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"Is it really a sanctuary?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and said joyfully, "I'm relieved."

"Now my cultivation has completely reached the extreme limit of climbing to heaven, it is time to take the fruits of heaven and earth and impact the environment."

"At the same time, it will also help you return to the top of Uncle Nalan!"

"Well, it's time."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "However, when you take the fruits of heaven and earth, it is best to avoid Qian Linyun and others."

"Once the breath of the fruits of the heavens and the earth is leaked, the other party's heart will grow ill."

"I am going to leave this stronghold and go to Hanchuan Diyuan to take the fruits of heaven and earth."

Cheng Feng groaned a bit and said, "Just like Qian Qian and others, they are now adjusting their positions in the base, and I will not cause any concern when I leave."

Cheng Feng had originally planned to make a breakthrough when Gu Yaowang trained the elixir and promoted Qian Linyun's cultivation to a few people, leaving the base to search for Jiutian Holy Water.

At that time, no one was allowed to play by themselves.

But after thinking about it, I am ready to act as soon as possible.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

Get up and walk out of the pavilion, outside the mechanical house.

Outside, the wind is cold.

However, after Cheng Feng swallowed two Yumeng Longmen Dan, Xiuwei had a huge increase.

The feeling at this moment is different from when I first entered Hanchuan Diyuan.

It was as if I was wearing a cotton coat and I didn't feel too cold.

"After Xiu's promotion, it really is different."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction, then turned around and found that the sword demon was sitting cross-legged at the canyon exit.

Although the whole canyon was shrouded by Yang Wuwei's great means.

But at the two exits of the canyon, the cold wind was still cold.

It is more than a few times more violent than elsewhere.

To be a perfect semi-sacred, you must avoid it far.

However, the sword demon was not moved, and the whole person was like a sharp sword out of the sheath, and stood in the cold wind.

With the power of the cold wind, you can forge yourself in the hammer.

Let him cultivate, improve a little bit.

In particular, the swordman ’s will to Kendo is about to reach completion.

Once successful, relying solely on the will of Kendo, you can kill the perfect semi-holy.

"The sword demon is a kendo genius."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng suddenly thought of his friend: "Brother Sword Cleaner than Jian Chi, and Jian Qi have a few wins."

"However, Brother Sword is limited by their main cultivation conditions."

"If you come out of the dome continent, it will be like a dragon returning to the sea and flying into the sky!"

Whispering, Cheng Feng did not bother the sword demon.

Instead, I came to another exit of the canyon, and looked at it for a moment to display the technique of Seven Kills and Five Elements.

Put yourself into the dirt, silently out of the canyon.

"This place is really cold."

Outside the canyon, Cheng Feng immediately felt the horror of Hanchuan Diyuan.

Even if he was mentally prepared, his hands and feet quickly became cold, and his blood stopped working.

Fortunately, the three martial arts flowers in Cheng Feng's body erupted brilliantly.

An overwhelming divine power sprang up, dissipating all the cold from his body.

"It's no wonder this place is a dead zone. It's true."

Cheng Feng was a little moved: "My current divine power is fully capable of conquering the semi-holy, but I can barely protect myself."

"Also, it's madly consumed every moment."

"At most a week, I have to be frozen alive because my power is dry!"

Cheng Feng did not exaggerate in this regard.

Because of the cold wave invasion, he must turn his divine power to the extreme.

There is no difference in fighting against masters.

At this time, if you encounter another monster that lives in the cold place, Cheng Feng will definitely die!

"Small fire, come out!"

Cheng Feng groaned slightly, summoning the new emperor fire.

The new emperor emperor has now been promoted to the emperor level.

As for the perfection semi-holy, it can be easily burned into powder.

With the small fire coming out, he made a circle around Cheng Feng.

Even if Cheng Feng put away the divine power, he didn't feel a bit cold, such as in the spring breeze in March.

"Cheng Feng, I don't like this place."

The new emperor fire entangled in Cheng Feng's body, frowning.

Water and fire are incompatible, the new emperor fire is fire, and Hanchuan Diyuan is the ultimate 'ice' of water.

"Small fire, bear with me first."

Cheng Feng said: "At this time, with your help, I can find a quiet place to break through and repair."

To break through the practice in Hanchuan Diyuan, someone must protect the law.

But Qian Linyun and others, Cheng Feng did not absolutely trust.

The new emperor fire became Cheng Feng's first choice.

"As long as it's yours, I'll be fine."

The new emperor fire is very righteous and obeys Cheng Feng's words.

It just complained just now. Hearing that Cheng Feng needs it, he nodded and agreed immediately.

"Okay, let's go!"

Cheng Feng smiled slightly, cast a star to catch the moon, and flew away from the canyon.

Soon, Cheng Feng flew out of the canyon, and the sight of the world outside the canyon came into view.

I saw a patch of heaven and earth, and the cold cold wind howling in the sky, it seemed to tear the whole sky.

Cheng Feng was still far from the center of Jinfeng, and his body couldn't help shaking violently.

Like a leaf, it is to be ground into dregs!

"No wonder Yang Wuwei wants to build a stronghold in a canyon."

Cheng Feng's body was shaking, but his heart was bright and cheerful: "I'm afraid it's not just concealment, but also the blockage of the mountain to resist the storm in the sky!"

Cheng Feng's guess was very accurate.

In Hanchuan Diyuan, the most terrifying monster is not a ghost and a monster, but a cold storm!

Once the cold wave storm erupts, even the great fortune will be buried in it.

"Looking at the sky, it seems like a cold storm is brewing!"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Should I go back first and make a breakthrough when the cold storm is over?"

The strong wind condensed in the sky made Cheng Feng's hair a little hairy.

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This is not a cold storm at all, just an ordinary storm."

"Although ordinary storms are terrible, as long as you rush into the good fortune, it should be enough to escape."

"In addition, this storm can also cover up the heaven and earth vision formed by your breakthrough. It can't be more suitable."

"Okay, then I'll take the fruits of heaven and earth here!"

Cheng Feng flew to the other side of the mountain peak backed by the canyon, randomly selected a leeward stone, and sat up on his knees.

When the condition is adjusted to the best, the three heaven and earth fruits being hidden are taken out.

Of the three heaven and earth fruits, only one-third of them are left.

The other third was given to the King of Grains by Cheng Feng for you to make Jiupin Shendan.

"Just start with you!"

Cheng Feng glanced at the three heaven and earth fruits and picked up the mutilated heaven and earth fruits. Holding it in your hand, it will start to absorb directly.

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