Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 902: Strong and overbearing

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Chapter 902: Strong and Overbearing

Broken Finger!

Cheng Feng's **** were strikingly imperial fingers of imperial martial arts.

However, Cheng Feng's shattered fingers are somewhat different from others.

His shattered finger strength, mixed with the power of Thunder, made the finger strength stronger.

咻咻 ~~

Hit with two fingers.

The void was instantly penetrated, forming two kilometer-long void passages, which reached the heart and eyebrow of Wang Ting.

If these two parts are hit, even Wang Ting, even an ancestral dragon master, must die here!

Kilometers away, that Wang Ting saw this, and quickly withdrew the attack and kill martial arts, and used defense martial arts to resist.

In contrast, Cheng Feng, after showing two broken fingers, did not continue to attack Wang Ting.

Instead, he turned his gaze and looked at Wang Yuan seven or eight miles away.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's gaze, Wang Yuan was frightened.

At this moment, he already knew deeply how outrageous he had been.

With his current strength, let alone beat Cheng Feng, I'm afraid that even Cheng Feng's true strength cannot be forced out.

Without Wang Ting's protection, he is in Cheng Feng's hands and is no different from the lamb to be slaughtered.

Therefore, when he saw Cheng Feng's gaze, he was so angry that he immediately opened his throat and shouted, "I am the first heir to the King of Luo City, if you dare ..."

Wang Yuan's voice was raised high, intending to threaten Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng is most afraid of threats.

Therefore, Wang Yuan's threatening words have just been half said. Cheng Feng has raised his right hand and shook Wang Yuan away.

Om ~~~

With Cheng Feng's actions, Wang Yuan's surroundings suddenly raged.

A wave of heaven and earth vitality quickly condensed, and in the blink of an eye at Wang Yuan's feet, a giant palm condensed.

This giant palm has a radius of thousands of meters, and Wang Yuan is now at the palm of the giant palm.

Bang! I saw Cheng Feng slightly lifted his right hand.

Seven or eight miles away, the giant palm that was thousands of meters away suddenly collapsed.

"Abominable bastard!"

In the giant palm, Wang Yuan saw five huge fingers condensed into his vitality, pressing himself like five mountain peaks.

A sense of fear emanating from the bottom of his heart rose like a raging wave.

Then the power of six true dragons was triggered, and they wanted to escape the grip of the giant palm.

However, the speed with which the giant palm grips is fast.

At the same time, seventy miles away, Cheng Feng's gaze fixed, 凝 ~~~

Two blades, which were sharper than a knife, blocked Wang Yuan's escape and blocked Wang Yuan's retreat all at once.

"Do not!!"

In this case, Wang Yuan watched five huge fingers close together, pinching him in the palm of his hand.

"What a terrible martial art, catching a real dragon-level top master is as easy as catching a chicken!"

"That seems to be the hand of God, but the signature martial arts of the blood gods torture law."

"It's just the punishment. It was only recently killed by Cheng Feng's master knife."

"Cheng Feng's hand of God, I'm afraid it's the hand of punishment!"

Everyone is right.

Cheng Feng just caught Wang Yuan's huge palm, which is the hand of God.

In this God's hand, Cheng Feng only practiced a layer of fur, but when it was displayed, it was also very powerful.

The Wang Yuan was caught in the center of the giant palm.

"Uncle Ting, save me, save me!"

Unbearable, Wang Yuan made a heartbreaking cry for help.

Ten miles away, that Wang Ting just resolved the two broken fingers shot by Cheng Feng.

When he heard Wang Yuan's cry for help, his face suddenly changed, and the strength of the ancestors urged him to rush to rescue him.

"Wang Ting, if you want Wang Yuan to die immediately, you are welcome to rescue him!"

But at this moment, Cheng Feng's voice sounded leisurely.

"Junior, what do you mean?" Wang Ting paused.

"The meaning is simple."

Cheng Feng said: "If you go to save Wang Yuan, my mood will be very bad. Once my mood is bad, my hand strength may suddenly increase."

"At that time, if you accidentally killed Wang Yuan, don't blame me!"

"Little beast, you're looking for death!"

Hearing this, Wang Ting's face was gloomy and watery: "If my master is hurt, even if you go to heaven, you will not escape."

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng sneered: "Not long ago, I was hunted down by six or seven evil fighters who ascended to heaven, and it was unscathed eventually."

"With your royal court, or with your royal family in Luocheng, could you really kill my Cheng Feng?"


Suddenly, Wang Ting was asked, his face flushed red, and he was speechless.

"Okay, I've made it quite clear, how you choose is up to you."

Cheng Feng glanced at Wang Ting and said coldly, "As for now, I want Wang Yuan to kneel down and apologize to my brother Tailong."

When the words came to an end, Cheng Feng threw his right hand.

Seven or eight miles away, the giant palm holding Wang Yuan's hand also flung it.

咻 ~~~

The giant palm opens, and a figure is thrown from the giant palm.

When it flew for several kilometers, Fang only slammed and hit the top of a hill.

Amazingly the King of Luo City!


Seeing this, Wang Ting shouted loudly, his face was shaking.

Wang Yuan was in the Luo family's royal family, and that was the baby puppet. Even the slight abrasions caused the whole royal family to move.

Now Cheng Feng is treated this way ...

"Uncle Ting, kill me the little beast Cheng Feng, I want him to die, I must kill him!"

Lying horizontally on the top of the hill, Wang Yuan was embarrassed.

At the same time, it made him hate Cheng Feng. As soon as he got out of the grip of the giant palm, he shouted and shouted at Wang Ting, asking Wang Ting to kill Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, at this time, Wang Ting didn't say that Cheng Feng had been killed. He didn't even dare to move.

Therefore, Wang Yuan's roar received no response.

"Uncle Ting, Uncle Ting!"

Without a response, Wang Yuan became more angry and shouted sharply.

"Don't shout, even if Wang Ting is standing in front of you at this time, it won't be possible to save you."

As Wang Yuan shouted, Cheng Feng's voice came leisurely.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng, dressed in black, appeared in Wang Yuan's vision.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Wang Yuan's practice was that he was directly killed when he was thrown out by a giant palm.

At this moment, he is no different from ordinary people except that his vitality is relatively tyrannical.

When he saw Cheng Feng appear, his face was astonished.

"What I want you to do is very simple."

Cheng Feng came to Wang Yuan ten meters and smiled. "Knelt down and apologize to my brother Tailong!"

"Kneel down and apologize?"

Hearing these two words, Wang Yuan's voice became sharp immediately, shaking his head again and again: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

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