Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2599: Cold terror

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"Tiancang God's Kingdom actually has a territory of one hundred and eight billion billion miles?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng was taken aback: "I'm afraid it doesn't include the starry sky area?"

"That's natural."

Qian Linyun laughed: "The sky is vast and the world and planes are suspended in the sky."

"If the area of ​​the starry sky is included, the territory of Cangshen Kingdom would be a little scary."

"Haha, that's true."

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded.

Immediately, a super teleportation array will be constructed to continue the teleportation.

Suddenly, the distant continents swelled wildly.

The next moment, an army of semi-sacred troops rushed out of the continent under the leadership of a number of small fortunes.

After falling into a starship, they drove around.

During the operation of the starship, a circle of light beams were emitted from the top of the ship, shining in all directions.

The objects in the starry sky are illuminated clearly.

Apparently searching for something!

"It seems that the news of the real magic raging in the heavenly holy prison has spread!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned: "These holy holy and starry ships must have been ordered by the Kingdom of God, and they are searching for traces of true magic.

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid it's not just the order of the Heavenly Kingdom of God."

Qian Linyun's tone was a little dignified: "I guess, among them, I am afraid that it is the shadow of some people's Xeon."

"Otherwise, the Heavenly Kingdom of God will never come up with such a big battle."

"Besides, we need to be careful one or two."

"True magical relief, it has a lot to do with us."

"Once our tracks are exposed, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng deeply agreed.

Despite the situation at that time, even if he didn't take the shot himself, the other party could finally get out of trouble.

But after all, his own intervention helped the other party get out of trouble early.

However, Cheng Feng did not regret it.

Because he released the real magic, at least he can contract with the other party for three chapters.

If Zhenmaoyan escapes himself, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable disaster to the entire human world.

"Let's go, let's be as careful as possible to avoid the star fleet of the Kingdom of Heaven."

Slightly stabilized, Cheng Feng stopped building a super teleport array.

After preparing to move away from the Star Fleet, teleport.

Lest they be detected by the Star Fleet, everything will be gone by then.

time flies.

Cheng Feng and others proceeded cautiously in the Heaven Realm.

It took a long time to leave Tiancang God Realm under the search of many star fleets.

"Huh, finally left Tiancang God Realm."

Outside the sky of God, there is an unknown starry sky.

Yang Wuwei exhaled a long breath and laughed, "Next, I can finally let go of my hands and feet and teleport us to Hanchuan Diyuan."

In Tiancang Divine Realm, Yang Wuwei was afraid that the fluctuations emanating from his means would be captured by the masters of Tiancang Divine Kingdom.

It was not until the Kingdom of God of Heaven was born that they dared to use real means.

During the conversation, Yang Wuwei took out a golden cancan ring, which seemed sparse and ordinary, but exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

"This seems to be one thing, born space baby?"

Seeing the golden ring, Qian Linyun's eyes glared, seeming quite surprised.

"Brother Qian has good eyesight."

Yang Wuwei laughed: "The weapon on my hand has been taken away by the general of the gods since being locked in the **** of heaven."

"There is only one top sacred lance, and this space baby."

"I hid this thing in secret, blending with my flesh and blood."

"Otherwise, it would be taken away by the general of the gods."

"It's still Brother Yang."

Qian Linyun said enviously: "Almost all the treasures on my body were taken away, and none of them remained."

"Haha ~~~"

Yang Wuwei smiled immediately without delay.

The divine power was poured into the golden ring, and the golden ring immediately changed.

It became a liquid, merged into the starry sky, and connected this place with the spatial barriers of Hanchuan Diyuan.

"Some, come with me."

Seeing this, Yang Wuwei said a greeting and took the lead to enter the void channel connected by the golden ring.

Cheng Feng saw a few people and followed them.

"Huh? It's so cold!"

Cheng Feng had just stepped into the void channel, and before he could react, a chill hit his body.

Even though Xiuwei had reached such a point, he could not help shrinking his neck.

Then looked up and looked around, and found that he was already standing in a snowy field.

All the white ice and snow are in sight!

The temperature is so low that it can freeze and die to perfection.

"Is this Han Han Di Yuan?"

Cheng Feng frowned and whispered.

"Yes, this is Hanchuan Diyuan."

Yang Wuwei's voice sounded.

When he saw a move, the golden ring that fell into the starry sky fell out of the starry sky.

Before the transformation, it fell into the hands of Yang Wuwei.

"Senior Yang, this thing is really a rare treasure!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help moving: "With this thing, where you want to go, it's almost a matter of minutes."

"If you encounter chasing, you can run hundreds of millions of miles in a blink of an eye, which is a life-saving card!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, this thing is not as powerful as you think."

However, Yang Wuwei shook his head: "If this treasure wants to run, it must be deployed in advance, and there are various disadvantages."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be captured by General Tenjin."

"Uh, this is also true."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then shifted the topic and said, "Yes, this is a bit scary for Hanyang Diyuan!"

"I feel that the semi-sacred of the perfect grade comes in and can't live too long."

"Well, you're right."

Yang Wuwei nodded: "This place is in the starry sky, a famous forbidden zone of life."

"Don't say it's a perfect semi-sacred one. The existence of the Great Creation Realm doesn't matter if you're okay."

"I came here by accident for the same reason."

"Then this base was built in order to survive, and most of the cold was isolated from the outside."

"Otherwise, the temperature would be lower!"

"I wipe!"

Upon hearing this, the sword devil looked ugly and said, "So, am I here to die?"

"At most two or three days, I feel like I will be frozen alive!"

The sword demon is now condensing thirty-four holy patterns.

Although the combat power can be compared with the perfect semi-holy, the realm is worse, after all, the strength of the holy power is insufficient.

"Your boy, rest assured, you can't die with us." Yang Wuwei waved his hand and smiled, "On the contrary, you can sharpen yourself through the severe cold here. Maybe you can make Xiu further and achieve a complete level The semi-holy level. "

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