Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

The appearance of the new emperor musket made Fang Qixiong look somber.

The biggest reliance he had on killing Cheng Feng was the purple gong sword.

If Cheng Feng also has weapons of the same level, his dependence will no longer exist, and Cheng Feng will not be able to be killed.

"I do not believe!"

Fang Qixiong yelled, "Each weapon in the sanctuary is extremely difficult to make."

"Among my Tiancang law enforcement team, twelve teams, and only the first six captains, were given one by the Lord Warden."

"And the weapons given by the warden were not made by him."

"It's made by the Kingdom of God's Ministry of Heaven. How can this little animal be born and possess such weapons?"

In the roar, Fang Qixiong cut out the second knife.

The knife light was like purple lightning, and in a blink of an eye, Cheng Feng was approaching.

The peak of the non-procedure was well prepared. When Fang Qixiong raised his hand, he predicted the course of the opponent's knife.

I picked a big gun in my hand, 手中 ~~~

The tip of the gun pierced the knife light very precisely.

Blocked the unmatched knife light again.

"Little beast, give me death!"

Fang Qixiong rushed to the crown in anger, and after the first pass, the second, third, and fourth ... were cut out one after another.

Daoguang intertwined into a large net, and Cheng Feng was to be covered.

"You must not be approached by Fang Qixiong."

Cheng Feng's heart gave a warning sign: "Once approached, I was suppressed by the sanctuary and repaired in a straight line. By then, even with the help of a small fire, I would be dead!"

"Further, Qian Lingyun's battle with another Tiancang law enforcement team is almost over."

"I just need to hold Fang Qixiong and give Qian Linyun enough time to slaughter the Tiancang law enforcement team."

"When Qian Linyun returns, it will be when Fang Qixiong dies!"

Cheng Feng has contact with Qian Linyun, knowing that the other party is at a critical moment.

Kill Lomon, a hunting knife with ‘Sacred Weapons’!

As soon as Luo Meng died, other members of the law enforcement team would be a big supplement to Qian Linyun.

What Cheng Feng needs to do now is to hold Fang Qixiong.

"Small fire, break out for me!"

After making the decision, Cheng Feng gave a low sigh.

The whole person is integrated with the big flame gun, 咻 ~~~

Soaring into the sky, forced the knife light net through, and plunged into the sea.

Blue waves ripple, but people have lost their tracks.

Suddenly he used the technique of seven kills and five elements to hide, hiding in the vast sea.


I saw Cheng Feng running away under his eyelids.

Fang Qixiong's cheeks jerked violently, and his lungs almost exploded.

He reluctantly used the palms of the soul to freeze the sea within tens of thousands of miles into ice.

Then he performed a deep-fisting method to smash all the hard ice.

Attempt to kill Cheng Feng lively!

Unfortunately, he was doomed.

When he froze the surface of the sea, Cheng Feng was already tens of thousands of miles away.

Then take the bleeding ruby ​​plate and calculate where Fang Qixiong is.

When Fang Qixiong stopped to prepare to leave, hey ~~~

Opening the Blood Prison, he was teleported to Fang Qixiong's side suddenly.

Stabbing ~~~

The flames shot up and hit Fang Qixiong's head like a stick.

"Abominable little beast!"

Fang Qixiong had originally abandoned Cheng Feng and was ready to assist the hunting knife Luo Meng.

He was suddenly attacked, and even though he responded quickly, he was somewhat caught off guard.

The created air in the body erupted, condensed into a heavy shield and blocked in front of him.

However, he was directly detonated by a large flame gun, and then the tip of the gun hit Fang Qixiong's head.

Then, he directly deformed Fang Qixiong's head.

The spirits almost jumped out of the sky cover, and the picture was very miserable!

However, these injuries did not seem to hurt Fang Qixiong's roots.

I saw Fang Qixiong's head still in a deformed state, his hand holding the purple short knife had been raised.

Stabbing ~~~

Towards Cheng Feng, chopped violently.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng was ready before he started.

After hitting Qiqiong in one shot, he immediately withdrew and retreated.

Therefore, the knife light cut out by the purple short knife just flew out while rubbing the corner of Cheng Feng's clothing, and did not hurt Cheng Feng half a hair!

"Little beast! Little beast !!!"

"I will kill you, kill you !!!"

Fang Qixiong turned around with a slash to force Cheng Feng back.

The deformed head quickly recovered under the pouring of surging power.

His expression was utterly emaciated, and his anger was thinning like lava.

Fang Qixiong was extremely angry at this time.

Because he has never hurt him since he was on the Tiancang law enforcement team and the captain of the fifth squad.

Today, he was not only injured, but also his cheek. It was almost the face of Chi Guoguo.

Moreover, this face-breaker is still a little footstep who has not yet stepped into the holy realm.

I can't bear it, I can't forgive it!

"Fang Qixiong, there are many people who want to kill me, but none have succeeded."

A thousand miles away, Cheng Feng said lightly: "Your Qixiong is no exception!"

"Well, do you really think there is no way to kill you?"

Soon, Fang Qixiong's deformed head had recovered.

He gazed at Cheng Feng and said desperately, "That trick, I was going to use it for the super felon."

"Since you have to die, I'll do it for you!"

Speaking of which, Fang Qixiong seems to be using some kind of super hole cards.

Cheng Feng murmured in his heart, knowing that Fang Qixiong has such a strong background, maybe he really restrained his card.

So cast the stars to catch the moon and step back again.

However, as soon as Cheng Feng retreated, Fang Qixiong started a miniature formation.

Hum! A burst of light wrapped Fang Qixiong, and disappeared in an instant.

"Grass, escape?"

Cheng Feng was surprised, but Fang Qixiong actually ran halfway.

Even if he is not his opponent, he should go to assist the hunting knife Lomon.

But soon, Cheng Feng knew the reason.

It turned out that the hunting knife Luo Meng had been killed by Qian Linyun.

With Fang Qixiong's strength, if he continues to go, he will definitely go back.

Therefore, he simply ran away, lest he be entangled by Cheng Feng, and lose his life when Qian Linyun arrived.

"This guy doesn't seem to be so impulsive on the surface."

Cheng Feng didn't chase after him, and remained secretly in the spot: "Maybe the anger he showed was all acting, so that I can relax my vigilance and kill me.

"Fortunately, I never underestimate any opponent, letting his plan fail!"

The person who can be the captain of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team is definitely not a fool.

As the captain of the five teams, Fang Qixiong is absolutely cunning.

He just fled suddenly. He had both the idea of ​​running and the idea of ​​designing Cheng Feng.

As long as Cheng Feng chases up, he will kill a return carbine and kill Cheng Feng!

"The sword demon seems to kill Fang Qixiong's team, the last member of the Tiancang law enforcement team." Cheng Feng converged his thoughts and whispered: "I'll rush over immediately, lest Fang Qixiong suddenly kill the black magic sword!"

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