Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 862: Corpse avatar

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Chapter 862 The Incarnation

In the huge sky, in addition to the super strong men, there are a large number of corpses.

After these corpses exploded from the cracks in space, they flew out of the Digu jungle. Once they met the righteous warriors who came to aid Cheng Feng, they immediately swarmed up and killed madly.

Cheng Feng just arrived here shortly, so it is not clear how many corpses have been spread to the Digu jungle.

But the corpse in front of him alone made his eyelids jump.

"These guys are so smelly!" Cheng Feng said, Little White Bird covering his nose.

"If it smells bad, clean them up."

Cheng Feng looked at the little white bird, and dozens of other poultry monsters, and clenched his fist: "Seniors, please do it together and kill these corpses."

"Okay." The big monsters nodded.

Immediately one by one, the monsters in the body were evoked, and they began to slaughter the dense corpse.

Massacre, this is indeed a massacre.

Although there are a large number of smelting corpses spewing from the corpse mountain, their combat power is not strong, and most of them have not reached the broken state.

Under the big devil's claws of Xuan-class Ba Jiu Pin, there is no difference with the Scarecrow.

With one claw down, at least a large piece must be scraped.

As for the little white bird, it is even more ferocious.

This little guy turned into a ten-meter flamingo, and when he opened his mouth, he sprayed a crimson flame, burning hundreds of corpses on the spot.

However, there are a few hard characters in these corpses.

It was a corpse dragon with three rotten bodies and bones exposed in the air.

Each of these three corpse dragons has a combat power of nearly half a step, after breaking free from the cracks in space, they will fly out of the ancient jungle of Digu.

Once he was allowed to escape, he would encounter huge casualties if he met the righteous warrior who came to aid Cheng Feng.

At this moment, Amaterasu's life, blood boundless, and a gentleman of snakes are besieging the super strong men.

King Shenwei was urging the Kowloon Royal Sky Formation, bombarding the cracks in the space connecting the corpse mountains, and all could not get rid of him.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he planned to let Hei Heiyan recharge the source of fire into his body and solve the three dead dragons himself.

"Cheng Feng, you let Hell's black flame perfuse the origin of fire, presumably to pay a small price?"

At this moment, the fierce bird Hei Yao interjected: "The three little corpse dragons, let me handle them."

Speaking, the venomous bird has a huge wings, and buzzes ~~~

A black light flew from the wings of the fierce bird Heiyao, chopped into pieces of scorpion all the way, and took the three half-step corpse dragons to heaven, killing them instantly on the breath!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

Three halves of the corpse dragon who stepped into the heavens in a staggering manner couldn't even stop the random hit of the fierce bird Hei Yao, and instantly killed.

"Thank you Senior Hei Yao." Cheng Feng thanked him.

Because the violent bird Hei Yao hit with a hand, it was much more fruitful than his full fire and several hours of fighting.

"It's nothing."

The fierce bird Heiyao once again wielded his wings and beheaded a large corpse of corpses: "I dispose of the three corpse dragons, and Xiao Yi can rest assured to play boldly.

"Little difference?"

Cheng Feng froze for a moment, and then asked, "Senior Heiyao, is Xiaoyi a small name?"

"Yes, Xiaoyi was picked up from the depths of Digu jungle."

The evil bird Hei Yao nodded: "At that time, the little guy was still an egg, and he didn't know who his parents were, so I named it" Heiyi "."

"You picked it up?" Cheng Feng stunned again.

But then let go.

Because the little white bird is the descendant of the **** beast Suzaku.

But the fierce bird Hei Yao, obviously does not have the blood of Suzaku, is certainly not the blood relative of the little white bird.

"Xiao Yi is very pitiful. He has no father and mother since childhood, and he has no playmates."

The black bird Yao Yao sighed: "But recently, the little guy has been very happy and has treated you as a true friend."

"I hope ... you also treat Xiaoyi as a friend!"

"Senior Black Yao, I and Xiaoyi are already friends."

Cheng Feng solemnly said: "Not only now, but also in the future!"

"I believe in you." The fierce bird Hei Yao took a deep look at Cheng Feng.

No more words later, the two wide wings instigated, and the mass of corpses turned into fly ash.

Within a few minutes, the corpse group that almost covered the whole sky was swept away by the black birds of roaring birds.

At the same time, the large corpse clouds rolling in the sky also slowly dispersed and disappeared.

It turned out that the crack in the space leading to the corpse guarding Pharaoh's Nest corpse mountain had been smashed by the King of King Wei to control the ancient dragon.

Without the corpse gas from the cracks in the space, the corpse cloud naturally disappeared.

"Fang Taixuan, dare to spoil the good of this seat?"

On the horizon, the super strong man who was fighting fiercely with the triumphant boss of the sky saw the scene, his face suddenly cold.

Boom boom ~~~

I saw that he suddenly gave up his strength and repulsed the trio's order, and shouted coldly: "Wait Fang Taixuan, and you three assorted stray fish, waiting for the injury of this seat to be completely Once recovered, I will find you one by one. "

"Let you know how painful it will be to offend this seat!"

When the words came to an end, the super strong man punched the void with a punch, and plunged in.

"Anyone who is lonely, dare to say anything?"

A hundred miles away, King Shenwei looked at the super strong man who was smashing into the void, and his eyes flashed a murder, and he screamed, "Kowloon Royal, the dragon is swinging its tail!"

King Shenwei urged the Kowloon Royal Sky array. For a moment, the dragon with a length of more than two hundred li, its mountain-like dragon tail suddenly flew off, straddling a hundred miles in an instant, and was pumped fiercely into the super strong The void that escaped.

Rumbling ~~~

As the entire void was knocked down by the dragon's tail, the super strong man was beaten out of the void.

During the flight, a spurt of blood spurted out.

However, this super strong man was quite fierce. He followed the direction of being drawn by the dragon tail and shot hundreds of miles at once, and then punched the void with a punch, and the whole man once again fell into the void and fled away.

"I want to escape now, can I escape?"

King Shenwei's face was a little bit colder, and then he drove the ancient dragon, directly smashing into the void, and chased away violently!

"This avatar of the Underworld Guardian is dead."

Seeing the super strong man chased and killed by King Shenwei, the blood boundlessly sneered.

"The King of Kings and Diamonds controls the Royal Heavenly Array in Kowloon. His combat power is comparable to the fourth strongest in the sky."

Tianzhao boss nodded his head: "The avatar protecting the corpse, only to reach the top of the sky, will inevitably escape."

While talking, the three flew back to Cheng Feng.

"Senior Zhao, you intercepted the Lord of the Yin Yang and the Lord of the Black-faced Rudder. What are the current situation of those two pieces?"

Cheng Feng asked for his life.

"The two miscellaneous fled."

The Ancestral Chief said: "Not long ago, the main sword of the Dota Peak arrived, and the sword rushed into the sky. The two guys were scared to death and fled on the spot."

"Then I came to help you, but I ran into the corpse's clone halfway ..."

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