Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 901: Defeat Wang Ting

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Chapter 901: Defeating Wang Ting

Cheng Feng's cut was to use a sword as a sword.

At the same time, Qiu Shuijian's resistance must be suppressed, and the power is greatly reduced.

But even so, when he slashed out a sword, he slashed a sword light that was seven or eight meters thick and went straight to Wang Ting's door.

"Junior, look for death!"

That Wang Ting, as the top master of the Luo family, is like an emperor in Luo city.

In a word, no one dares to refute.

He originally thought that what he said just now was enough for Cheng Feng's face.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng actually gave his face a shame, and shot arrogantly at himself.

Suddenly, Wang Ting's face was as gloomy as water, and without any mention, he lifted the blue long sword in his hand and stabbed at the strong horizontal sword light cut by Cheng Feng.

This Wang Ting is an ancestral dragon master.

Moreover, he is also proficient in a deep sword technique. When he stabbed a sword, the blue long sword in his hand suddenly stirred up a large area of ​​sword flowers.

These sword flowers are not only beautiful, they are more lethal.

As soon as Jianhua appeared, the void was shattered, and sword marks appeared.

噗噗 噗 ~~~

When these sword flowers hit Jian Guang, which was cut by Cheng Feng.

That sword light was actually swallowed up by a blossoming sword flower, and eventually both became invisible!

"Junior, since you like to use Jianguang to attack."

After Wang Ting resolved the attack of Cheng Feng with one sword, he smiled proudly: "Then I will let you see and see what is the real sword light."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Ting suddenly evoked the dragon power.

Boom boom!

Waiting for the power of three ancestors, they rushed out of Wang Ting's body, and then he was poured into the blue sword.

Om ~~~

The blue sword suddenly burst into a blue light with a thickness of more than ten meters.

"Wang Ting is so fierce, he actually sent out a dozen meters thick sword light."

"It is said that Wang Ting is one of the masters of the Luo family and is also a strong player among the Zulong-level warriors."

"Although Cheng Feng is strong, I am not an opponent!"

Seeing Wang Ting stab a sword light that was more than ten meters thick and crushed away towards Cheng Feng, there was a lot of discussion.

"Boy, dare to disrespect Ben Ben."

Not far away, the Wang Yuan bandaged his hand injury while sneering: "After you are taken down by Uncle Ting, see how Ben Shao concocts you!"


at the same time.

In the void, the blue sword light pierced by Wang Ting has gone straight to Cheng Feng.

In the face of this Jianguang, Cheng Feng was not nervous at all.

I saw him push the dragon in his body.

Hum ~~ hum ~~~

The strength of Tianlong, which is 979 meters long and full of eight bars, spewed out of Cheng Feng's body.

Wait until the power of these eight dragons, one by one into the Qiushuijian.

Hum! A horrible sword light nearly 30 meters thick burst out from the Qiushui sword.

"My God, thirty meters thick Jianguang?"

"Such a domineering sword light, only the best among the ancestral warriors can barely make it."

"But Cheng Feng seems to have broken the sixth realm!"

Seeing the horrible Jianguang pierced by Cheng Feng, everyone present was a little dim.

As for Wang Yuan, his mouth was wide and his face was incredible.

His cultivation today is a true dragon-level top, but even if he fires at full power, he can evoke a sword light of up to 20 meters thick.

And Cheng Feng ...

In fact, Cheng Feng was able to evoke a thirty-meter-thick sword light, which was completely normal.

Because his cultivation only broke the sixth realm, but his strength of the dragon is more than ten times stronger than that of others.

With the same length, the volume is several times stronger, and the power naturally rises.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's dragon power is full of eight.

When the two are superimposed, the strength of the dragon power is almost the same as that of the ordinary ancestor class, and it is even slightly stronger.

"Junior, Jian Guang is not thicker and stronger, but also depends on the quality of Longli, your ..."

Wang Ting was also taken aback by seeing Cheng Feng chopping a 30-meter-thick sword light with Qiushui Jian.

However, he felt that he was Zulong, and Cheng Feng broke the sixth level.

The quality of Longli is not in a grade at all.

However, before he said a word, he was trembling with shock in front of the scene.

I saw his blue sword light, which thought he had strengthened one point, and a pair of 30-meter sword lights on Cheng Feng, and the land collapsed in an instant.

The sword light cut by Cheng Feng, after breaking his blue sword light, the power only weakened slightly.

Then cast down and continue to cut to Wang Ting!

"how can that be?"

Seeing this, Wang Ting's face suddenly turned white.

Then he did not dare to be indifferent, and quickly urged all his strength.

Before the thirty-meter-meter Jianguang hit himself, a twenty-seven-eight-meter-thick Jianguang was stabbed.

Bang ~~~

With the two horrible sword lights blasting, the entire sky was torn open a gap of thousands of meters long.

At the same time, a large number of Jianguang swept open and penetrated into the air, which actually made the air sharp.

The wind was blowing on a person's face, as if the blade of a sword had passed, it was hot and painful!

Uh ...

And in this sword light lasing, a blue figure, his body shivered backwards.

Footsteps stepped in the void, making a muffled drum-like noise.

The man retreated thousands of steps before he stopped the retreat.

Everyone looked up and found that this person is truly Wang Ting, the ancestor of the Luo family.

On the other hand, Cheng Feng, who fought against Wang Ting, just flickered slightly, and stood in the air like a big Yue.

How well the two sides have won this battle is obvious!

"It's strong, it's too strong!"

"Cheng Feng even beat Wang Ting, an ancestral dragon master, to repulse him stiffly."

"Before I thought that Cheng Feng could be elected to the top of Tianjiao's list, it was a shady act by Tianming Division."

"Now it seems that he is worthy of the top of the Tianjiao list, with his name attached!"

Beyond Destiny City, everyone who saw this scene was beating heartily.

There was no doubt about Cheng Feng's strength in his heart.

"How can this kid's strength be so strong?"

In the void, even Wang Ting, who retreated thousands of steps, couldn't help turning his blood.

In my heart, a stormy sea was set off: "It seems that this son is not a fame, his strength is completely comparable to the Zulong-level warrior."

"That being the case, then I don't have to keep any more hands, I'll just fire it all!"

"You mustn't let this hurt your young master!"

In a sudden turn of thoughts, Wang Ting urged the strength of five ancestors, intending to really fight Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng had no patience to fight him.

"Zulong masters, nothing more!"

Cheng Feng gave a cold sigh, and immediately put away the high-ranking soldiers Qiushuijian.

Then he lifted his right hand, and when five bent fingers, the index finger and **** bounced.

call out! call out!

Two fingers mixed with a touch of thunder, went straight to Wang Ting!

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