Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2602: Completely complete

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"Haha ~~"

Cheng Feng laughed: "I just want you to add more skills."

"Moreover, the drip is not leaking, and no one else sees the slightest clue!"

"Ah? Why is this?"

Cereal King is difficult to understand.

Usually people want to refine the elixir. The higher the grade, the less impurities the better.

Cheng Feng did well, and instead asked him to add impurities to the elixir.

"You can do as I tell you."

Cheng Feng did this to give a gift to Qian Linyun.

You should know that a heavenly and heavenly fruit is enough to advance a warrior in the heavens to a great creation.

The three heaven and earth fruits in Cheng Feng's hands are the finest among the heavenly and heavenly fruits.

One piece separated by several halves can also send the small fortune into the big fortune.

Such a treasure, Cheng Feng dare not leak out.

Although he and Qian Linyun had died together, the wealth was moving.

It would be boring if the whole heaven and earth fruits were separated and some were sent to Qian Linyun.

After all, a destructive heart must be present, but a deterrent heart must be present.

"My son, this is too easy for me."

Gu Yaowang didn't ask carefully, and laughed: "I only need to add a few kinds of auxiliary medicines in, and I can neutralize the breath of this heaven and earth treasure medicine."

"Even if the master of alchemy, it is difficult to tell the truth!"


Cheng Feng nodded: "I'll give you one third of the essence of this thing, and give me about ten pills."

"I think its medicinal properties, should be able to send the existence of the peak of the small fortune, into the large fortune?"

"Yes, almost."

Cereal King has never seen the top warriors in the big fortune realm and the little fortune realm, so he can't make an accurate judgment.

"But one won't work, and two will definitely work."

Cereal King said: "My son, give me half a day, I will give you a satisfactory account."

In a word, the king of grain medicine passed the two leaping dragon gate dans to Cheng Feng.

As for Cheng Feng, one of the three heaven and earth fruits was cut into one third and thrown to the King of Cereal Medicine.

The grain medicine king caught the fruits of heaven and earth, and the flames of ecstasy erupted in his eyes, so he went to the oven of heaven and earth and began to make them.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head, put away the rest of the world, and turned away from Wan Jiantu.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, a few of us planned a moment ago."

As soon as Cheng Feng came out, Yang Wuwei sidewalked: "We are going to take a break and go out and look for the trace of the nine days of holy water."

"Wait until the other person's reality is clear, then try to surrender it."

"At the same time, I can inquire about the situation outside."

"Several seniors, don't worry."

Cheng Feng waved his hand and said, "Wait a few days, I will send a gift to you, which will greatly increase your cultivation."

"Going out again will be much safer!"

"Hmm? What makes our repairs soaring?"

Hearing that, Yang Wuwei was all moved: "What gift is that?"

There were several people in Yang Wuwei, the weakest of whom had reached the petty fortune.

It is difficult to make their cultivation skyrocket.

Even they practiced hundreds of thousands, even thousands of years.

Therefore, as soon as Cheng Feng said, everyone could not calm down.

"Several seniors, don't worry."

However, Cheng Feng laughed: "The gift is kept secret for a while, you just have to wait a few days."

"During this period, first adjust their respective states to their peak."

Hearing that Qian Linyun had to stabilize.

But in my heart, it was like a few thousand hands scratching and it was uncomfortable.

It took a long time before they were able to calm down their emotions and entered into the state of pacing.

As for Cheng Feng, he came to a separate pavilion.

After sitting cross-legged, he took out the two leaping dragons.

This leaping dragon gate, about the size of a longan, looks sleek, but actually looks like a dragon.

This elixir is very human, and after being taken out by Cheng Feng, he continued to struggle on his hands.

It seems that I already know my fate and want to escape.

"Don't mess around."

Cheng Feng pinched the two elixirs: "You poured my blood before you survived the disaster."

"Now that you are in my belly and help me to cultivate the flower of martial arts, it is also a return to the body."

Listening to Cheng Feng's words, the struggle of the two leaping Longmen Dan weakened a little.

In fact, as Cheng Feng said, they can really exist because of Cheng Feng's help.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't delay.

Picked up a leaping dragon gate and sent it directly into the belly.

The entrance of the fish leaping Longmen Dan immediately turned into a violent angry dragon.

The surging medicine force poured into the body along the major veins of Cheng Feng.

Even if Cheng Feng practiced the first priority of Jiu Jie's undead body, his body was so stubborn that it was tingling.

Fortunately, these pains are all within Cheng Feng's tolerance.

"Tame me!"

Ignoring the pain, Cheng Feng bet all his energy on those surging forces.

With all the will gathered, the violent medicine was forcibly tamed like a wild horse with a rein.

Then the heart moved at will, and one after another rushed towards Cheng Feng's body.

When it fell into the flowers of martial arts, it turned into rain that nourished all things.

Water the flowers of martial arts frantically, making them constantly grow bigger and more beautiful.

Especially on the edges of the petals, a trace of gold thread appeared, which looked extremely honorable!

"Huh? Isn't one fish leaping Longmendan enough?"

Soon, the medicinal power of that fish leaping Longmendan was exhausted.

However, the three martial arts flowers in Cheng Feng's body have not yet reached fullness.

So Cheng Feng did not hesitate to put the second Yumeng Longmen Dan into his mouth.

This time, the three flowers of martial arts were finally fed and reached their maximum.

The three martial arts flowers bloomed in Cheng Feng's body, making Cheng Feng's power unprecedented.

I am afraid that in the history of martial arts, there is no one who ascends to the heavens and possesses a stronger power than Cheng Feng.

Not only that, the gold thread on the three flowers of Martial Arts was intertwined into an unknown pattern.

A faint field of coercion emanated from the pattern.

Actually, it is almost the same as the sanctuary of the creation!

"Oh? Holy land?"

Cheng Feng was also surprised.

According to rumors, the sanctuary can only be owned by the existence of the created world.

Ordinary people, do n’t even think about it.

This change in Cheng Feng's body really made him unable to calm down.

"Cheng Feng, this is indeed the prototype of Sanctuary."

When Cheng Feng didn't know why, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Ascend to heaven, but can give birth to a sanctuary, which is unprecedented." "It is really hard to imagine how far you will be in the future!"

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