Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2551: Slaughter the entire Tiancang Squad

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Fang Qixiong has a high strength and is cultivated as an infinitely close to the small fortune.

When there is no sanctuary, Cheng Feng is not necessarily an opponent.

Now that there is a sanctuary, Cheng Feng's means are all out, and I am afraid it is also a ruined situation.

"Cheng Feng, that Fang Qixiong's sanctuary has a fatal flaw."

At this time, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "His sanctuary is trained by others, and he can't always open it with one less time."

"You just need to seize the time difference and fight back, you can't do good!"

"Well, that's true."

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

When he saw Fang Qixiong, he had put away the purple short knife.

The invisible coercion on her body disappeared, indicating that the sanctuary had been stowed.

However, Cheng Feng did not observe Fang Qixiong carefully.

Instead, it runs the technique of seven kills and five elements, and quickly moves away from Fang Qixiong.

Then open the Blood Prison, 唰 ~~~

Rush to the place where the sword demon and the members of the Tiancang law enforcement team fought.

Prepare to rescue the sword demon in water and fire, and then slowly fight with Fang Qixiong.

"Boy, your reinforcements have been killed by the Fang team, you still obediently die!"

On the battlefield, the two members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team were full of momentum.

Is pressing the sword demon and the extremely cold ice flames, **** black flames are fighting.

Fortunately, the two fires in Hell and Heiyan came to support. If it is a sword demon, I am afraid that it has been killed at this moment.

But even so, the three sword demons are at stake.

"Is Cheng Feng really killed?"

The sword demon's heart was a little confused, and he doubted Cheng Feng's life and death.

In fact, he already had some belief in his mind that Cheng Feng had been killed by Fang Qixiong.

Because under the blessing of the sanctuary, the warriors below the realm are simply dregs, and they are vulnerable!

Although Cheng Feng is very powerful, it is impossible to reverse this situation!

However, at this time.

Wow ~~~

A **** red hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed at a fierce Tiancang law enforcement team member.

The Tiancang Law Enforcement Team member was in the midst of anger and did not expect this to happen.

Therefore, without any precautions, he was caught by Red Blood's big hand.

Kakaka ~~~

With the fierce force of the **** red hand, the Tiancang law enforcement team member was caught deforming his body and making a sound of bones bursting.

Then a red light flashed, ah! !!

The Tiancang law enforcement team member has become a past tense and has become a fly ash!

"Grasp, what's the situation?"

The sword devil was in despair, and this happened suddenly, making his head a little dim.

Only when a cold and bright knife light fell from the sky and cut to another Tiancang law enforcement team member, he suddenly realized.

"Cheng Feng, it's Cheng Feng!"

"Cheng Feng, he didn't die, but also killed him back!"

At this moment, the sword demon is boiling.

The joy that was drawn back from the abyss of despair was beyond words.

As for the Tiancang law enforcement team member, his face changed dramatically.

"Hanaka! Hanaka is dead?"

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The companion who was still alive and well just now turned into a fan.

This left him confused and difficult to accept!

However, after all, he is a member of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team and has experienced all kinds of iron and blood killings.

After a brief surprise, he hurriedly picked up his weapon and daredly greet the slashing sword.

This Tiancang law enforcement team member, Fang Qingcheng, is good at marksmanship.

Although the attack at this moment was a bit hasty and incomplete, the spear's spear was like a dragon, soaring upwards, and it was going to swallow the blast of sword light!

It's a pity that the strength is finally out.

The Canglong turned into a gun was cut in half by Wupi Daoguang.

The surviving sword was so powerful that he continued to critique Fang Qingcheng, forcing him to block his gun.

Huh! Daoguang cut into the gun body, into the inch.

Almost cut the pike.

The force of persecution poured into Fang Qingcheng's body, shocking him to fall to the surface.

However, wait for him to fall into the sea.

Wow ~~~

The seawater bulged out of which a **** red hand was drilled.

In order to capture the potential of the sky and the earth, grab him fiercely.

Do not! !!

At this time, Fang Qingcheng was dissipated and had no time to respond.

All I could see was that I was caught in that big red hand.

He could see very clearly just now. After his companion was taken away by the blood-red big hand, almost half a minute later, he turned into a handful of fly ash.

His strength is comparable to that of the opponent, and the ending is self-evident.

My heart was horrifying, and I could not help shouting, "Fang team, save me! Save me!"

It seemed that Fang Qingcheng's voice was heard, and a sound of sonic boom sounded.

The next moment, Fang Qixiong furious came from the sky.

When he saw Fang Qingcheng's appearance, he was instantly furious.

"Stupid stuff, actually secretly Chencang, came running to harm my subordinates."

"If you don't frustrate yourselves this time, our Fang Qixiong and your last name!"

Fang Qixiong at this moment was really angry.

Hair rises up one by one, surrounded by the air of creation, like a flame burning!

He fought with Cheng Feng before, and hit Cheng Feng into the sea, thinking that Cheng Feng had been hit hard and escaped.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was intact, but turned around and killed his few subordinates.

Furious in the fury, Fang Qixiong picked up the purple short knife and launched a fatal blow to Cheng Feng.

"Dead to me!"

Cheng Feng saw Fang Qixiong's anger, but was not panicked.

Fang Qingcheng was killed on the spot with the power of Blood Prison Realm and the new emperor fire.

Then he beckoned, put away Hell's Black Flame, the extremely cold ice flames, and hurried away.

"Want to escape? Dream!"

Fang Qixiong hated Cheng Feng extremely.

His Majesty originally had a total of eleven members, but now the last one is left, and he is led away by the sword demon.

Fortunately this is the case, otherwise, the end of the absolute annihilation.

So Cheng Feng fled and Fang Qixiong immediately caught up.

"This guy Cheng Feng is really amazing."

After the two members of the Tian Cang Law Enforcement Team were killed, the sword demon was safe, but their hearts were tumbling: "A whole Tian Cang Law Enforcement Team was almost completely destroyed!"

"But this Fang Qixiong has super strength, and there are treasures that can radiate the Holy Land. I can't help at all."

"Next, we can only rely on Cheng Feng himself."

"As for me, the last member of the Tiancang law enforcement team will be resolved, leaving Cheng Feng with no worries!"

Thinking of it, the sword demon sword united and disappeared.


Fang Qixiong's speed was very fast, and he went out a dozen miles.

It didn't take long to catch up with Cheng Feng.

"Little thing, die for me!"

Without a word, Fang Qixiong cut it out with one shot.

The azure blue blade of light is crosswise, mixed with the field of the Holy One.

In the area shrouded by the knife light, the void is distorted and deformed, making people scary.

That blade of light was far away from Cheng Feng, which made him feel like a man on his back. The movement of divine power began to become obscure and slow.

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