Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2625: Rebirth

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Cheng Feng once thought that his family, the "Cheng Family," was just a small family in a remote place, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

But with Nalan's words, he became deeply curious about Cheng's past.

I am afraid that once the Cheng family was very simple, and even stood on the top of the heavens and earth!

As for why it has fallen, Cheng Feng still needs to explore it by himself.

"This matter is not urgent."

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and calmed his cluttered thoughts: "What needs to be done first is to fight back that ice holy dragon to clear away all hidden dangers."

"After returning to the dome continent, deal with this matter outside."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng resisted the exhaustion from his body and looked up at Yang Wuwei, Qian Linyun, and Bing Shenglong.

I saw the ice holy dragon, the combat power is too strong.

Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei joined forces and could barely block each other's aggressive attack.

However, although Bing Shenglong has the upper hand, he wants to kill Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei, but he is powerless.

After all, the existence of the Great Creation Realm is difficult to be killed.

Many powerful men who have made great changes have become a means of 'rebirth of blood'.

In other words, as long as there is a drop of blood remaining, the powerful person in the Great Creation Realm can come back to life!

"Ice holy dragon!"

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "This dragon must have been invited by nine days of holy water before they came to kill me."

"He is also the existence of ice attributes. The fire of my life must also have a strong restraint effect on it!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng flew into the sky and rushed towards the ice holy dragon.

Roar! !!

However, it did not wait for Cheng Feng to approach.

The ice holy dragon suddenly made a roar, and forcibly repelled Yang Wuwei.

Wow ~~~

Immediately plunged into the broken iceberg, disappeared in an instant.

He was scared away by Cheng Feng!

"My son, are you okay with Miss Wang!"

Yang Wuwei was holding the golden gun, Qian Linyun came to Cheng Feng with the Star Hammer in hand.

"We are all fine."

Cheng Feng nodded: "On the contrary, part of the essence of the nine-day holy water was torn off. Wang Qingrou is refining."

"Hey, blame me this time."

Yang Wuwei rebuked himself: "If I inquire carefully beforehand, it won't put us in danger."

"Senior Yang, don't think so."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "Speaking of this incident, it is also my problem."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the nine days of holy water is too treacherous. I actually invited an ice holy dragon and the ice arrow snake family to kill us!

"This kind of killing, we can be safe and sound, it is already a big victory!"

"Haha ~~~"

Yang Wuwei also laughed: "This is also the case, if you change to other people, at least you will lose your soldiers!"

At this point, Yang Wuwei asked with a stunned look: "Yes, my son, just now when I was fighting Bing Shenglong, I saw you make an invisible flame and scared the nine days of holy water to flee."

"Dare to ask that flame, but the fire of life in the rumor?"

"Well, shouldn't it?"

Cheng Feng knew nothing about the fire of life.

If not in the fighting just now, the nine-day holy water panic called out the words 'Fire of Life'.

I'm afraid Cheng Feng doesn't know what he just defeated the flames of the powerful enemy!

"My son, it is said that the fire of life, but the power that can be controlled by the existence of transcendence!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's reply, Yang Wuwei's eyelids leaped wildly: "You only robbed the small fortune of the realm ... you have mastered it !?"

"Wipe, son, you are going to go against the sky !!"

Not only Yang Wuwei, but Qian Linyun was also excited.

Transcendence, that is the existence they need to look up to.

Every time I see such existence, we must meet each other with five bodies, and dare not look directly at each other's face.

However, Cheng Feng has done so, but he already has the ability to transcend himself.

Doesn't this mean that Cheng Feng has great hope of entering the detachment in the future?

It can even be said that it is absolutely stable!

"I just mastered a magical power in advance. The two seniors need not be so shocked!"

Compared to Qian Linyun's surprise, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

"My son, the fire of life, this is not just a supernatural power."

Qian Linyun's body shivered and said, "It is a symptom of the existence of the Great Creation, reaching the transcendence."

"Once you have the fire of life in your body, it will be another level of existence."

"The basic benefit is that it is difficult to be completely killed."

"Even if someone destroys the existence of transcendence, they are destroyed."

"But as long as a trace of the fire of life remains, that flame of fire will be a wildfire."

"Let that fallen detached powerhouse reach the pinnacle again!"

"Oh? What happened?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng just got some interest! "It seems that Uncle Nalan used to be a transcendent being!"

"The reason why he has not died for tens of thousands of years, he just stood up again, only to be credited to the fire of life."

"However, the fire of life means little to me."

"After all, I haven't reached detachment, and I can't have any special means."

"If I were beaten to death, even if the fire of life was left, it would be difficult to stand up!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Turning his head to Wang gently, watching her progress in refining the nine days of holy water.

"Well, it looks pretty good."

Cheng Feng glanced at Wang Gen gentlely, and saw that she was systematically refining nine days of holy water.

"My son, Yu Xuanzi is here."

Just then, Qian Linyun said.

"Yu seniors they?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "I haven't told them before, once in danger, don't come to rescue?"

Yu Xuanzi's strength, Cheng Feng is very clear.

Together, the four individuals can at best be compared with a small evil spirit.

These strengths, placed in the heavenly holy prison, are the peak existence.

But for the holy dragon on ice, or the holy water for nine days, it is tantamount to the sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

However, Cheng Feng was very happy when the other party could come.

At least explain the four people, and put him in his heart.

"Son, senior Yang, senior Qian, are you all right?"

Soon, Yu Xuanzi arrived.

Eyes glanced at several people in Cheng Feng, and saw that Cheng Feng was okay, only to relax.

"Senior Yu, you are a bit reckless."

Cheng Feng glanced at Yu Xuanzi and said, "I just met a strong enemy just now. If you get involved, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"My son, we are mainly too worried about you."

Yu Xuanzi laughed, said.

"I know, but I can't joke about my life."

Cheng Feng's look was clear: "Remember, let's take an example!"

"According to the instructions of the son!" Yu Xuanzi nodded, warming up in his heart.

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