Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2620: Underground context

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"You decide, you like it."

There was a wave in my heart, and it took a while for Cheng Feng to react.

Shaking his head immediately, a bitter smile lifted Wang gently.

"Then ... I'll keep it!"

Seeing Cheng Feng no longer tangled with his ‘identity’ position, Wang Qingrou's eyes flashed with a happy smile: “After all, the elders ca n’t quit!”

"Haha ~~~"

Yang Wuwei laughed: "Ms. Wang said so."

"Moreover, it is my honor to wait for Miss Wang to accept the gifts I am waiting for."

At the same time, Yang Wuwei also saw a little, the clue between Cheng Feng and Wang Qingrou.

Seeing that Cheng Feng did not reject Wang Qingrou, he felt that Wang Qingrou might have a show.

Then his eyes flashed and he smiled, "Yes, my son, we old ladies have given Miss Wang a gift."

"You boyfriend, can't you say nothing?"

"Senior Yang, what you said is so good!"

After listening to Yang Wu's remarks, Wang Qing's face had a stronger joy.

In my heart, Yang Wuwei's goodwill increased several grades.

"Senior Yang, why are you in trouble?"

Cheng Feng smiled bitterly, but in the face of Wang's softly longed eyes, it was not easy to refuse.

So he groaned a little and said, "Let's go, we are here to arrest a holy water for nine days."

"When I get caught, I will give you that nine-day holy water as a gift!"

"Caught nine days of holy water?"

Wang Qingrou is now regarded as a new nine-day holy water.

Hearing Cheng Feng's reference to the nine-day holy water, his mind immediately moved and looked at the entrance to the bottom of the veins of Hanchuan Diyuan: "Is that the nine-day holy water in this crypt?

"You sense it too?"

"Well, I can feel it."

Wang gently nodded: "It wants to swallow me and become stronger!"

"Rest assured that being with me will not let it hurt you."

Seeing Wang Genrou's fear, Cheng Feng approached the other side and comforted him.

"Well, I believe you will protect me."

Wang gently bowed his head, leaned his cheek against Cheng Feng's ear, and said slightly coquettishly, "However, the nine days of holy water is not a gift."

"You have to make something interesting and make a gift for me!"

Wang Qingrou's words clearly indicated something.

"Miss Wang, in fact, you have got a biggest gift!"

At this time, Yang Wuwei interjected with a smile.

"Oh? What gift?"

Wang asked curiously.

"This gift is the son of himself!"

Yang Wuwei said: "Isn't it the greatest gift in life for a boyfriend like a peerless man to be a boyfriend?"

"Senior Yang, you really can say."

Wang smiled softly as a flower, and his face was filled with happiness.

As for Cheng Feng, he smiled bitterly.

In fact, he is not without feeling Wang Wangrou.

The point is, he already has lightness in his heart.

Although I don't know how many miles apart, and haven't seen each other for a long time, the most memorable thing in Cheng Feng's mind is lightness.

Can't, let him marry Wang Qingrou, but also marry light?

"Forget it, the boat goes straight to the bridge."

Cheng Feng's thoughts were disturbed, and he didn't sort out for a long time. He simply ignored: "Now, let's seize that nine-day holy water first!

"Senior Yang, Senior Qian."

Cheng Feng's look was clear: "Do you think we are looking for the holy water of the nine days in the vein of the ground?"

"Still stay here and wait for the other party to come in?"

"My son, these two choices have advantages and disadvantages!"

Qian Linyun groaned a little and replied, "Stay here and wait for the other to be hooked. It is safer, but a bit passive."

"And it can take a long time."

"As for the initiative, you can take the initiative."

"But the dangers will skyrocket, and you may even be trapped in the ground."

"Well, there are advantages and disadvantages."

Cheng Feng nodded: "That being the case, let's get into the ground."

"With the power of the three of us, I can't believe that the nine-day holy water can't be surrendered."

"Do you want to enter this crypt and arrest the holy water for nine days?"

Wang gently moved and said, "Maybe, I can show you the way."

"You going in too?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "No, it is too dangerous, you still stay outside the glacier with the other four seniors!"

"Cheng Feng, I can sense the specific position of that nine-day holy water."

Wang gently said, "And, I'm the safest to follow you."

"Because the nine-day holy water can also sense my location."

"In case you leave, the other party will come back to deal with me, I'm definitely going to die!"

Wang Qingrou's remarks were reasonable and reasonable. At the same time, he also had a coquettish taste, making Cheng Feng unable to refuse.

"Let's go, you can go down with me."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said, "However, you must be obedient and not mess around."

"Otherwise, it would be life-threatening."

"Do not worry."

Wang Qingrou Bird said, "As long as you say something, I'll obey."

"That being the case, Senior Qian."

Cheng Feng turned his head and looked at Qian Linyun: "Please send a message to senior Yu and let them wait outside the Purple Glacier."

"If we are in danger, they will leave on their own, and never enter the context of the earth to rescue them."

The strength of Yu Xuanzi's people was clear to Cheng Feng.

Together, the four are probably not Cheng Feng's opponents.

If Cheng Feng is in distress in the context of the ground, Yu Xuanzi's four will come to rescue each other and will only take their own lives and help Cheng Feng little.

"it is good."

Qian Linyun nodded.

The impression of Cheng Feng in his heart was raised a little again.

"Let's go, let's enter the context of the ground."

After Qian Linyun sent the message, Cheng Feng grabbed Wang Geng's small hand and stepped into the crypt.

Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei followed behind and also entered the crypt.

In the crypt, the cold air transpired.

Feeling that any living thing enters it, the blood will instantly freeze, breathing will stop, and become an ice sculpture.

However, Cheng Feng was totally able to bear it.

A sacred power is triggered to form a sacred power cover, and the horrible cold is blocked out and cannot penetrate into the body.

Especially Wang gentle, his body is already holy water for nine days.

When it comes to how cold it is, it's even better.

As Wang gently breathed and tossed, a trace of cold air essence penetrated her numerous pores and penetrated into her body.

Let her practice grow silently.

However, Wang Qingrou did not care about these.

Instead, like a cat, she shrank into Cheng Feng's arms.

Cheng Feng had no choice but to lift Wang gently.

The masculinity in his body was vented and sprayed on Wang Qingrou's body, making Wang Qingwen's body soft.

The body was more weak and attached to Cheng Feng.

"Don't make a fool." Why has Cheng Feng been so provoked by a beauty? There was a reaction on the spot.

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