Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2550: Sanctuary Power

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Soon, the mystery was revealed.

Just as the Devil Slayer was about to chop Qixiong in China, humming ~~~

The purple dagger suddenly scattered an invisible brilliance.

This Guanghua is very unique. It fell on Cheng Feng's body, like Wan Yue's depression.

The speed of Cheng Feng's body's divine power was directly reduced by ten times.

The flexibility of the body plummeted.

The same is true of the cutting power of the Devil Sword.

When Fang Qixiong twisted slightly, he avoided the slash of the Devil Sword.

But his short knife stabbing at Cheng Feng was not affected in the least.

Follow the force at normal speed, and blasted to Feng Feng fiercely.

Once Cheng Feng is hit, nine out of ten will be knocked out of the body and fall on the spot!

"Grass, what's the situation?"

This sudden scene made Cheng Feng feel cold.

There is a power that can suppress his power to one tenth of normal water quality.

So, how can you fight Fang Qixiong?

"Cheng Feng, this is sanctuary!"

The sanctuary of Nalan's eternal life sounded: "This is a kind of power that can only be controlled by the existence of creation!"

"Sanctuary?" Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched.

He had heard of this power, but it was a special field.

It must be cultivated to reach above the level of petty creation before it can be bred.

It is the most fundamental difference between forged environment and forged environment.

Possessing this kind of power will cause natural repression to the martial arts in the uncreated realm.

Fang Qixiong is just a warrior who cultivates infinitely close to the mini-environment, so Cheng Feng thought he could not have a sanctuary.

So close fight with each other, the result is self-evident!

"Hey ~~~"

Fang Qixiong smiled coldly: "Small thing, isn't it?"

"I'm clearly not in the realm, but I can evoke the sanctuary?"

"To tell you the truth, this sanctuary is grown up in the jail by the jailer."

"I originally intended to deal with the super felons of good fortune, but it turned out to be used on you."

Each of the super felons detained in the restricted area reached at least petty fortune.

Their practice may be drawn from the essence of life throughout the year, less than one percent.

But as soon as the Holy Land came out, the opponent's strength was greatly suppressed, and it was still very scary.

The reason why Fang Qixiong dare to lead the team to chase those super felons is the purple shortsword.

You can bridge the gap between the two and stay on the same starting line.

"It turned out to be the means of the prison governor of Heaven!"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

"Now that you understand, let's die!"

Quietly, the purple short knife reached Cheng Feng's chest.

The next moment, we must pierce Cheng Feng's body and kill Cheng Fengge on the spot.

But at this moment.

Wow ~~~

A blood-red wall of light emerged out of nowhere, blocking the purple dagger.

The purple dagger is amazingly powerful, enough to knock off a perfect semi-sage in one hit.

However, falling on the red light wall did not penetrate it.

It was just a fierce deformation, pushing Cheng Feng toward the distance.

Like a strong light, disappeared in an instant!

"What? Cheng Feng was hit by the middle-aged man with that hawk nose?"

Thousands of miles away, the sword demon tried to support the attack and kill of two members of the Tiancang law enforcement team.

He has now run out of water and reached the limit.

Originally thought that after Cheng Feng defeated Fang Qixiong, he came to assist him.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was defeated by Fang Qixiong so easily, and he fell into deep despair.

"The Fang team seems to be using Holy Prison just now!"

"By adding up the holy prison, you can reduce the enemy's strength several times, or even a dozen times."

"That kid in black wasn't directly beaten into powder by the Fang team. It's very good!"

The two members of Tiancang Law Enforcement Team saw the reason for Cheng Feng's defeat.

I think Cheng Feng's strength is not bad, he was not beaten on the spot.

"Well, although the boy was not killed by the team on the spot, it is estimated that it is not far behind."

A Tiancang law enforcement team member said: "I guess that kid must be seriously injured now."

"If you just make up a knife, you will be killed!"

At this moment, not only this Tiancang law enforcement team member thinks so.

Even the sword demon thought so.

However, Fang Qixiong had something strange in mind.

I felt that I hadn't completely hit that knife.

His face sank slightly, and he rushed towards the direction where Cheng Feng disappeared.

Ready to make up the knife, Cheng Feng died!

However, Cheng Feng's attack was too strong, and he flew out for thousands of miles.

Falling into the vast sea, a large wave gradually formed.

The dormant monsters in the sea were frightened and fled.

When Fang Qixiong arrived, the sea had returned to calm, but Cheng Feng's body did not seem to have left.

"Eh? Escape?"

Fang Qixiong frowned and looked down.

He is not proficient in pupillary surgery, but he is trained to such an extent that even without pupillary surgery, he can see things in the deep ocean floor.

The cracked trench, the rugged mountains, the magnificent coral reefs ...

But there is no Cheng Feng, it seems to really escape!

"Little thing, I don't believe you escaped."

After searching for nothing, Fang Qixiong was a little angry and gave a low growl: "Get out of me!"

The sound roared like a giant lion, and the sound waves stirred up, dispersing the dark clouds in the sky.

The sound waves poured into the sea, and the sea water immediately became a heavy ripple.

The good waves rolled up dozens of meters, and all the sea beasts that did not escape in time were shaken into powder!

After roaring, Fang Qixiong didn't give up.

Raising your hand towards the sea surface means dozens of punches.

The strength of each punch is surging, capable of blasting a perfect semi-holy.

When the punch fell, he penetrated the surface of the sea directly, and made a huge hole in the bottom of the sea.

It even caused a tsunami, sweeping tens of thousands of miles.

Among the tumbling waves, an inconspicuous wave reflected a strange sheen.

However, because there were too many sprays, Fang Qixiong couldn't stop paying attention and didn't see it.

That is the color of Cheng Feng's clothes.

"Sanctuary, what a sanctuary!"

"Actually reduced my strength ten times!"

Obviously, after Cheng Feng was cut into the ground by Fang Qixiong, he did not escape.

Instead, he performed the technique of seven kills and five elements to let himself sink into the sea.

At the beginning, he was still a little worried that the technique of Seven Kills would be seen through by Fang Qixiong.

Unexpectedly, the technique of Seven Kills was more mysterious than he imagined.

Fang Qixiong observed for a long time, but couldn't see the slightest clue!

So Cheng Feng put his heart down and walked away from Fang Qixiong along the huge waves, adjusted the state, and came up with a way to deal with Fang Qixiong.

"Fang Qixiong, who owns the sanctuary, I am not an opponent at all."

While repairing the injury that Fang Qixiong had just hit, Cheng Feng secretly murmured: "The best way is to kill the other party when the sanctuary of the other party is closed, and kill him in one shot!" , It might be me! "

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