Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2622: Ice Arrow Snake

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Jiutian Holy Water is definitely a bit of a cat, using this land as a place of rivals.

However, Cheng Feng looked around and found no abnormalities.

"It's strange."

Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei also did not see any clues, and could not help wrinkling his brows: "Is that nine-day holy water overconfidence? Do you think we can defeat us alone?

Thinking so, Kakaka ~~~

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's ground cracked.

The bitter cold spewed from the cracks, which was almost the same as the slashing of the Supreme Holy Grail.

"Be careful."

Qian Linyun reminded him that his strong body was standing in front of Cheng Feng.

Hum! The law of force erupts, condensing into an unmatched force field.

Cheng Feng several people, all covered in the force field.

The force field is also a kind of field, but it can only be exerted by the great realm giant who understands the law of force.

The force field rose up, and the cold air ejected from the cracks was ejected one after another.

As if being bombarded by invisible forces, it was impossible to get close.

However, these chills are obviously just appetizers.

As the cracks on the ground become larger, click ~~~

The ground exploded completely, and a series of transparent ice snakes shot from it.

These ice snakes are weird, with their snake heads as sharp as the tip of an arrow.

After shooting from the ground, it seemed like a dense arrow tip, and burst into the four persons of Cheng Feng.

"Huh? It's an ice arrow snake!"

Qian Linyun's face sank: "This snake is extremely penetrating, especially for the saint's field, it is even more lethal!"

as expected.

Qian Linyun's field of force is formed by the law of force.

Attacks that exist in the Great Creation Realm can block 80% or 90%.

However, the ice arrow snake stabbed in the force field, but penetrated directly.

Fortunately, Qian Linyun was well prepared and wielded a sledgehammer in his hand.

嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

All close-up ice arrow snakes were blown up!

"Can you break the monsters in the sanctuary?"

Behind Qian Linyun, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "This snake has some meaning!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng reached out and caught an ice arrow snake.

The key to the snake is generally seven inches down from its head.

Cheng Feng grabbed the seven inches of the ice arrow snake, the other party should have been stiff and unable to move.

However, huh ~~~

The ice arrow snake broke from seven inches and turned into two smaller ice arrow snakes, which attacked Cheng Feng quickly.

"Cheng Feng, be careful!"

Wang Qingrou was beside Cheng Feng.

Seeing this, there was almost no hesitation, and he stood in front of Cheng Feng.

"What stupid thing?"

Seeing Cheng Feng, a warm current rose in his heart, but his mouth reprimanded: "I am now a master of the Seven Calamities, and the ice arrow snake can't hurt me.

"It's you, take care of yourself first in danger!"

Whispering, 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng raised his hands and punched the two ice arrow snakes.

As for Wang Genrou, it was naturally unscathed.

"Cheng Feng, when did you become so strong?"

Wang Qingrou's understanding of Cheng Feng still stayed in the heavenly holy prison.

Although she came out of Qiankun's bag, she also noticed that Cheng Feng was much stronger than before.

But I didn't expect that it would be incredible to become so powerful.

"A lot has happened during this time."

Cheng Feng shook his head without elaborating.

It will take a lot of time to elaborate on this matter.

"It's truly my boyfriend, it's amazing!"

Wang Qingrou's heart raised a sense of pride and didn't ask it carefully.

In fact, ever since she met Cheng Feng, she has seen Cheng Feng create various miracles.

This revision soared directly to the Seven Calamities, although it violated normal principles.

But Wang Qingrou took it for granted after the initial surprise.

"Watch out, there are big guys coming out."

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's face became serious.

Wang Gently approached Cheng Feng quickly, and at the same time raised his eyes to look at the bottom rift.


I saw the ground smashed by a force.

The next moment, a huge dragon head slammed out of the ground.

The ice arrow snake shot by the sky exploded and came straight to Cheng Feng.

"No, there is an ice holy dragon lying on the ground!"

Seeing the huge dragon head, Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei both looked slightly changed.

Because of the Dragons, they are inherently better than humans.

They have strong bloodlines, powerful forces, and strong defenses.

Once in the realm of fortune, the combat power is much stronger than that of humans.

At this moment, the head of the dragon probing from the bottom of the earth is exactly the existence of a dragon-type fortune.

Huh ~~~

The Bing Shenglong poked out his head and slammed into Cheng Feng them.

Cheng Feng and they hurriedly retreated while defending.

However, that ice holy dragon's mouth suddenly opened, exhaling an ice-blue gas.

That's Dragon Breath, one of the killers of the Dragon Race!

As the dragon's breath spit out, Cheng Feng's bottom veins suddenly plummeted.

Water molecules in the air have condensed and turned into ice that is ten million times harder than steel.

Cheng Feng retreated and hit his body directly on the ice.

Although relying on tyrannical force, he hardly hit Jianbing out of a humanoid channel.

But the speed of retreat was, after all, significantly delayed.

The huge dragon head of Bingsheng Dragon immediately pressed the momentum of Mount Tai and approached quickly.

"Break me!"

At a critical juncture, Qian Linyun was soaring.

Muscles build up on his body, throwing out the stars in his hand.

Huh! The ice wall was directly penetrated and a wide road appeared.

However, just when Cheng Feng thought they were about to get out of trouble.

咻咻 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The sky and ice snakes swarmed in, and they shot at Cheng Feng overwhelmingly.

"These obscure things!"

At this time, Yang Wuwei was angry.

A roar, nodded ~~~

Light flashed all over the body, instantly filling thousands of miles of underground veins.

Flashed over all the fired ice arrow snakes, turning them all into slag.

However, although the roadblock was lifted, the huge dragon head of Bingsheng Dragon was already in sight.

As a last resort, the four Cheng Feng could only carry it hard.

"Tenjin fist, Tenjin is dead!"

First was Qian Linyun, who exhibited a deep boxing technique.

The huge dragon head hitting Bingsheng Dragon blasted a punch.

The boxing power is mixed with the power of the unparalleled rule, so that the whole underground veins have a taste to be blasted.

Bang ~~~

When this punch hit the head of the ice holy dragon.

The ear-sounding sound roared, and the horrific force exploded immediately, breaking the ground vein of Cheng Feng directly.

Hundreds of millions of tons of ice and mud splashed out, making meteor showers in the sky of Hanchuan Diyuan!

In the context of the ground, Qian Linyun was struck by a strong backlash.

The whole person could not help but quit. The body smashed the veins of the ground and was deeply embedded in the ice.

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