Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2632: Retreat Magician

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Cheng Feng put away the essence of the origin.

Because not long ago, Wang Qingrou had refined a small part of the essence of the holy water of the nine days, and repaired it to achieve the seven calamities.

It is best to settle for a period of time, wait for the foundation to be solid, and then make a breakthrough in the essence of refining.

"Is this Jiuyou Xuelian?"

Then, Cheng Feng picked up Jiuyou Xuelian again.

I saw the nine you Xuelian, it is the size of a palm, with nine black leaves.

However, only six of the nine leaves are radiant.

The other three films were dark and low.

Cheng Feng took it in his hand, and a cold and comfortable breath came out.

Inhaled into Cheng Feng's nose, Cheng Feng fluttered, and the divine power in the body instantly became active.

"Jiuyou Snow Lotus!"

At this moment, Qian Linyun also woke up from shock.

Seeing Jiuyou Xuelian in Cheng Feng's hand, the light flashed in his eyes, and he came up to watch.

"My son, these nine lotuses are refined by a small part of the nine days of holy water."

Yang Wuwei pointed to the six Ambilight leaves and said, "Look at this lotus leaf, the essence on it has lost a lot, and the gloss is much dimmer than the other five!

"Well, indeed."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But nothing has been lost, because Jiuyou Snow Lotus refined by Jiutian Holy Water has all condensed on its essence."

"And its essence is now in my hands."

"Haha ~~~"

Qian Linyun laughed: "This is also true."

"This senior!"

At the same time, the magician who was not far away groaned for a long time, and finally spoke carefully: "Dare to ask your high name? Maybe you are an acquaintance with my master!"

Since seeing the fire of life evoked by Cheng Feng, the magician has concluded that Cheng Feng is a transcendent being.

As for why Xiuwei has fallen to such a low level, there may be a problem in cultivation.

However, this kind of existence, even if he repaired something wrong, is not something he can despise.

The most common means of transcendence, the fire of life, can easily kill him!

"Your Master? Who is your Master?"

Cheng Feng did not explain the misunderstanding of the magician.

"Senior, my master is Haotianyu master!"

The magician said: "However, because I didn't know anything, I did a wrong thing, so I was expelled from the master."

"But Master has not given up, and often points me to perplexity."

"Let me grow from a little warrior back then to where I am today!"

"Haotian domain master?"

It can be said that Cheng Feng is a kid who just came out of the ravine.

Know nothing about the people and things in the starry realm.

The master of the magician, Hao Tianyu, must be a big man, and Cheng Feng has never heard of it.

"My son, Haotianyu is very powerful."

Qian Linyun took a breath of air, and said, "It is rumored that the master of Haotianyu has reached transcendence."

"It is the existence of the top ten among the heavens and the world!"

"Unexpectedly, the magician is actually such a disciple."

"No wonder he has done countless evils over the years, and no superpower has taken the shot."

"I'm afraid, it's the face of Haotianyu Lord!"

"Can a top ten exist in the heavens and the world?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Because the magician has been expelled from the division by the master of Hao Tianyu, even if the magician is in trouble, the master of Hao Tianyu is most upset.

Moreover, Cheng Feng did not plan to kill the magician.

"This senior, are you familiar with your teacher?"

At this moment, the magician asked again carefully, and he wanted to draw a relationship.

The ultimate purpose is probably to get Jiuyou Xuelian.

However, Cheng Feng said lightly: "I am not familiar with it."

"Uh ..." At this moment, the magician was caught.

He originally thought that he himself had moved out of the Great Buddha of Haotianyu, even if Cheng Feng was once a transcendent being.

But now that there is a problem with the repair, we must avoid three points.

Maybe, Jiuyou Xuelian will be taken to the door.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng's response was so dull.

"OK, you can go."

When the magician was thinking, what to say next, Cheng Feng took the lead in speaking.

It was the same as asking for food. He waved him away.

"Senior, I ..."

The magician is unwilling to continue talking.

"Do you have anything else?"

However, Cheng Feng was already impatient and asked a question.

"Ah, no, no!"

Asked by Cheng Feng, the magician felt a layer of goosebumps all over his body.

After all, he is in a very bad situation, let alone Cheng Feng, a detached power.

Just Qian Lingyun and Yang Wuwei had him drink a pot.

If you continue to talk nonsense and annoy Cheng Feng, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave.

"Hurry up as soon as it's okay. I don't like spending more time with strangers."

Cheng Feng rebuked again.

But instead of being angry, the magician was frightened.

Fang Yimei was greeted and he was about to leave.

"and many more."

However, Cheng Feng suddenly said, "That woman stays."

"You lifted the ban on her body. I am the right one for tea and water. She is suitable!"

The woman Cheng Feng refers to refers to ‘Fang Yimei’.

That Fang Yimei heard the words, as if he heard the sound of heaven, his face was full of gratitude.

As for the magician, his face was dull.

Because Fang Yimei, but he paid a small price, only one talent was captured.

After years of tuning, it has become one of his right-hand man.

Cheng Feng has a word, it is necessary to go, clearly it is not looked down on him.

However, Cheng Feng strong performance of the more high-handed, but the more the magician did not dare to defy.

"How, you do not want?"

To see the face volatile magician, Cheng Feng asked.

"Willing, of course, willing!"

Magician woke up, feel oppressed his face was forcibly suppressed, smiled and said: "! Fang Yimei can tea and bottled water for seniors, it was her honor."

"I banned it would untie her body."

Language strike, magician cast the law of blood, the body of the Fang Yimei ban lifted.

Soon, Fang Yimei goes wrinkled face, actually began to stretch the skin fresh.

Fraction of the effort, turned into a beautiful woman beautiful flower.

It turned out that this is the Fang Yimei deity.

As before the appearance, it is due to the magic face division under ban, just formed.

"Multi Xie Gongzi rescue, a small woman Fang Yimei feel grateful."

From the hands of the magician out, Fang Yimei look excited face, Cheng Feng bowed to thank.

"I will wait on the future home gently, and ultimately, your future benefits."

A sweep Fangyi Mei Cheng Feng, lightly.

"Jinzun son told."

Fang Yimei nodded. As for Wang gentle, but his face showing a smile.

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