Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"My son, the old miscellaneous monster has a hole in his hand."

At this time, Fang Yimei approached Cheng Feng. "Please also remind your two friends to let them pay attention to this."

"Lest you be hurt by the magic card!"

"Oh? What hole card?"

Cheng Feng became interested and asked.

"It's a poisonous blood made from the blood of a transcendental powerhouse."

Fang Yimei said: "This poisonous blood is very horrible. In that year, there was the Purple Fire Lord attacking in the high-end great fortune, and the magician was hit hard.

"The magician only used a small part of this poisonous blood to extinguish the killer 紫 火 火 世 紫 炎 '!

"Forcing the other party to flee, so they saved their lives!"

"If your two friends are unprepared, they may be in danger."

"Toxic blood made from the blood of transcendental powerhouses?"

Cheng Feng's expression was condensed: "Well, I know."

"I'll tell each other my friend later and let him be on alert."

When speaking, the battle deep in the mystery has reached the stage of fever.

Under the siege of the four ice holy dragons, the magician has been severely wounded and is bathing in blood.

In his eyes, a bloodthirsty madness fired!

In all likelihood, his killing will be used.

Cheng Feng didn't dare to neglect, and Chuan Yin asked Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei to take precautions.

After receiving the news, the two of Qian Linyun were shocked in their hearts, but on the surface they did not move.

However, during the battle, his strength was partially converged.

Once there is any abnormality, they will pull back.

"Damn shit, you're forcing me."

Suddenly, the magician was severely hit again, and his eyes were burning with flames, and he screamed, "Since you want the death of this seat, let him die to this seat!"

The voice just fell, wow ~~~

A ray of blood burst from the magician's body.

At the speed of electro-optical flint, Yang Wuwei and others poured out.

"Brother Qian, speed!"

Yang Wuwei had long been prepared. When he saw the madness in the eyes of the magician, he turned the attack into a retreat and exploded backwards.

At the same time when he retreated, he also urged an electro-optic shield to protect himself in the cover.

Qian Linyun is no exception, even retreating faster than Yang Wuwei.

The blink of an eye is far away.

The law of force fills the whole body and turns into a little giant.

However, even so, the blood glow from the magician caught up.

Submerged Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei.

Fortunately, the two dodged the center of the shroud of blood, and also defended.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

Therefore, although the blood light eroded the shields of the two of them.

But the harm to the two was almost negligible.

Yang Wuwei is still like this. The situation of the unsuspecting ice holy dragon and the nine days of holy water can be imagined.

A little part of the body of the holy water of the nine days was directly corroded by the blood light and stained black and red.

As for the ice holy dragon, the dragon head was corroded out of the deep pits on the spot.

From this end, you can see the other end!


Suffering heavy blows, Bing Shenglong roared.

As soon as the huge body turned, it plunged into the ground and fled.

However, the magician who has been besieged for a long time by the ice holy dragon obviously does not want to miss this opportunity.

The law of violently triggering blood, wow ~~~

Bing Shenglong directly produced a big blood fall!

The blood in the body was summoned, and it even spewed out from the body.

"Do not!!"

The ice holy dragon roars: "The law of ice, freeze!"

In a critical moment, Bing Shenglong used his own power to freeze the whole body's blood.

In this case, Fang barely blocked the attack of the magician's law.

If you change to someone else, you have to fall on the spot!

"Hum, you are lucky!"

Failed to kill the ice holy dragon in one fell swoop, the magician hummed, and did not make up the knife again.

Turning his head to stare at the holy water for nine days, he launched a mine mad attack.

Because compared to the ice holy dragon, the magician hates holy water for nine days.

If it wasn't for the nine days of holy water planted spoils, he would not have been besieged.

He turned his strongest hole card before turning around, and the loss was too great.

In addition, the real Jiuyou Xuelian is still in the hands of Jiutian Holy Water.

This time he must get this strange treasure!

However, although the magician no longer deals with the ice holy dragon, the crisis of the ice holy dragon has not been eliminated as a result.

Because, Yang Wuwei and Qian Linyun were after the **** corrosion.

One shot and one hammer, launched a critical strike on the ice holy dragon!

"Humans, you look for death!"

Bing Shenglong just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was safe, but was attacked.

The sore and perplexed head was directly blasted by Qian Linyun with the star hammer.

As for the heart of Bing Shenglong, it was even penetrated by the regretful golden gun.

Then nailed the ice holy dragon directly into the ground!

"Dead to me!"

At this moment, a forceful fist arrived.

Blasted on the body of Bing Shenglong, and directly made it into a ball of minced meat!

Amazingly Cheng Feng, made up the knife at the last minute.

However, even so, the ice holy dragon did not die.

Just listening to an unwilling roar, wow ~~~

Those smashed flesh and blood were quickly combined together under the drive of a strange force.

In a flash, the outline of a dragon appeared.

The ice holy dragon actually wants to be born again!

"Hum, you should die for me!"

However, Yang Wuwei and Qian Linyun have rushed forward.

Seeing the reorganized flesh Shenglong, there was no nonsense, Qiqi issued the strongest attack.

Bang ~~~

The ice holy dragon was beaten into minced meat again.

However, the ice holy dragon has not been completely killed yet!

The next moment, the broken flesh was regrouped again.

However, its reorganization is much slower than before.

"The existence of the Great Creation Realm is really strong enough!"

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "The flesh has been beaten like this, is it still dead?"

"My son, this guy is just dying."

However, Qian Linyun laughed: "It has been completely damaged by us. Even if it can be recovered eventually, it will take a huge price and time."

"And we can't give him this chance!"

"Two seniors, are there any good ways for you to make quick decisions?"

Cheng Feng is a little impatient. His current focus is on the nine days of holy water and the magician.

"My son, there is a quick solution, but I don't recommend it."

Qian Linyun said, "I think, let's trap this dragon first, and slowly squeeze its value!"

"It is rumored that the Dragons love collecting baby."

"As a saint of dragons, this dragon is definitely worthy!"

"Yes, but how do you trap this dragon?"

The ice holy dragon is a dragon holy man, very strong.

Cheng Feng has no means, seeing that there is such a trap.

"Leave this to me."

Qian Linyun said: "I once obtained a formation method that can barely trap the existence of a great fortune."

"This dragon is now seriously injured, and it will be absolutely no problem to trap it for one and a half years."

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