Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2624: Fire of life

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Cheng Feng's eyes were red and he yelled, "Get out of me !!"

With the roar, a fiery magma-like energy suddenly burst out of Cheng Feng's veins.

As soon as Cheng Feng's limbs and bones were poured into his body, his internal organs and sacrifice, he would immediately disperse the cold poison that intended to invade his body.

Especially when this energy is integrated into Cheng Feng's masculinity.

Om ~~~

That masculinity seemed to be ignited and turned into an invisible flame.

Huh! The flame burst out of the body.

A snoring sound followed, and I immediately saw that the green cold that surrounds Cheng Feng's body was actually ignited by an invisible flame and instantly burned into fly ash!

"This is ... the fire of life?"

A shocked voice came from the green cold wave: "This is impossible, shouldn't be!"

"The fire of life, but this is the supreme power that only the human giant who has achieved transcendence attained!"

"This human kid is a mere seven jealous little creature, how can He De control such a means?"

Too shocked, too surprised!

Because the fire of life is a means of detachment.

Transcendence is the last great realm of creation.

The whole person is born and reborn, and can no longer be regarded as a human being. He has escaped from the control of heaven and is free to live forever.

Cheng Feng and those exist, but it is a hundred thousand miles away!

But in fact, Cheng Feng had already opened the way to transcendence by virtue of the essence of dragon-shaped heaven and earth.

Despite the means of transcendence, Cheng Feng has no control.

But at the moment of death, his potential erupted and he barely mastered a small means of transcendence.

The ninth day of holy water did not know this, naturally it was as **** as a ghost, and there was no more shock!

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

Cheng Feng burned invisible flames all over his body.

The green torrent rushed, but it was burned into fly ash.

Let that nine-day holy water produce a hot sting.

However, the fire fell on Wang Qingrou's body, but did not cause any harm.

Instead, Wang gently warmed his body, and the ninth-day holy water source in his body was completely calm.

Under the bake of this fire, he gradually and thoroughly blended with Wang gently, regardless of each other.

In this case, it is not easy for the nine-day holy water to deprive the gentleman of the source of the nine-day holy water.

Unless Wang gently kills and then slowly peels off.

"Damn bitch, you're ruthless this time!"

Seeing his own attack, it has no effect on Cheng Feng.

That nine-day holy water made a malignant voice: "But don't be proud, we will have a period later."

"When you meet again, you must assimilate the fresh water around you for nine days to help me return to the top!"

"Huh, I want to run before I calculate?"

However, Cheng Feng took the initiative at this moment.

I saw that he stretched out his hands and grabbed sharply in the direction of nine days of holy water.

Om ~~~

The two hands of the fire of life spanned thousands of miles and seized the holy water of nine days.


Let the galloping nine-day holy water make a gurgling sound and be captured.

"Bad boy, how dare you!"

Nine days of holy water was furious and struggling violently.

The mighty force shook the four fields, completely destroying the vein of the ground where Cheng Feng was located.

Within a few hundred thousand miles, everything has become a world of ice.

Everything is dead, life is frozen into scum!

However, this has no meaning to Cheng Feng.

With the fire of life, nine days of holy water can inspire even the strongest cold, which can't hurt Cheng Feng half a hair.

This time, the holy water for nine days was scared.

The huge body was slowly grabbed back by Cheng Feng, I'm afraid he would be softly swallowed and refined by Wang.

"No, this place has gone through all kinds of hard work before we have come to this step. We must not lose our lives here!"

The holy water was unwilling for nine days, and gave a hysterical roar.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

He actually cut off the part of himself that was caught by the fire of life.

The remaining part flew out and merged into the sky.

Then plunged into the underground veins of tens of thousands of miles away, in an instant, disappeared!

"Cheng Feng, you ran away that nine-day holy water!"

Seeing this, the gentle eyes of the king stared at the boss, thinking it was in a dream.

Because her body is the nine-day holy water, she knows how powerful the nine-day holy water just was.

There is a close encounter with the real great fortune, and I am afraid that it will also be defeated!

Is Cheng Feng's combat power stronger than the existence of the Great Creation?

The truth is, of course not.

Cheng Feng's current strength is at best comparable to Jiujia's creation.

Encountering the great fortunes, only Cangjie fled.

The reason why the nine days of holy water were frightened and ran away was mainly in the crisis of death. Cheng Feng inspired his own blood and ignited the fire of life.

Otherwise, at this moment Cheng Feng and the two are probably killed by the nine-day holy water.

"Girl Wang, what are you making?"

As for Cheng Feng, he did not want to pursue the nine-day holy water.

It is the fire of life, and the remaining body of the nine-day holy water is sent to Wang Qingrou's body.

"I estimate that at least it will allow you to reach the level of the Sixth and Seventh Calamity."

The part of the nine-day holy water body torn off by Cheng Feng is only a few tenths of the nine-day holy water body.

However, even so, it can also allow Wang's gentle revision to skyrocket.

After all, that nine-day holy water has survived this tens of thousands of years in this cold place, drawing the essence of too much water.

"Okay!" Wang Qingruo was decisive.

A promise, a flicker of the body, turned into a blue stream of water, and wrapped the nine-day holy water essence.

The next moment, it began to absorb and refine.

As for Cheng Feng, he turned his head and glanced at the direction in which the nine days of holy water escaped, and put the fire of life into his body.

"This fire of life is a killer."

Cheng Feng secretly said, "Especially for those who practice the cold attribute law, they have great lethality."

"In the event of a major crisis in the future, it can be used to save lives!"

Cheng Feng's face looked very pale.

Amazingly, the fire of life just ignited a huge load on myself.

After all, the fire of life is something that can only be controlled by detached existence.

Cheng Feng took control in advance, the price was not small, and he was always burning the power of his blood.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng's blood power is super strong, if you change to ordinary people, let alone catch the nine days of holy water.

Ignite the fire of life for a few seconds, you have to consume yourself alive!

"Uncle Naland said before that I have two kinds of super bloodlines."

Cheng Feng groaned: "One of the veins is the blood of the sky."

"That is the former world's largest world, the power of the origin of the sky world."

"The other blood is the blood of a human race."

"In the past, I had limited ability to dig out the secrets of this." "Maybe in the future, I can find an opportunity to find out where my ancestors of the" Cheng family "are sacred!"

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