Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2610: Law of force

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However, Qian Linyun also knew.

Any words of thanks at this time are false.

So he didn't bother too much, but picked up the elixir, walked aside, and began to swallow directly.

All kindness is ready to repay after the breakthrough.

"Brother Qian really encountered the greatest fortune in this life!"

Looking at this scene, Yang Wuwei was full of envy.

Great creation, that is his lifelong pursuit.

Now Qian Linyun will be at his fingertips, and if Cheng Feng does not give Jiupin Shendan, he will be hopeless for life!

"Senior Yang, I'll give you a nine-pin god."

However, at this moment, a sound of heaven suddenly appeared in his ear.

"What, you son will give me Jiupin Shendan?"

Yang Wuwei's mind was actually ready.

But when happiness came, his heart was still beating and his body was shaking with excitement.

"of course."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I hope that after Yang Xiu breaks through, he will help me surrender the nine days of holy water, so that my friends can make great progress!"

Wang Qingrou is still in the pot.

Although she has assimilated another nine-day holy water, the will of the nine-day holy water still affects her.

Let her sometimes be violent, so she did not rush out.

After preparing to completely obliterate the remaining will of the nine days of holy water, they came out to meet with Cheng Feng.

"My son, as long as I am Yang Wuwei, I can step into a great fortune."

Yang Wuwei said silently: "From now on, I will saddle your horse for your son, and never die!"

"Senior Yang is serious."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "Let's help each other."

After speaking, Cheng Feng threw Yang Wuwei a Jiupin Shendan, and let him go and swallow the refinement.

When I saw Yang Wuwei, they both got a Jiupin Shendan.

The eyes of the three Yu Xuanzi flew into flames, and they wanted to be given by Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng said, "Three wait for a while first, and protect the law for Senior Yang."

"When the two seniors have finished their cultivation, I am giving three elixir."


Yu Xuanzi nodded in unison, respecting Cheng Feng's attitude to the extreme.

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

The energy of Jiupin Shendan can be described as terror.

As Yang Wuwei swallowed one and swallowed one each, they seemed to have become a storm that was sweeping by.

The horrible force raged in his body. Even if Cheng Feng had stood tens of thousands of miles away, his skin was hurt by the force, such as being cut by a knife.

"Brother Qian and Brother Yang are about to break through!"

Seeing this, Yu Xuanzi was shocked and envious.

As for the captured Shiro, it was full of fear.

You know, the reason why he went crazy before was because behind him was a giant who created a great realm.

Now, Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei are about to take that step.

Once successful, it will be two giants of great fortune.

At that time, would he be afraid of his boss?

And he will pay a heavy price for his former fanaticism!

Rumbling ~~~

time flies.

Finally, a terrifying roar sounded.

Immediately, a mighty pillar of force rose into the sky, piercing the constant dome of Hanchuan Diyuan for ten thousand years.

Let the storm that was about to calm down in the sky suddenly erupt.

"It's started, it's started!"

Yu Xuanzi was tense and tense, and said very excitedly: "Brother Qian is gestating the law of strength. If he succeeds, Brother Qian will become infinitely powerful!"

"On your own, you can move a continent!"

There are many laws of heaven and earth, including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, electricity ...

There are also three Supreme Rules, time, space, and destiny!

Qian Linyun's comprehension at this moment is truly the law of force.

"I remember, Qian Qiang is good at martial arts, right?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "If he understands the power of the law, shouldn't he understand the power of the law?"

"My son, the power of the rule that Brother Qian realized was obtained from that nine-pin god."

Yu Xuanzi explained: "There is a law of force in that god."

"So Brother Qian was inspired, and his understanding of the law of power increased greatly!"

"Hopefully, Brother Qian can master the law of power!"

When speaking, 嘭 ~~~

Qian Linyun's body shape changed greatly, his muscles swelled.

The hair on the head changed, dark and shiny.

In a blink of an eye, I became a thirty-year-old man full of strength.

I saw electric light in his eyes, raised his hand and punched the sky toward the condensing storm.

Penetrating the void directly, blasting the center of the storm.


The next moment, the terrible storm broke down.

It was actually broken by Qian Linyun with one punch!

"Success, Brother Qian succeeded!"

Seeing this, Yu Xuanzi was full of envy.

That Wang Xian and Gu Yuntian were equally envious.

Because, that's a great creation, and I once needed to look up.

However, while they were envious, the blood in their bodies also boiled.

If Cheng Feng subsequently gave himself Jiupin Shendan, they would probably reach this state.

"Finally, is it successful?"

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "Very good. In this way, I also have a master of great creations to escort!"

"So many enemies have come to kill the chasers of the Kingdom of God, and I can compete against them!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's gaze moved away from Qian Linyun's body and looked at Yang Wuwei.

I saw Yang Wuwei, but the situation was not so optimistic.

Although he also served a Jiupin Shendan, he failed to understand the power of the law.

Sitting cross-legged at this time, thinking hard.

"Brother Yang is in trouble!"

Yu Xuanzi sighed: "He was unable to control the laws of heaven and earth with the power of the Jiupin Shendan rule, even if he thought hard and meditated, he was afraid to end with failure."

"The opportunity to step up to the sky, pass him by!"

Jiupin Shendan may not necessarily be able to help the existence of the peak of the small fortune, and break into the large fortune.

Because Jiu Pin Shen Dan contains only the power of a rule.

Those who pass the customs must have enough talent and luck to succeed in one fell swoop.

If one is missing, it will end in failure!

"Are you going to fail?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly.

Then he groaned for a moment, quietly forcing a drop of his own blood.

Condensed into a herb, and then throw it to Yang Wuwei.

"Senior Yang, try this herb."

Cheng Feng said: "Maybe this thing can let you touch the bypass!"

Cheng Feng's mother was transformed by the true spirit of the earth-dome continent, and counted as a natural fruit of heaven and earth.

The grade is higher than all Tianmai level heaven and earth fruits.

A drop of his blood definitely contained the power of a rule. After taking Yang Wuwei, it may be of great use.

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