Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 863: Kill kill

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Chapter 863 Kill Kill

"Senior Zhao, what shall we do next?"

After hearing Tian Zhao's life, Cheng Feng asked.

"Before, you were hunted down by countless evil martial arts soldiers, and you were on the verge of death several times."

The voice of Amaterasu's life turned cold: "Now, it's time to let those evil factions and chaotics taste the taste of being hunted down!"

"You mean, fight back?"


Tian Zhao Da Shi nodded and said: "This time to come to support your righteous warriors, the number and cultivation are all crushing the evil warriors, maybe you can take this opportunity to kill all the evil warriors who came to kill you ... ! "

And when Cheng Feng talked with the Tianzhao Grand Commander.

Numerous upright martial arts and evil martial arts have begun to fight in the outer area of ​​the huge Digu jungle, and in the inner area.

These warriors, one by one, are all above the broken territory.

Ninety-nine percent of them came from Cheng Feng.

For example, evil fighters killed Yu Pei through blood and learned that Cheng Feng escaped into the depths of Digu jungle.

Consciously cultivated enough evil warriors, almost all came to Digu jungle, searching for the trace of Cheng Feng, intending to capture Cheng Feng alive, so as to obtain a huge reward.

However, they have not yet found the trace of Cheng Feng, and instead have waited for a large number of masters to help Cheng Feng.

The right way and the evil faction are born deadly opponents. When they collide, there is almost no unnecessary nonsense, even if they fight together.

In this battle, they were only killed in darkness, and a large number of evil warriors were killed.

Many evil fighters have left soul lamps in their ancestral gates.

With the death of those evil fighters, many evil ancestors' gates storing soul lamps have extinguished one after another. This has caused the evil fighters who watched the soul lamps to scare their hearts out of their chests.

Then, the news that the soul lamp was extinguished was hurriedly reported to the high-level officials of various evil factions, so that the high-level counties of the evil factions changed dramatically.

Wait until the high-level leaders of these evil factions communicate with each other and learn that their masters have died in batches because they went to Digu Jungle to hunt down Cheng Feng.

Suddenly, the family members of the numerous evil factions Zong Menzong hated Cheng Feng into his bones, gritted his teeth, and vowed to break Cheng Feng into thousands of dead bodies!

However, Cheng Feng knew nothing about this.

At this time, he was in the core area of ​​Digu jungle, accompanied by the sky's command, blood boundless, snake gentleman, black bird Yao Yao, small white birds, and dozens of fowl monsters, marching towards the inner area of ​​Digu jungle.

Once encountering evil martial arts on the road, without any word, rushed to spike.

Spike, the word is very appropriate.

Cheng Feng, their wave of people, is too strong to repair. If they go out, they are swept away.

Almost none of the evil warriors were able to block Cheng Feng's move.

As long as they meet, all will die!

"Senior Zhao, we are too low in killing evil martial arts like this."

At the junction of the Digu jungle, the inner area and the core area, Cheng Feng frowned after killing two ancestors of the Zulong class. "I think we should spread out so that the radiation area is large, so that we can Our strength can be realized safely. "

"Well, we really should be scattered."

The chief of Tianzhao nodded his head: "It is too wasteful of resources to gather four full-time warriors together."

"Otherwise, I leave with Brother Wuya and Mr. Snake."

"As for you, stay with Mr. Hei Yao."

The Ancestral Chief said: "With the strength of Mr. Blackbird, even if a strong man with the blood **** religion protects the law, he can completely block it."

"All you need to do is send a message to us, and we will tear the void and come to help."

"Yes." Blood Endless nodded to the gentleman.

"This proposal works." Hei Yao, the furious bird, nodded.

"That being the case, then Cheng Feng asked Mr. Hei Yao to look after him."

Seeing this, the ancestor of Tianzhao gave a fist to the fierce bird Hei Yao, and then took a look at Cheng Feng and flew northwest of Digu jungle.

Secondly, Xue Fengyao told Cheng Feng to go southwest of Digu Jungle.

In the end, the gentleman of the snake killed his sword to the north of Digu jungle.

Under this condition, there were only Cheng Feng, the little white bird, the black bird of the fierce bird, and dozens of bird monsters.

"Cheng Feng, shall we also be separated?" Asked Xiao Shiiao, after the boss of Tian Zhao left.

"Let's act together."

Cheng Feng said with a smile: "My current practice is to break the sixth realm. Without your protection, I have to die in minutes."

As soon as Cheng Feng escaped from the protection of the jade face, he let Heilongyan remove the indoctrination of the origin of fire.

Hell Black Flame has only ten hours of playing time.

And he has been using it for more than half an hour, and when the jade face protector launched a fatal assault on him, **** black flames fully protected him once, and it was necessary to reduce it for an hour.

In this way, Cheng Feng currently only has more than eight hours left.

Therefore, less than a last resort, Cheng Feng does not plan to let Hell's black flame perfuse the origin of fire.

"Cheng Feng, it's on me."

The little white bird was full of energy and swarmed: "This time my grandpa is here, see who can touch you with a sweat."

While talking, the little white bird took the lead and flew towards the inner area of ​​Digu jungle.

Behind him, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, followed by the fierce bird Hei Yao and dozens of bird monsters.

Although the three blood-strength ascendants have left, Cheng Feng and their team are still super powerful, and they block God.

On their way to the inner area of ​​Digu Jungle, all those who encountered evil factions were killed on the spot.

During this period, Cheng Feng also encountered a lot of experts who came to the rescue after seeing the emperor's briefing.

For these people, Cheng Feng is naturally grateful.

These upright masters are real men of justice. After seeing Cheng Feng's safety and security, they quit each other and launched a siege to those evil martial arts.

Of course, there are also right way martial arts players who are not strong enough.

In order to be safe, Cheng Feng asked these people to act along with him and launch a lethal strangle on the evil warriors scattered in the imperial jungle.


While strangling the evil faction martial arts, gather up the right master of the order.

When Cheng Feng entered the inner area from the core area of ​​Digu jungle, the whole team has grown many times.

Human warriors have reached hundreds of people, and this number continues to increase.

Boom boom ~~~

Cheng Feng and his party are moving forward.

Suddenly, a fierce fighting came from a distant mountain.

"There is a situation, look over."

Hearing the voice, Cheng Feng immediately led the crowd and the fowl monster and quickly surrounded him.

When the crowd arrived near the mountain, Cheng Feng looked up and found that there were two groups of people fighting in the mountains.

These two groups of people are not weak, they are all above Zulong level.

The two leaders are the masters of the broken realm.

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