Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2554: The end of the war

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Cheng Feng's guess was very accurate.

After Fang Qixiong left, he did go to the position of the last Tiancang law enforcement team member.

Ready to kill the sword demon, and immediately pick up the Tiancang law enforcement team member.

Unfortunately, he was not fast enough.

Cheng Feng owns the Blood Prison, after marking the location.

Alas, you have reached your destination.

Then, without any bullshit, he launched a wild kill on the Tiancang law enforcement team member who fought the sword demon.

By the time Fang Qixiong arrived, the Tiancang law enforcement team member had died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

"Damn mess, **** it!"

Seeing his last subordinate died in the hands of Cheng Feng, Fang Qixiong was sullen and angry and hated Cheng Feng extremely.

However, he did not rush to kill Cheng Feng.

Instead, he stared at Cheng Feng with a resentment, and immediately turned away.

I felt Qian Linyun clearly and was on my way.

For fear of being blocked by Qian Linyun, leave his life here.

"Cheng Feng, shall we pursue?"

The sword demon holds the magic sword and asks intently.

"No need to."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "It's irrelevant to kill a Tiancang law enforcement team leader."

"Furthermore, he has a sacred weapon in his hand, which is difficult to kill."

Cheng Feng had a clear separation of priorities, and now the main task is to return to the Northwest Territories to gather his old knowledge together.

Once the battle between Zhenmaoyan and the prison warrior of Tiancang is divided, the entire heavenly holy prison will fall apart.

By that time, when he was out of trouble, he didn't have much time to delay.

"It's cheaper for this grandson."

The sword demon glanced at the disappeared Fang Qixiong, and put away the magic sword.

As for Cheng Feng, he was manipulating the blood-red jade plate and absorbing the essence of the Tiancang law enforcement team member who was dissipated in the air.

When it ’s almost absorbed, wow ~~~

The sky was suddenly torn by a force.

Immediately a middle-aged man emerged from the void.

It is indeed Qian Linyun.

"Mr. Qian, you are quite full!"

I saw Qian Linyun at this moment, no longer withered as before, but full of energy and vigor.

There was even a faint coercion on his body, as if ten dragons were lying dormant in his body.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Qian Linyun was very happy and smiled, "I just absorbed the vitality of a few members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team and added myself."

"By the way, I barely have some strength!"

"Meeting members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team again, they should be able to kill easily!"

Qian Linyun's tone was flat, but the self-confidence in the words was very strong.

This is because Qian Linyun not only added a lot of vitality this time.

The banned sanctuary also opened a gap.

In the future, if you encounter a warrior below the mini-refined realm, as soon as the sanctuary comes out, it will suppress the opponent's strength to a very low level.

Just like a pig or sheep to be slaughtered, you can kill it!

"So good."

Cheng Feng also laughed: "Someone will come again in the future, and I can rest easy!"

"Cheng Feng, you are too humble."

Qian Linyun glanced at Cheng Feng and looked very seriously: "Although you have not yet entered the sacred realm, you have directly defeated a whole Tiancang law enforcement team, leaving only one captain to escape."

"These means are nothing but my life!"

"If you can enter the sanctuary, it will definitely become a legend and the future is limitless!"

Qian Linyun already knew about Cheng Feng's talent before.

But when she learned that Cheng Feng had defeated the Tian Cang law enforcement team led by Fang Qixiong, she was still greatly shocked.

The emphasis on Cheng Feng once again raised several grades!

Originally, he was a little bit timid about Cheng Feng. Now, he is regarded as being at the same level, and he dare not have any slightest feelings!

"Mr. Lin is amazing."

Cheng Feng was not proud, and chuckled: "I only borrowed a little external force. If I fight with Fang Qixiong, the person who died eventually must be me."

Cheng Feng's remark was also a matter.

The reason why he frustrated Fang Qixiong this time was that the new emperor made great contributions.

Of course, the most important thing is his courage and strength.

For ordinary people, even with the help of a new emperor, it is difficult to achieve.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, I heard that Fang Qixiong said that he had notified the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team to come to help."

Talking to Qian Linyun for a moment, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "Let's leave as soon as possible, so as not to wait for trouble."

Twelve Tiancang law enforcement teams, the higher the ranking, the stronger the strength.

Being able to rank fourth, the whole team is enough to threaten the existence of the petty realm.

As for the top three Tiancang law enforcement teams, they are all iron blood brigades who once suppressed the small fortune giants. They are the left arm and right arm of Tiancang's warden, and they will not easily move.

"No. 4 Tiancang Law Enforcement Team?"

Qian Linyun didn't panic: "If I had changed before, I might still be afraid of three points."

"But now, as long as they dare to come, I can kill them!"

After unblocking the sanctuary, Qian Linyun's confidence returned.

In fact, Qian Linyun did have the strength to defeat the fourth team of the Tiancang law enforcement team.

However, Cheng Feng still decided to stay away from the front.

Because Tiancang law enforcement team is not only the fourth team, but also the top three iron and steel brigade.

There is also the prison governor of Tiancang, this behemoth.

It ’s best not to fight with it!

"Senior Yu Xuanzi is tens of millions of miles away."

Before leaving, Cheng Feng got in touch with Yu Xuanzi.

It is learned that Yu Xuanzi has defeated the siege of monks in various ancient temples and killed a Tiancang law enforcement team that pursued him.

Now coming to the sea of ​​forgetfulness.

"Mr. Qian, I have a space baby, which can carry ultra-long distance transmission."

Cheng Feng looked to Qian Linyun and said, "I will open this treasure first, and pick up Yu Xuanzi."

"Then retransmit and go to the northwestern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison."

"Yes." Qian Linyun nodded.

He had just swallowed the flesh and blood essence of several members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, and he needed to refine and absorb it.

After a little communication with Cheng Feng, he went into practice.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't talk nonsense, opened the secret place of blood prison, and rolled himself up with Qian Linyun and Sword Devil.

Huh! Instantly disappeared.

Teleport using Blood Prison, very fast.

It is as if an invisible channel was excavated at the surface of Tiancang Holy Prison, speeding at the speed of light.

During this period, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and looked out. He actually saw someone fighting in the air.

The breath of iron blood kills Cheng Feng's body with goose bumps.

I feel that if the attack falls on myself, I will definitely kill myself into slag!

"That was the battle between the warden of Heaven Cang and Zhen Mo Yan."

Qian Linyun's eyes were like a torch, Shen said: "Depending on the situation, the prison governor of Heaven Cang can't restrain the real magic!"

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