Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2619: Beauty in arms

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The area of ​​the purple glacier is tens of millions of miles.

The three Cheng Feng headed towards the glacier center from three directions.

About half an hour later, a chill-smelling breath came from the front.

"Huh? Could that nine days of holy water climb out of the glacier?"

Feeling the bone cold, Cheng Feng's spirit was shocked.

Turn the Holy Spirit to the extreme and look in the direction of the breath.

At this time, Cheng Feng has no good fortune eyes.

That magical right eye has been recovered by Nalan Longevity.

But this does not affect Cheng Feng's vision, even three points stronger than before.

Looking up, I saw millions of miles away, and a cold air was spraying out from a large pit.

Because the cold was too fierce, the natural clouds were frozen into ice masses.

Constantly falling from the sky is very scary.

"A crypt?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "Must, the nine days of holy water dormant in the crypt?"

Cheng Feng speeded up, and within a few minutes, hurried to the crypt.

I saw that the crypt was large, thousands of miles in diameter.

The cold air was erupting inside, even if Xiu Feng reached Cheng Feng's realm, he even had a feeling of cold.

"My son, this crypt is not simple."

At this time, Yang Wuwei and Qian Linyun also rushed over.

Then Yang Wuwei glanced at the crypt and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this crypt connects the underground veins of Hanchuan Diyuan."

"The nine-day holy water should have gone down this crypt and entered the veins of the ground."

"The bottom line of Hanchuan Diyuan?"

Cheng Feng frowned and asked, "What is the specific situation in this underground vein?"

"Master, the veins of the ground can be understood as the blood vessels of Hanchuan Diyuan."

Yang Wuwei said: "These pipelines are intertwined, interconnected and intricate."

"There are all kinds of cold and heavenly treasures in the world. Of course, there are more cold beasts and terrible dangerous places."

"The existence of the Great Creation Realm does not want to stay in it too much."

"Well, I've heard of underground veins."

Qian Linyun interjected: "In fact, the fierce name of Hanchuan Diyuan was caused by this thing."

"Let a lot of good fortune exist and fall into it, only then did Hanchuan Diyuan become so famous!"

"According to this, nine days of holy water has entered the context of the ground, it is not easy to chase."

Cheng Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled and felt a little tricky.

Because of the holy water for nine days, I spent a long time in this cold place.

The terrain, threats, and so on about this place are all well-known. Cheng Feng is unfamiliar with their lives. It is a bit lacking in confidence to enter and arrest each other.

At this moment, hum ~~~

A sudden wave came from Qiankun Bag.

Cheng Feng took off the Qiankun bag and looked at it slightly, his face showing a touch of joy.

Then open the lid of Qiankun bag, wow ~~~

A cold air flew from it, and immediately turned into a cold beauty.

It is Wang Qingrou.

"Girl Wang, congratulations on your assimilation of that nine-day holy water!"

Originally, Wang Qingrou was in the Qiankun bag, refining another nine-day holy water.

But at this moment, he had an idea to assimilate the last rebellious will of the nine-day holy water, and made himself a separate individual.

"Cheng Feng, thank you."

Wang Genrou, now very strong, is no longer the weak woman before.

But in the face of Cheng Feng, he could not help becoming weaker.

The sound is so sweet that it makes your ears smooth.

"It's nothing."

Facing Wang's gentle eyes, Cheng Feng was a little uncomfortable.

With a dry cough, "Yes, why did you suddenly refine the will of the nine days of holy water?"

"I happen to happen, too?"

Wang thought softly and said, "I didn't know what happened just now, and suddenly felt a strong threat."

"The potential was suddenly squeezed out, assimilating the last hint of will of that nine-day holy water."

"You feel a threat?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and guessed, "Did you notice the existence of the nine-day holy water in the veins of the bottom of the cold river?

"My son, it's quite possible."

At this time, Yang Wuwei interjected: "As far as I know, there is an inexplicable induction between the holy waters of the nine days."

"Perhaps, we can catch the nine-day holy water without entering the context of the ground!"

"Do you want to use Girl Wang as a bait? Trick the other into hooking?"

Cheng Feng instantly understood Yang Wuwei's thoughts and shook his head flatly: "No, it's too dangerous!"

The nine-day holy water in Hanchuan's Depths does not fall into the wind.

If tempted, take Wang gently away.

That gentle power of Wang will surely be assimilated in minutes.

"These seniors are ..."

At this moment, Wang Qing's eyes moved away from Cheng Feng, and swept across Yang Wuwei.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure, he could not help moving closer to Cheng Feng's side.

"It's okay, these are my friends."

Cheng Feng patted Wang Gen's shoulders, begging her not to be afraid.

Subsequently, a few people from Qian Linyun were briefly introduced.

"Hello seniors, I'm Cheng Feng's girlfriend, please take care of me in the future!"

After the introduction, Wang Qingrou's eyes flashed, and he greeted with a smile.


However, Cheng Feng was almost choked.

When did Wang Qingrou become his girlfriend? Why didn't he know?

However, at this time he was not easy to pierce directly.

Because of this, Wang's soft face was too hurt, and he could only pretend that he didn't hear.

"It turns out you're the boyfriend's girlfriend!"

But Cheng Feng's pretend made Qian Linyun misunderstand a few people.

In particular, Yang Wuwei concluded that Wang Genu's relationship with Cheng Feng was not ordinary.

Otherwise, would the conditions for saving him be set as a gentle capture of the holy water for nine days?

Then she flattered and said, "Miss Wang, in the future we will not take care of you, but you will take care of us."

"This is a star pendant, which I got by chance."

"I also hope Miss Wang smiled and set off your beauty!"

Talking, Yang Wuwei took out a star-shaped and beautiful pendant, and handed it to Wang gently.

Not only Yang Wuwei, but Qian Linyun also had a lot of learning, each of them took out a precious gift to Wang Qingrou.

Obviously, Wang Genrou was regarded as Cheng Feng's future wife!

"Ahem, you misunderstand ..."

This time, Cheng Feng finally had to explain one or two.

However, he could not finish his words. Wang Qingrou leaned on his shoulder and asked with a shameful face: "Cheng Feng, the gifts from these seniors are so precious, I still don't accept them."

Wang Qingrou is a peerless beauty, and it is also the carrier of the heaven and earth's nine heavenly holy waters.

Washed by Jiutian Shengshui, she became more and more beautiful and fresh.

Cheng Feng is also a blood-gas Fang Gang, still a virgin = male.

The beauty is in her arms, and even if her will is tougher, she can't help it. If you are ready to explain, you cannot export immediately.

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