Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2631: Shock the audience

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Wen Yan, Cheng Feng issued an order.

Qian Linyun was very simple. After getting the order, he immediately acted.

Take out some weird stones, put out a formation, and **** all the flesh fragments of the ice holy dragon into that formation.

The next moment, Qian Linyun uprooted the entire array, and was put into a small space.

After doing this, the three looked at each other and looked at the battlefield deep in the mystery.

I saw the great mystery was filled with venomous blood.

Fortunately, these are diluted, Cheng Feng only need to procure the Holy Power defense, they can block it outside the body.

However, the depths are different.

The poisonous blood there was so strong that it turned into black and red.

Especially in the nine days of holy water, almost half of the body was polluted by poisonous blood.

At this moment, half of the power must be devoted to suppress the poisonous blood.

The remaining strength came to resist the attack of the magician, and seemed rather embarrassed.

"Give up Jiuyou Xuelian, I can spare you a life."

The magician also noticed the tragic state of Bingsheng Dragon, and there was a dread in his eyes.

I wanted to kill Jiutian Holy Water, but I had to change my plan at this moment.

Intimidating Jiutian Holy Water, Cheng Feng attempted to get Jiuyou Xuelian in one step.

"Hey, want to get Jiuyou Xuelian? Dream!"

However, the holy water of Jiutian refused very simply.

"You are so tired and crooked"

The magician was furious: "Since you are looking for death, then this book will complete you!"

Seeing that the holy water is stubborn, the magician is completely angry.

Instead of using Huairou means, prepare to fire at full speed, assimilate the holy water of the nine days, and even practice your fourth blood rule!

"Hey hey ~~~"

However, the holy water of the nine days is fearless.

There was a cold laugh in his mouth. The next moment, he took out Yu Xuelian and started refining!

"Dash thing, dare you!"

Obviously, Jiutian Shengshui knew his situation.

So he wanted to refine Jiuyou Xuelian, so as to detoxify blood poisoning, and promote cultivation, and get out of the predicament.

This offends the reverse scale of the magician.

He stayed in Hanchuan Diyuan for thousands of years, and it took a lot of hard work to find a Jiuyou Xuelian.

In the end, it will be enjoyed by the holy water of the nine days, which is simply intolerable!

While drinking, the magician desperately.

Use your own three-blood rule to procure it to the extreme.

The poisonous blood mixed in the water of Jiutian Sheng spreads at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Jiutian Holy Water has refined Jiuyou Xuelian.

A stream of the essence of Jiuyou Xuelian blends into the body of Jiutian Holy Water, like a clear stream, washing and purifying the poisonous blood in his body!

In an instant, the spread of poisonous blood was suppressed.

Not only that, the power of those nine lotuses also flowed into the poisonous blood.

Massive purification of poisonous blood, so that the power of nine days of holy water, quickly recovered!

"Predecessor Yang, senior Qian, first practice the magician to besiege the holy water for nine days."

At this time, Cheng Feng also saw the clues, calling Qian Linyun and Yang Wuwei to attack the holy water of the nine days first.

"Roger that."

Qian Linyun was very simple and immediately attacked the holy water of Jiutian.

Forcibly interrupted the process of refining Jiuyou Xuelian.

"Water of Heaven and Earth, listen to my orders, Ning!"

In a critical moment, the holy water of the nine days used his strongest means.

Calling for all the power of water between heaven and earth, a layer of water wall condensed in front of him.

All the attacks of Qian Linyun and others were blocked from the water wall.

Then re-refine Jiuyou Xuelian to purify the poisonous blood in the body!

"Nine days of holy water, I let you escape before. You don't shrink back, you still come to work."

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng did: "Since that is the case, then I will completely knock you down!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng's whole body lit with fire.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

Actually, it penetrated directly into the water wall where the water of heaven and earth called for the heavenly waters to condense, and appeared in the heavenly waters.

"It's you!"

That nine-day holy water just thought that he would be able to completely counterattack by refining Jiuyou Xuelian.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng, the **** of killing, was close to his eyes, scaring him into fright.

Is about to defend, stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng, however, stretched out his hands and plunged directly into the "body" of Jiutian Shengshui, grabbing the essence of Jiutian Shengshui's destiny together with that nine You Xuelian.

"Do not!!"

Nine days of holy water roared hysterically.

You know, all his powers are concentrated on the essence of destiny.

Although the essence of the destiny is only the size of a dove's egg, it is where it stands.

Today, Feng Cheng's takeover is equivalent to the existence of a great human being, and the power of the law has been taken away.

Suddenly, the body collapsed.

As for Cheng Feng, he did pull out.

By the time he left the side of the holy water of Jiutian, it was born completely collapsed.

Contaminated with venomous blood, it turned into a dark black blood river, which splashed down from the sky.

Fall on the ground, let the ground quickly turn black and purple, and become a barren land!

I am afraid that for thousands of years, it is difficult to grow half a grass!

The nine-day holy water that magnificently called the Xiong Hanchuan Diyuan was erased by Cheng Feng from the world!

"What? Your kid killed nine days of holy water?"

A thousand miles away, the magician was still thinking about **** the nine days of holy water, so as to recapture Jiuyou Xuelian.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, the holy water of Jiutian was killed by Cheng Feng.

The huge waves in his heart directly made him unable to believe his eyes.

Because the nine days of holy water is invisible and inferior, it is more difficult to kill than the great fortune of the same realm.

Although the magician is very conceited, he never thought that he could kill the holy water for nine days.

Cheng Feng's move has subverted his understanding of Jiutian Holy Water.

In fact, it's not just the magician.

Then Qian Linyun, Yang Wuwei, and Fang Yimei were all stunned at the moment.

Looking at the holy water of the nine days that collapsed, I couldn't respond for a long time.

"You just used the fire of life!"

It wasn't until a long time before the magician exclaimed: "Are you a transcendent being?"

The fire of life, the magician is no stranger.

I have seen the existence of transcendence many times. Using this fire, it easily wiped out the existence of a great creature.

Such as Jiutian Holy Water, only the fire of life can kill it instantly!

Cheng Feng ignored the magician's surprise.

He put the fire of life into his body and took a closer look at the origin of the nine days of holy water.

It was found that the essence of the origin was a highly concentrated form of the law of water, although it was only the size of a pigeon egg.

But if Cheng Feng detonates it, he will be able to destroy millions of miles into a shape!

"This thing is a good baby."

A smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "If you are in danger, you can use it as a life-saving card."

"In addition, it can also be given to gentle refining and absorption." "When he finishes refining, he will be able to catch up to the mid-level great creation!

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