star God steel, and the speed is also ridiculous.

Catching up with those fleeing law enforcement team members one by one and sucking them all into dead bodies.

"This guy is so cruel!"

"Killing the perfect semi-holy Saint is as easy as killing an ant."

Near the nether forbidden area, in an old warehouse.

Cheng Feng saw this scene in his eyes through the attached divine thoughts, and his heart suffered a huge shock.

"Moreover, he devoured Chong Bao in that restricted area, as well as the detained super felons, and 12 masters of the law enforcement team.

"Cultivation is bound to recover substantially, and the combat power will soar!"

"I'm afraid that the governor of Tiancang will not be able to suppress it."

"Borrowing its power this time, I hope no moths will come out!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and activated the ray of attachment.

Afterwards, Cheng Feng, who was formed by the thought of God, appeared in front of Zhenyan.

"Human kid?"

The true magic at this time is in joy.

He felt the power in his body rushing and felt better than ever.

But with the appearance of Cheng Feng, his face was gloomy: "How do you, kid, suddenly appear?"

"It's very simple. I left a ray of thought on your body."

"What? You're looking for death!"

Hearing that the true magic was angry.

The magical energy swelled, making the sky suddenly dark.

But Cheng Feng did not change his face, and said lightly: "True magic, pay attention to your attitude of speaking."

"I'm your lifesaver. You swear you won't do anything to me."

"And, obedient fielding for ten years."

"Now I have one thing you need to do."

"Go to the Ghost Restricted Area 80 million miles away from this, kill the guards of this restricted area, and tear open the super formation that blocked this restricted area!"

"Junk stuff!"

Real magic was furious, and a blast of magical gas was blasted out of the nostrils, making the void sound a howl.

Cheng Feng's thoughts were shaken by the magical energy and began to disintegrate directly.

"Get off quickly, and I'll see the results within half an hour."

However, at the time of Cheng Feng's disintegration, he still ordered: "In addition, you must not act arbitrarily in the restricted area."

Whispering, 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng's thoughts shattered and turned into ashes.

Only the enraged true magic inflammation left, cracking the earth and breaking the sky.

However, after the anger, Zhen Mo Yan had to leave for the Nether Forbidden Zone.

Because as a member of the Demon Clan, once you take an oath to the first ancestor, you must do it.

Otherwise, they will be abandoned by the demon ancestors.

Even if true magic is the first strong among the flames, they dare not follow it!

"That's so magical, should you come?"

Near the nether forbidden area, in an old warehouse, Cheng Feng whispered: "The prestige of the demon ancestor, I don't think he would dare not!"

Thinking so, Cheng Feng opened his eyes.

Adjust your state and look towards the sword demon.

I saw the sword demon at this moment, the essence of life gifted by the emerald gourd, refined seven or eight.

The thirty-second sacred pattern in the body is gradually taking shape.

When the sword demon refines the remaining life essence, it is bound to completely consolidate the thirty-two sacred patterns.

"Is the thirty-two sacred patterns? It's pretty good."

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "With the strength of the sword demon, it is enough to contend with the perfect semi-sacred!"

A perfect semi-holy, with thirty-six holy patterns.

Thirty-six is ​​a small perfection.

Can integrate the power of the thirty-six sacred patterns into one, and exert extraordinary power.

Much stronger than other true saints!

However, the sword demon is an exception.

His most powerful method is not the power of the Holy Pattern, but the will of the Supreme Kendo.

Coupled with a fifth-order magic sword, the combat effectiveness can be called a bit scary!

"Thirty-two sacred patterns, condense me!"

Suddenly, the sword devil whispered.

The power in the body was all refined and rushed to the thirty-two sacred lines.

Let that twenty-third sacred pattern be completed quickly.

"Huh, actually four sacred patterns condensed in one breath."

After the sacred pattern was formed, the sword devil showed joy: "Thanks to Cheng Feng, that artificial fruit gave me a pure essence of life."

"If I slowly cultivated by myself, I wouldn't succeed without eight years or ten years!"

Thinking of this, the sword devil suppressed the joy in his heart, and Xian Cheng Feng bowed down.

"Sword demon, we don't need to be so polite between us."

Cheng Feng waved his hands, and immediately went straight to the topic: "Let's prepare a little bit, I guess True Magic will rush to the Nether Forbidden Zone immediately."

"We need to keep up and wait to get the Man Bing Shu!"

"Is Real Magic Coming soon?" After hearing the words, the sword demon's look was stunned.

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