Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2598: Samukawa

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Cheng Feng is very simple.

After talking with Qian Linyun, they immediately went to Yu Xuanzi.

The three Yu Xuanzi were hit by the old domain owner of the Elephant Domain in order to protect Cheng Feng.

Fortunately, the target of the old domain owner is not on them, and has not been fatally traumatized.

At this moment, has come from a distance.

Cheng Feng glanced and found that the three were not seriously injured, so he said directly.

"Three seniors, we need to leave as soon as possible."

"This is a super long-range teleportation array. Everyone come in."

Cheng Feng was already busy before the old domain owner had been killed.

The price array legal person in the Qianji Tower was released, and it was constructed a super-long-distance teleport array.

It just came in handy.

"Cheng Feng, where are we going?"

Standing in the super teleportation, the sword demon asked.

"I do not know either."

"But where we go, it's best to be as secretive as possible."

Cheng Feng entered the sky for the first time and knew nothing about the specific situation.

So he turned to look at Qian Linyun and asked, "Several seniors, you have been in the extraterrestrial space for a long time, but you know what good place to go?"

"A more secret place?"

Qian Linyun groaned: "The hidden place, it is best to go to the edge of the star field, where there are few people."

"Secondly, it is the death penalty area of ​​each starry sky."

"The death penalty area is extremely dangerous. Naturally, few people will go, and it is more secret."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, why don't you go to Hanchuan Diyuan!"

Suddenly, Yang Wuwei interjected: "The Hanchuan Diyuan is a Jedi.

"And I have stayed there for a while, knowing a few safe places is enough for us to escape the limelight."

"Hanchuan Diyuan?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "I seem to have heard of this name."

"haha, yes."

Yang Wuwei said: "This Hanchuan Diyuan is actually the Jichuan Bingyuan I mentioned before. It is a place where nine days of holy water linger."

"When we went there, we could not only stay out of the limelight, but also help the son to take over the nine-day holy water."

"It's killing two birds with one stone!"

"Okay, go to Hanchuan Diyuan."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng had a decision in his heart: "When I went there, I broke through the cultivation and shocked the environment."

"In addition, a gift will be given to you."

The words ended, Cheng Feng asked Yang Wuwei to point out the general direction.

The next moment, Cheng Feng opened the super teleportation array.

唰 ~~~

The group disappeared.

However, after Cheng Feng and others were teleported away, a pair of inquisitive eyes stared at the Qianmo Meteorite Belt.

Observing for a moment, a bald young man appeared, actually a demon monk Fedor.

This Fedor, it is said that when the Blood God taught an illegitimate son of a **** king, he ran to the Heavenly Prison.

Once under the command of the leader of the blood gods, Cheng Feng had been sniped and killed, but unfortunately he fell short.

He was also seriously injured by Cheng Feng's counterattack.

The leader of the Blood God Religion was unwilling to fail, and it cost a huge price to send him a sixth-grade **** of heaven in the heavenly holy prison.

This Feuduo talent is superior, with a six-pin **** of panic, he has reached the level of perfection and semi-sage.

It is a pity that after his cultivation as a great progress, Cheng Feng's growth was even more horrible, even Tiancang law enforcement team could slaughter.

This allowed the demon monk Fei Duo to forcibly endure until Tiancang Holy Prison was torn apart by true magic, and he followed the army to escape from Tiancang Holy Prison.

But he was brave and he didn't run away immediately after he was born. Instead, he hid and crouched to guard Cheng Feng.

Although Cheng Feng and his party disguised themselves, they were still shown by the demon monk Fei Duo.

Then the war broke out, he hid in the dark far away, until the end of the war, then secretly ran out to investigate the situation.

Unexpectedly, even let him see a scene of Cheng Feng teleported away.

"Cheng Feng's dog is so messy, he is still alive!"

In the eyes of the demon monk Fedor, the light of hatred and jealousy emanated: "Also, it seems that it has surrendered the existence of the five or six sacred creatures. This is simply not the case!"

In Feudor's eyes, he is the most outstanding genius in the world and deserves the most attention and surrender.

However, all of this was owned by Cheng Feng, which made him furious.

"Huh, but you haven't lived long."

Fedor resentfully said, "Once I leak your whereabouts, not only will the giants of my blood gods come to you for trouble, but all the other creatures and the power of the heavenly kingdom will flock to them. "

"By then, see how you die!"

While talking, Fedor came to the Super Teleportation.

Is about to pass through the transmission array, confirm Cheng Feng's transmission destination.

Suddenly, click ~~~

There was a crackling sound from the teleportation array.

The next moment, it burst into a ball of powder.

"What? It's broken!"

Seeing this, Fedor's complexion was ugly: "Abominable, this must be the secret hand left by Cheng Feng's dog thing."

"After the teleportation is over, let the teleportation team self-destruct."

"Thus, cut off the possibility of being tracked."

"But you still can't escape."

Fedot gritted his teeth and said, "I left a breath on your body as long as I was in the Heavenly Prison."

"This breath is very concealed. Even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, I can still sense your presence."

"When I return to the Blood Gods and bring in enough helpers, I will start to follow you."

"Wait, that day will come soon!"

After all, Fedor glanced at the broken teleportation array and turned away.

At the same time, I don't know how many miles away.

In a starry sky, several people in Cheng Feng stood in suspension.

"Senior Qian, Senior Yu, you are very knowledgeable, but you know what is this place?"

The ultra-long-range teleportation array built by Cheng Feng can only teleport him hundreds of millions of miles.

There is a long way to go to the final destination of Hanchuan Diyuan.

Cheng Feng needs to determine the position first, and then build a transmission array for transmission.

"This seems to be Tiancang God Realm."

Qian Linyun swept around and saw several continents faintly.

At the highest point on that continent, there was a faint ascension of spirit.

In the starry sky, it condenses into the word 'Sky Cang'.

"It is rumored that the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven Cang is 1.80 trillion miles, and it controls many large worlds, as well as tens of thousands of planes and continents."

"And Hanchuan Diyuan is hundreds of billions of miles east of Tiancang God Domain."

"We just need to go eastward all the way out of Tiancang God Realm, and I can use the means to quickly transfer us to our destination."

Yang Wuwei built several strongholds in the cold plains of Hanchuan. As long as he left Tiancang Divine Realm, Yang Wuwei would have no worries, directly connect to the bases in Hanchuan Diyuan, and transfer Cheng Feng to them.

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