Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 954: Slash three

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Chapter 954 Consecutive Three

"The other three Zulong-level evil warriors are all dozens of miles away."

After killing the first Zulong-level warrior in seconds, Cheng Feng did not take a few steps to discover the traces of three other evil-armed warriors.

I saw the three ancestral warriors of the ancestor class, who were 80 meters away in front of them, besieging two three-kilometer dragons.

The dragon body is three kilometers long, and its combat power is equivalent to the first level of Zulong.

The three evil martial arts warriors are two ancestral ancestors and one ancestor middle class.

This made the two dragons, three kilometers in length, very unhappy.

I'm afraid it won't be long before they will be killed on the spot by the three Zulong-level fighters.

"The three evil warriors, the man in the red cloak is the strongest and the most threatening."

Cheng Feng looked at the three evil warriors.

The three were found, two wearing jade robes, and the third wearing a blood-red cloak.

Among them, the middle-aged man in a blood-red cloak was the only one among the three who was an ancestor-level mid-level master.

"That being the case, let's get rid of you first!"

Cold eyes glanced at the middle-aged man in a blood-red cloak, and Cheng Feng cast the fifth floor of the Shadow Method for the third time.

Huh! The whole person disappeared in a trance.


Eighty miles away.

The three ancestors of the Zulong class were attacking and killing two dragons with a length of three kilometers.

"Animal, dare to chase me Xiongfei!"

The middle-aged man in a blood-red cloak, carrying a long knife, the blade's blood flashed: "This time you beheaded and killed, you can just make a soup to supplement your body."

"It is rumored that Chen Long is the best supplement. Maybe he can take this opportunity to make Xiu Wei better ..."

However, the voice of the middle-aged man in the blood-red cloak did not fall, and his face suddenly changed.

Then he did not dare to neglect, and slammed his hand holding the **** red sword, and the blade cut to his back.

Almost inconsistently, a dark, black knife suddenly emerged from the void and pierced his back vesthole.

As a result, the two knives slammed together in front of Xiongfei's back half a foot.

Huh! As the two swords collided, a crisp metal clash sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the **** red knife in Xiongfei's hand was broken into two pieces.

As for the long black knife, it was just like a black diamond forged and cast. The black knife body only flashed a black light without any damage.

The next moment, he suddenly fell into the back of Xiong Fei, and then shattered the whole heart of Xiong Fei!

"How could ... be so sharp?"

The ancestral warrior's life was very hard. After the heart was broken, Xiong Fei was not dead, and his mouth murmured: "My knife ... but a middle-level fighter ..."

Xiongfei couldn't believe it. His own long-level sword was cut off easily by the opponent.

Could it be that the black sword is a high-level Taoist, or even a top Taoist?

However, the owner of the long black knife did not answer his question.

I saw the owner of the black sword yanked out the black knife pierced into the body of Xiong Fei, and then quickly cut it across Xiong Fei's neck.

The next moment, Xiong Fei was in a reluctant face, and his head fell off his neck!


With Xiongfei being killed instantly, the scene was deadly silent.

The two dragons, three kilometers long, stared at the boss with surprise.

They originally thought they were about to escape.

Never thought, but jumped out of a powerful young human being out of thin air, two swords to resolve his crisis.

As for the two evil warriors wearing jade robes, they were horrified and trembling.

"You ... who are you?"

It took a while for one of the evil martial arts fighters to ask in horror.

"I am, the one who killed you!"

When asked about the evil martial arts master, the owner of the Black Sword was very simple, raised the Black Sword, and slammed one of them.

The master of the black sword is obviously Cheng Feng.

Just a moment ago, Cheng Feng cast a shadow-shaped method and sent it to the side of Xiongfei, the middle-aged man in the red cape.

And that Xiongfei, after all, is a Zulong-level intermediate master, and the induction is very sensitive.

At the moment Cheng Feng broke away from the void, Xiong Fei noticed it and proceeded to defend it.

Unfortunately, his strength is far worse than Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng only slightly cast the magic sword to kill the waves, and immediately cut off the blood-red sword in his hand, stabbing his heart.

Then he made another knife and chopped off Xiong Fei's head.


Seeing Cheng Feng kill with a stab, the two ancestral warriors of the Zulong class did not say anything and immediately turned and fled.

Seeing Cheng Feng's two-knife killing of Xiong Fei, the two knew that they could never be Cheng Feng's opponent.

At this point, if you left to fight with Cheng Feng, and there was only one result, it was death!

But, would the cooked duck let Cheng Feng fly away?

I saw Cheng Feng step out, and the Devil Sword in his hand spewed a stalk of hundreds of meters long.

Boom ~~~

An evil warrior who fled when the black swordman slammed and slammed it directly.

As for the other person, after seeing this scene, there was a despair in his heart.

Immediately, he was ruthless in his heart, with the intention of detonating Qi Hai and ending up with Cheng Feng.

An ancestral warrior, once his sea of ​​gas detonates, it can be called a disaster.

Even the top master of Zulong, I am afraid that he will be killed alive.

Cheng Feng watched in all directions and realized the look on the man's face, he immediately evoked the power of the soul and exerted his soul technique to slay his soul.

Hum! As the Soul of the Soul struck, the head of the Zulong-level evil warrior suddenly sank.

And Cheng Feng seized the opportunity and hurried to the person's side.

Wait until the Devil Sword in the hand is thrown, 嗤 ~~~

A black light flashed over the man's neck.

The next moment, the person's neck spurted blood and his head rolled to the ground.

In this case, the entire three Zulong-level evil warriors died in the hands of Cheng Feng!

"This this……"

I saw Cheng Feng killing three ancestral warriors in three divisions, five divisions and two divisions.

The two dragons, three kilometers long, were completely choked.

They looked at the hand-held slayer, standing in the void of Cheng Feng, unable to speak a complete sentence.

At the same time, 30,000 miles away, Destiny Division headquarters.

"Uncle Jing, Cheng Feng's name appeared!"

Wang Ming shouted at a huge light wall in front of him.

This light wall is ten meters wide and tens of meters high.

Above the light wall, there are red stripes of varying lengths.

Below the red stripes, there are corresponding names.

Among them, Cheng Feng's name is in the 93rd column, and the blood red stripes are only half a foot.

As for the blood-red stripes in the first place, it is already several meters high, and the corresponding name is --- Su Lin!

Obviously, this is a bar chart, which counts the number of all warriors under the age of 30 who killed the ancestors of the Zulong class.

Only by killing a Zulong-level evil warrior can he qualify.

The number of ancestral warriors killed by Zulong is represented by the length of the blood red stripes.

Cheng Feng just killed an ancestral warrior, so he appeared in the bar chart and ranked last.

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