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Chapter 953 Spike

That white lightning was fast.

In a blink of an eye, they reached the battlefield from hundreds of miles away.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that it was not white lightning at all, but a train.

A dragon that is several kilometers long and snow-white.

With the advent of this dragon, rustling ~~~

The dark clouds scattered in the sky quickly condensed, and the next moment, it was snow with goose feathers!

"Old man, are you okay?"

After arriving at the several thousand-meter-long snow owl, it hovered in the void like a mountain, facing Wei Mingxuan far away.

"I can hold it."

The head of the Pailong clan, Kui Changsong, took a sigh of relief and slowly retreated to the side of Xueya.

Then he looked at Wei Mingxuan: "Humans, I don't think we need to fight anymore. With your brother-in-law to help, you will never take Master Aotian."

"Oh, is it?"

However, Wei Mingxuan disagreed: "I want to try it!"

As the words stopped, Wei Mingxuan was full of blood and turned into a cloud of blood, covering the snow owl and the queen who just arrived.

At the same time, he faced the place where the five-claw Tianlong was imprisoned, and commanded: "Mr. Pei, you should immediately take that dragon and return to the headquarters of Tangkou."

"As for the others, all are left to block the dragons and give time to Chief Pei."

Wei Mingxuan whispered coldly: "If anyone dares to escape without permission, he will be sent to the Temple of Torture afterwards to let him taste the torture of Temple of Torture!"

Boom boom ~~~

Before Wei Mingxuan shouted, he should have spoken to Director Pei.

Therefore, Wei Mingxuan's words did not fall, and Governor Pei suddenly shot, showing a few forceful broken fingers, which would shake off the several dragons that besieged him.

Then Chief Pei grabbed it in the air, grabbed the divine power trapped in the five-claw Tianlong, and flew away instantly.

"This guy has a plan."

Seeing Chief Pei who was soaring into the sky, Cheng Feng frowned.

Originally, before Director Fei flew away, he could completely intercept it.

But he groaned a little, but eventually gave up the interception.

For one, intercepting Mr. Pei at this time will definitely alarm Wei Mingxuan and expose himself.

Secondly, when Chief Pei fled and flew out, there were already three dragons with a length of five kilometers, and they chased quickly.

These three dragons are completely comparable to the top dragons of Zulong.

And the general manager Pei's repairs seem to be only the top class.

In the case of the repair, one of the three pursuits should not overturn the boat in the ditch.

Moreover, Cheng Feng intends to chase up later and make up for Mr. Pei.

Mr. Pei can definitely stay in Shilipo forever!


"Kill these **** humans!"

After the Five-Pronged Dragon was captured by Chief Pei, the dragon at the scene was furious and immediately launched a crazy attack on the evil warriors.

"Kill, get time for Chief Pei!"

As for the evil faction warriors, they were defended by a few masters wearing blood-red capes.

However, the number of evil warriors could not be more than that of the Nine Dragons.

At the same time, Wei Mingxuan's intention was obviously to lose the car and protect the commander, and to abandon them to protect the general manager Pei.

With the passing of time, the defense line formed by the evil warriors was quickly broken.

Immediately, each evil warrior was divided and surrounded by several dragons, launching deadly attacks.

At this time, the importance of personal force became apparent.

Among the more than 30 evil faction warriors, several Xiu masters reached the level of ancestral dragons, smashing the siege of Chen Long, and fled in the direction of the escape of Director Pei.

As for the remaining evil warriors, there are no doubt that they are in danger of escape.

However, this does not include Cheng Feng.

At the moment when the defense line of the evil faction was broken, Cheng Feng fled to the periphery of the battlefield under the ‘hunting and killing’ of a mysterious seven-pin dragon.

Soon, he fled the battlefield.

This black dragon with seven grades is really the dragon that had cooperated with Cheng Feng before.

Its pursuit is of course pretending to cover Cheng Feng.

"Just here, go and kill other evil warriors."

After leaving the enveloping area of ​​Wei Mingxuan, Cheng Feng said to the dragon: "I will go after the master of the evil faction who captured Tianlong and rescue the captured dragon!"

"I give you a ray of my dragon."

Chen Long said: "In this way, when you meet my master of the Dragon family, you will know that you are your own person."

After speaking, Chen Long spit out a black aperture and set it on Cheng Feng's body.

After doing this, Chen Long turned and left.

As for Cheng Feng, the direction in which Chief Pei escaped was slightly sensed.

Immediately cast the fifth layer of the shadow method, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared.

The next moment, Cheng Feng appeared, but people were already a hundred miles away.

Instantly across a hundred miles, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and found that about seven or eighty miles away, there was an ancestor-class warrior fighting against a dragon of three kilometers in length.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed.

Without saying a word, the fifth layer of the shadow method is once again exhibited-the shape of a hundred miles!

But this time, Cheng Feng controlled the distance and did not transmit a hundred miles at a time.

But it was extremely precise, teleported to the side of the Zulong-level evil warrior.

"Someone attacked ..."

The evil warrior is fighting a three-kilometer dragon.

Suddenly, he sensed a wave of space.

Immediately afterwards, a crisis that was too thick to come was rushing forward.

At that moment, he was about to defend defensively, but it was too late.

laugh! I only heard a crisp sound of the blade cutting into the flesh, which sounded from my body.

Immediately, a painful and painful heartache burst into my mind.

The ancestral warrior of the Zulong class stayed down, looking down at the direction of the pain.

Immediately, he found that a long dark knife submerged directly from his right rib.

And with that dark knife pulled out, his body was suddenly broken in half!

"you are……"

A few kilometers away, the three-kilometer-long dragon was about to attack and kill the ancestral warrior.

Unexpectedly, the evil warrior was suddenly cut in half by a savage human youth.

This stunned the dragon, and stirred up a raging sea in his heart.

How could this young man be killed with a slash of an ancestor?

"I'm the one to help you!"

Cheng Feng didn't care about Panlong's shock.

He merely pointed to the black aperture on his body, and immediately turned around, chasing after another wave of ancestral warriors.

There are four Zulong-level evil warriors who fled from the battlefield.

Cheng Feng has just killed one, and three remain.

Nowadays, Cheng Feng has been separated from Wei Mingxuan's soul, so he no longer has to worry about identity exposure.

Casting shadows to carry out assaults, ordinary ancestral warriors are simply dregs!

The other three Zulong-level evil faction warriors, unless using Cheng Feng's teleportation, fled back to Yumiantang.

Otherwise, there must be no doubt!

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