Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2597: Kill the Old Domain Owner

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

噗嗤 ~~~

Wanxu water can also be on the top of the real water list.

However, when it fell on the flameman, it vaporized directly.

Not only did it fail to slow down the speed of the flame man, but instead took him in.

"What? Wan Xushui actually ..."

Seeing this, the eyes of the old domain owner almost stared out.

I finally realized that there are some means of real magic.

Immediately, I dare not leave anything behind, and put out a few pieces of my life-saving treasure that I treasured.

However, the effect is still limited.

Coupled with Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei, they had already rushed over at this time to attack him.

Suddenly, his escape speed was greatly retarded.

The flame man transformed from the original flame of true magic flame has even caught up.

"Mad, fight!"

At this time the old domain owner was very boring.

He originally thought that he would have to catch Cheng Feng one step before others, so as to open the way to transcendence.

Unexpectedly, but lost their lives here.

However, the old domain owner did not give up.

I saw that he took out a black ball and was thrown into the air.

Wow ~~~

That dark group of things actually merged into the sky.

The next moment, a vortex appeared.

After seeing the old domain master, he stepped directly into the vortex, and the whole person's breath suddenly disappeared.

It seems to have been transmitted by that black vortex in an instant beyond hundreds of millions of miles.

"Huh? This seems to be a living teleporter!"

Seeing this, Qian Linyun said in surprise: "It is rumored that this kind of thing can open up the void in an instant and teleport people beyond a million miles."

"I didn't expect that the old domain owner of this iconic domain actually got one of these treasures, so I am afraid he will be escaped!"

When it comes to teleportation, they are usually teleportation arrays, space treasures, and so on.

However, the dark thing thrown by the old domain master is a living teleport treasure.

It can grow over time. It is a life-saving hole card.

Originally, the old domain owner did not want to use this thing.

But Zhen Mo Yan's offensive was too fierce, forcing him to take out this thing.

Otherwise, I am afraid to drink and hate this!

"Hum, want to escape in this seat? It's just delusional!"

However, the flame man snorted coldly when he saw this.

Huh! Actually plunged into the black swirl.

The transmission ability of the black vortex had been blocked after the old domain master was teleported away.

But as the flame man got into it.

But forcibly burned through the blocked transmission channel.

The next moment, the flameman straddled the unknown domain and chased behind the old domain master.

"Damn, that thing has caught up!"

After the old domain master got out of the void channel, he took a long breath and thought he was safe.

Unexpectedly, before he finished exhaling that breath, he saw the flame man killing him, scared and frightened on the spot.

In a hurry, it was too late to want to defend.

Wait until the flame man approaches, wow ~~~

Turned into a black flame, engulfed the old domain master!

Do not! !!

The old domain owner had no time to shout an unwilling roar.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body was burned into ash by the horrible heat, leaving only the purest source of life suspended in the air.

The flame will be rolled up, wow ~~~

The whole flame suddenly brightened.

Like an oil lamp filled with oil, the power is even better.

"Oh, some origins have been restored."

The Flameman made an inexhaustible voice: "If you want to completely recover the peak, you must also swallow at least a hundred humans of great fortune.

"However, the most powerful of human beings will never give me this time."

"I need to leave this star field as soon as possible and rush to the magic battlefield."

"If you can tear the seal on the demon battlefield, the little human race will surely become a good meal for our race!"

As the words fell, the flameman followed the void passage that had penetrated before, and returned to the Qianmo meteorite field.

"True magic, how's it going?"

In the meteorite field, Cheng Feng saw the Flameman and hurriedly asked.

"That human being has been solved by me."

The Flameman said lightly: "Next, I will help you to kill another human of great creation, and then leave this place."

"Lest the strongest of you humans come to trouble me."

"By the way, you should leave here as soon as possible."

"If you are in trouble, I can't promise to come back to help you."

After saying that, wow ~~~

The flame man melted into the void and disappeared.

"The old domain owner of the iconostasis has been killed?"

The Flameman left, but Cheng Feng did not respond for a long time.

Because of the power of the old domain masters, a few of them had a deep understanding just now.

However, on the hands of Zhen Mo Yan, the clay was so ordinary that he was easily killed.

Moreover, this is only part of the real magic.

From this, you can imagine how powerful the complete true magic is.

"Awful, it's awful!"

Qian Linyun's face was extremely dignified: "In a short period of time, the power of this devil has grown dramatically."

"If you give him enough time to grow up, I'm afraid it will be a super scourge!"

"Hopefully it will not bring disaster to my people, otherwise we will all become sinners through the ages!"

"Senior Qian, don't worry."

Cheng Feng's expression was also dignified, but he was not alarmed: "When I released the real magic flame, I once contracted with him three chapters, and it must not harm my people.

"In addition, you must return to the demon world as soon as possible, and eternal life shall not set foot in the human world."

"That's good."

Hearing that, Qian Linyun slightly relieved: "Furthermore, the Xeon of my human race also attaches great importance to this demon."

"Once the news spreads, it will definitely be pursued!"

"Even if the devil wants to be a disaster, there is no time."

Several people were talking about Cheng Feng, Bang ~~~

In the depths of the unknown starry sky, a terrifying force exploded.

At the same time, there was a **** sky, and a sad voice came out.

"Another great fortunemaker has also fallen."

Seeing this, Qian Linyun sighed: "This is the fastest and most violent fall in the Great Harmony Realm I have seen in my lifetime."

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would never believe it!"

"Yeah, that one is a great creature, actually ..."

Yang Wuwei was also worried and could not calm down for a long time.

"Some seniors, it's time we left here."

As for Cheng Feng, he remained indifferent: "That's true magic, but we released the coffin of the star core. Once our human race Xeon is traced down, it will definitely be found on our heads."

"So we need to stay away from here as soon as possible."

"Find a quiet place and stay away from the limelight!"

"Okay." Qian Linyun nodded with Yang Wuwei, deeply convinced.

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