Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2623: Unprecedented crisis

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In contrast, the ice holy dragon, but only a little stuffy head.

When he shook his head fiercely, he became clear-headed, and then immediately attacked again.

"The law of electricity, kill!"

However, Yang Wuwei attacked for a long time.

A large gun in his hand with a bright electric light stabbed Bing Shenglong's forehead.

The tip of the gun pierced the scales of the ice holy dragon, and went deeper into it by a meter or two.

Then, 啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

The law of strong transverse electricity is poured into the body of the ice holy dragon, making the whole body of the ice holy dragon glow, emitting a stinging roar.

The next moment, the huge faucet fluttered, 嘣 ~~~

Actually broke the big gun in Yang Wuwei's hand, and also dumped Yang Wuwei out.

"Senior Yang, pick up the gun!"

The mutation happened too suddenly.

Cheng Feng only had time to protect Wang gently, and when the response came, Qian Linyun had been hit by the ice holy dragon.

The big gun in Yang Wuwei's hand was also broken.

It's too late to think about all this.

Cheng Feng took out the supreme weapon from the Tiancang Holy Prison, and threw it to Yang Wuwei.

Yang Wuwei now controls the law of electricity, and ordinary weapons have little effect on him.

Only supreme sacred tools can let him fully exert his strength.

Cheng Feng threw him a regretful golden gun, which can be called a long dry Ganlin.

"My son, take Miss Wang first."

Holding the gold gun, Yang Wuwei flew towards the mad ice holy dragon, and said, "We are probably accounted for by the nine-day holy water, and we must get out of trouble immediately."

"Once the other party comes back, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Good!" Cheng Feng nodded.

In fact, this sudden assault can be guessed without asking, it is the nine-day holy water.

That nine-day holy water should have risen for many years, and it has already become mature.

After he noticed that Wang Qingrou, the fresh-born ninth day of holy water, he estimated to release his breath, and enticed Cheng Feng to arrest them.

He invited the Ice Arrow Serpent family and an ice holy dragon to ambush.

If Cheng Feng doesn't leave early, I'm afraid there will be danger to his life.

Huh! Cheng Feng is very decisive.

After returning to Yang Wuwei, he took Wang gently and flew down the dome that was hit.

But wow ~~~

After waiting for Cheng Feng and the two to fly out of the ground, a green wave suddenly poured down from the top!

Even though Cheng Feng's Xiu reached the level of seven calamities, he couldn't help but hit a shudder.

As if falling into an ice cellar, his body stiffened.

"No, that nine-day holy water has appeared."

Instantly, Cheng Feng guessed the identity of the green wave, and his face became a little ugly.

This time he came to arrest the opponent, but instead was killed by the opponent's counterattack.

However, Cheng Feng was not afraid.

The divine power in the body sprayed like magma, wrapping himself and Wang gently.

At the same time, the undead body of Jiuzai was running, and it turned into a large humanoid arrow.

"Cheng Feng, it's all because of me!"

Lying in Cheng Feng's arms, Wang Qingrou blamed himself very much: "If not for ..."

"What stupid thing to say?"

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "If it is responsibility, I am still too undervalued."

"Thinking that there are three warriors who are comparable to the great creatures is enough to win this nine-day holy water!"

"However, even if the other person counts, I can take you out safely!"

As he spoke, Cheng Feng's body began to glow.

This is the ultimate performance of the Holy Power.

Seeing this, Wang Qingrou also wanted to help.

But as soon as she urged her strength, the strength inside her was as if she had got some kind of mysterious call, and wanted to get out of her control.

Obviously it was affected by the nine days of holy water, and helping Cheng Feng would only be counterproductive.

Then the lost one gritted his teeth and began to suppress his strength.

Lest at the critical moment, be controlled by that nine-day holy water, and make any unfavorable move to Cheng Feng!

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng fit into the green torrent that was transformed by the holy water of the nine days.

At the moment of entering the water, the body vibrated violently, as if hitting the giant Yue.

The shield formed by the Holy Power was torn apart on the spot.

Then, the green torrent came in contact with the skin.

"Cold, chill into the bone marrow!"

Suddenly, Cheng Feng shivered.

It is more horrible than ordinary people's naked bodies and walking in the snow and ice.

The blood seemed to stop flowing and was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Wang Qingrou is much better than Cheng Feng.

Because Wang Qingrou is a holy water for nine days, he doesn't feel cold.

However, Wang Qingrou was also in crisis.

Because the nine-day holy water directly wrapped Wang gently, and extracted the original source of the nine-day holy water in Wang Qingrou's body.

Once defeated by the other party, that gentle Wang will be obliterated!

"Cheng Feng, I'm so cold!"

Wang's gentle practice was so different from that nine-day holy water.

Wrapped in that nine-day holy water, the source of the nine-day holy water in Wang Qingrou's body actually became vigorously active.

Makes Wang softly covered with cold, creating the illusion that his life will soon die!

"Don't be afraid, it's me!"

Cheng Feng hugs Wang gently and hums ~~~

A vigorous masculinity suddenly burst out of him.

Not only scattered the invasion of Jiutian Holy Water to him, but also the gentle wrapping of Jiutian Holy Water to Wang.

Wang Wang's eyes were a little lost, and he became sober in a moment.

"Cheng Feng, let me go!"

After Wang gently sober, he first smiled sweetly.

Then he said, "The goal of this nine-day holy water is me. As long as you let me go, it will let you go."


However, Cheng Feng categorically rejected: "You brought me into Hanchuan Diyuan, and I will take you alive."

"Tianwang Laozi, don't even think about taking you away from me!"

"Hum, arrogant human kid!"

At this moment, a cold voice came: "Xiao Xiaoqi robbed the realm and wants to fight against this seat?"

"Over the years, the great fortune that has died in the hands of this seat exists, and there are no more than four or five statues!"

The master of this voice is impressively holy water for nine days.

This nine-day holy water is indeed a ruthless character, who actually killed the existence of four or five great fortunes.

"Oh, let's talk until you kill me!"

Cheng Feng is not afraid, hey ~~

With one hand, I drew the Devil Sword and slashed it.

The sharp blade exploded, chopping open the green torrent.

Cheng Feng followed his mouth and rushed out.

"Small thing, is your face here?"

The cold voice sounded, and immediately the green torrent force skyrocketed.


Instantly filled Cheng Feng's torn mouth.

At the same time, a horrific cold struck, pushing Cheng Feng's thin masculinity into his body.

Even cold poison runs along Cheng Feng's numerous pores and wants to invade Cheng Feng's body. Once won, Cheng Feng will surely die!

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