Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2611: Two great fortunes

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"This herb ..."

Yang Wuwei was in a state of loss. After catching the herb, his spirit could not help but startled.

From the herbs, he felt the breath of extremely pure laws.

It's even more pure than the power of the rule contained in the nine-pin god.

The color of joy crawled across his face, and after holding a fist to Cheng Feng, he put the herb into his mouth and chewed it to absorb the essence.

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng's essence is really useful.

As Yang Wuwei refined the essence and blood contained in the herb, he immediately shook his body, exposing his epiphany.

The next moment, lightning flashed out of his body.

Fall into the surrounding rocks, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Those mountains and stones seemed to have been bombarded by giant thunder, and all turned into powder!

Moreover, after the power of the thunderbolt destroyed the rocks within a thousand miles, it has not dissipated and continues to be destroyed.

It has the taste of destroying the entire Hanchuan Diyuan!

"My God, Yang Wuwei realized the law of electricity after taking the herb given by his son!"

"The Law of Electricity, this is a very powerful attack!"

"And Yang Wuwei is also good at marksmanship, which is in line with the law of electricity, and the combat power will rise."

"After entering into the great fortune, the ordinary fortune is not an opponent!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Xuanzi's eyes were hot and envious to the extreme.

Because the main principle of electricity is more powerful than Qian Linyun's law of power.

Originally, Yang Wuwei was detained in Tiancang Holy Prison, extracting the essence of life for thousands of years, and even if he rushed into the great fortune, he would be the weakest great fortune.

But with the realization of the law of electricity, this gap will be greatly reduced.

Even stronger than many siblings!

噼 Ka ~~~

While Yu Xuanzi was talking to a few people, Yang Wuwei made a loud noise.

Immediately soared into the sky, shuttled through the broken storm.

The whole body was throbbing with lightning, and all the storms passing by were shattered!

"Brother Yang, congratulations on your understanding of the law of electricity!"

In the sky, Qian Linyun stood by his hands.

His body shape changed greatly, and his muscles were built like a little giant.

Compared with the previous, it was almost judged as two people.

"Haha ~~~"

Yang Wuwei smiled cheerfully: "I can make a breakthrough this time, thanks to Son Cheng Feng."

"If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I won't break through for life!"

"Yeah, me too."

Qian Linyun nodded in agreement: "I have said before, from now on, as long as son Cheng Feng needs it."

"Even if I go to soup and fire, someone is my money!"

At this point, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Cheng Feng was full of gratitude in his heart.

唰 唰 ~~~

After slightly adapting to the repair after the breakthrough, Qian Linyun fell to the ground.

"Son, thank you!"

"If there is a mission in the future, I will never die!"

Qian Linyun both bowed to Cheng Feng.

"Two seniors don't need to be polite."

Cheng Feng raised the two and laughed, "The reason why the two have today is their own opportunity."

"Otherwise, even if I want to help, I can't help!"

"My son, as far as I know, you need to surrender to the nine days of holy water in this area."

Yang Wuwei's eyes flashed and he said, "I am now repairing just to break through. I just go outside and walk around, searching for the whereabouts of the holy water for the nine days."

"Once you get the details, it's better than grabbing the nine days of holy water to the boy."

"So, thank you, Senior Yang."

Cheng Feng nodded and smiled.

"My son is too polite."

Yang Wuwei shook his head and immediately turned away without delay.

"Does the son need nine days of holy water?"

Seeing Yang Wuwei's departure, Qian Linyun frowned: "I heard that the nine-day holy water in Hanchuan Diyuan is very powerful, and the existence of the great creation environment may not be able to surrender.

"Before, there were several great powerful creatures who entered the Hanchuan Divine to capture the holy water for nine days, and all came home!"

"Will I help Brother Yang?"

"Not urgent."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "The traces of the holy water of Nine Heavens are erratic, it is not too late to talk to senior Yang when he finds the other party."

"Also, maybe the boss of Yu Shiro may come back to trouble us."

"If Qian Qian also left, then we would be in danger."

Mentioning Yu Shilang, Qian Linyun's eyes stared at the past.

Previously, when Yu Shilang faced Qian Linyun, he looked fearless.

But with Qian Linyun's breakthrough, he did not dare to make a high profile.

In Qian Linyun's eyes, he couldn't help shrinking.

"Say, how many people are your accomplices?"

Qian Linyun said lightly: "If I honestly explain, I can spare your life, otherwise, I will destroy you!"

"Senior, I said, I'll say it."

Yu Shiro is simply a cartilage, bullying and afraid of hard.

Shocked by Qian Linyun, he immediately dumped the beans and gave out information about his associates.

Yu Shilang's accomplices consisted of four people, three small fortunetellers and one big fortuneteller.

Three of them exist, and along with the great magician of the great creatures, they went to the abyss of Hanchuan Diyuan to search for the treasures of heaven and earth.

Yu Shiro was left outside the abyss in case he was blocked by the back road.

However, Yu Shilang did not stay at the entrance to the abyss of Hanchuan Diyuan, but wandered around, just hitting the ten Jiupin Shendan crossing, and gave birth to the heart of snatch.

Unfortunately, it hit the iron plate.

"A magician exists in the Great Creation?"

Qian Linyun raised a brow: "This person, I seem to have heard of it, is a great devil who kills humans."

"At that time, in order to cultivate a kind of magic power, we lured thousands of ascendants in the heavenly realm to enter a secret realm."

"As a result, he sacrificed the entire secret!"

"Grass, it's almost impersonal!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Regarding the massacre of thousands of souls, Cheng Feng has heard a lot before.

For example, Gu Zun, Qian Linyun, Yu Xuanzi, etc., have all been rumored to slaughter innocent creatures and practice magic.

But that was all a lie that the General of the Gods deliberately spread in order to block the crowd.

Gu Yuntian, none of them have done such things.

Therefore, at this moment, when I heard what the magician was doing, I felt a sense of disgust in my heart!

"My son, more than that."

Qian Linyun continued: "The magician is not only cruel and easy to kill, but also very treacherous and violent, with very little eyes."

"We caught his accomplice, and we will definitely come to our trouble."

"Well, as long as he dares to come, we will cut off a scourge for the world!"

Now Cheng Feng is not afraid of magicians.

Although the magician is a veteran of good fortune, Cheng Feng can be escorted by two great formidables.

What's more, Cheng Feng still has four Jiupin Shendans in his hands, and it is not impossible to create one or two great fortunes. By then, as long as the magician dares to come, there is absolutely no return!

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